refrain from killing or harming, refrain from stealing, refrain from wrongful sexual activity, refrain from lying, refrain from taking drugs and alcohol that clouds the mind
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Buddhist priest
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an enlightened person who postpones their Buddhahood to help others
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fundamental nature in all beings - means all beings have the potential to become enlightened (mahayana buddhists)
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dependent origination
the teaching that everything in existence has a cause
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universal law - ultimate truth - teachings of the buddha
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eightfold path
the middle way - right concentration, right mindfulness, right effort, right livelihood, right action, right speech, right intention, right view
heaven, realm of humans, realm of angry gods, realm of hungry gods, animal realm, hell realm
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thirst, craving, desire
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Part of the nature of all beings is that they have the potential inside of them to become enlightened (Mahayana Buddhists
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three jewels/refuges
the buddha,, the dhamma, the sangha
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three posions
hatred, greed, ignorance
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3 wholesome factors
wisdom, generosity, loving kindness
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uposatha day
Time to renew and an opportunity to purify one’s life. Involves intense reflection and meditation for monastic people and lay people will observe 8 precepts and step up their efforts
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why is uposatha day important
a time to focus on meditation and reflection. happens very often - every fortnight
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Bhikkus use this time to re-energize their commitment to the dhamma, lay people use it to advance their spiritual progress. It is a 3-month retreat - where monks stay in the temple. This time is spent meditating and reflecting. at the end there is a day when bhikkus reflect on what they could have done better
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why is vassa important
This was originally when the Buddha’s first teaching was given. It is used as a time to see what to do better and a time to advance spiritual progress
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This day is to commemorate the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha. The lay sangha makes donations, bhikku, and lays will spend the day together in the temple taking lectures on scriptures etc. lanterns will be lit and carried through the streets
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why is wesak important
Commemorates the whole of the Buddha’s life. Brings together Buddhists.
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paranirvana day
Marks the death of the Buddha - 15th February. It is a traditional day for pilgrimage.
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Significance of paranirvana day
Reinforces the idea of annica. opportunity to reflect on death
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aims of meditation
to develop a still, calm, and focused mind. To develop a greater awareness and understanding of the Buddha
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samatha meditation
this is calming meditation. Buddhists will focus their attention on 1 object and then focus on their breath. develops right concentration
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vipassana meditation
focusing on sensations in the body and thoughts and feelings. cultivates right action + speech + mindfulness + understanding.
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Imagine an object or look at an object, then take away the object. Now try to remember that object in as much detail as possible. this is to develop compassion
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metta meditation
used to develop ‘loving kindness’. this is where you cultivate loving kindness for yourself then to friends family and strangers. this is used to develop right action + speech
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zazen meditation
Sit in a quiet room, attain a state of relaxed attention, then you are given a koan - which is a question that cannot be understood using conventional thinking. This is used to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of existence
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Just saying one note, involves humming deeply. The most common is saying ‘Om mani padme hum’ represents the sound of compassion. this helps to remember key teachings - as sometimes you will chant teachings of the Buddha such as the three refugees or the 5 moral precepts. it gives a sense of community
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a building allowing many people to come together to learn, meditate, celebrate and offer devotions. A temple will contain a **shrine** and space for community activities.
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a monastery for monks or nuns who have devoted themselves to the Buddhist path. Members of the wider community earn positive **karma** from supporting the vihara. The vihara in return supports the community in their spiritual growth.
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the site of a statue or image of the **Buddha**, either within a temple or vihara, or alone. Offerings (such as flowers, food and incense) are often made to the statue or image to show gratitude and respect.
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a structure in the shape of a burial mound built to house relics of the Buddha or other important Buddhist teachers. People walk around them while chanting to aid concentration.
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this Tibetan institution combines a shrine, a vihara and a meditation hall. Some contain facilities for study and learning.