Criminal Law Vocabulary

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Summary offense

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16 Terms


Summary offense

less serious offense that are often enforced through fines or community service (ex. speeding ticket)

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Indictable offense

offense that usually goes to court, often enforced through jail time (ex. murder or sexual assault)

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Hybrid offense

could be dealt with as a summary or indictable offense, the Crown will decide which

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Mens Rea

the formed intent of performing the crime

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Actus Reas

the act of performing the crime

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Criminal law

offenses against society gets criminal law involved

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Intent: knowledge

knowing what you are doing is wrong

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Intent: attempt

tried to perform the crime

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Intent: conspiracy

planning the crime with more than two people

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to encourage someone to commit a crime

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Due diligence

putting effort in so that something bad won’t happen, ex. knowing the speed limit

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Accessory after the fact

helping after once the crime is committed, ex. helping getting rid of a weapon

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Strict liability offense

defense can argue due diligence

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absolute liability offense

have no possible defense, only through fines

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intent: recklessness

carelessness or disregard to your actions

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intent: motive

by itself doesn’t prove guilt, it is the reasoning of commiting the crime

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