The short-term memories are replaced by more recent memories.
Distal Stimulus
An external object or event that is being perceived (smells, sounds, objects).
Rehearsal Loop
Short-term memory repeated and moved to long-term memory.
Primacy Effect
You remember what you experience first.
Recency Effect
You remember what you experience most recently.
Level of Processing
The depth of processing affects how well information is remembered; deeper processing typically leads to better retention.
Ischemic Stroke
A stroke caused by a blood clot blocking blood flow to the brain.
Case Study
A study surrounding a single person, uses method triangulation, always longitudinal.
Miller's Contribution
People can store 7±2 memories in their short-term memory.
Milner's Study
Conducted the longitudinal study of HM, which advanced understanding of amnesia.
Lashley's Theory of Equipotentiality
Memory is not stored in a specific location; it is distributed across the brain.
Glanzer and Cunitz's Study
Identified the primacy and recency effects in memory recall.
Semantic Memory
Type of memory associated with facts and concepts, primarily located in the hippocampus.
Procedural Memory
Type of memory associated with skills and actions, primarily located in the cerebellum.
Emotional Memories
Memories tied to emotions, primarily processed in the amygdala.
Episodic (Autobiographical) Memory
Type of memory related to personal experiences, primarily located in the hippocampus.
Automatic behaviors or skills, primarily linked to the basal ganglia.
Strength of Multi Store Model
Clearly differentiates between short-term and long-term memory.
Biological Evidence for MSM
The case of HM provides biological support for the Multi Store Model.
Limitation of MSM
Oversimplifies memory processing without accounting for complexities.
The phenomenon where rehearsal does not ensure accurate recall.
Memory Distortion and Emotion
The MSM does not explain how emotions or memory distortions influence recall.
Combining Memories
The MSM does not consider how two memories can merge into one.
where is semantic memory
where is episodic memory
procedural memory location
emotional memory location
location of habits
basal ganglia