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esta extraña tradición...
this strange tradition...
Se queman figuras de madera
Wooden figures are built
Las calles se llenan de...
The streets are filled with...
Atrevido/s (s)
precioso/s (s)
La fiesta de...
The festival of...
Esta tradición antigua...
This old tradition...
A finales de...
At the end of...
Se construyen hogueras
Bonfires are built
se lanzan huevos y harina
Eggs and flour are thrown
Los niños / los jóvenes / los familiares / las familias / la seres queridos
Children / young people / relations / families / loved ones
Preparan linternas / altares
Prepare lanterns / alters
Comen manzanas de caramelo
Eat toffee apples
Decoran las casas/las tumbas con flores / velas / calaveras
Decorate houses/graves with flowers / candles / skulls
Un festival de música
A music festival
Me fascina...
...fascinates me
I admire
No aguanto / soporto...
I can't stand...
Su comportamiento
his/her behaviour
Su música / voz
His/her music / voice
Su canciones / coreografías
His/her songs / choreography
Imaginativo/s (s)
triste (s)
cantamos y bailamos
we sang and danced
crema solar
sun cream
tu pasaporte / DNI
your passport / national ID card
un sombrero / una gorra
a hat / cap
Me rutina diaria
My daily routine
Me despierto
I wake up
Me lavanto
I get up
Me pieno
I brush my hair
Me afeito
I have a shave
Me visto
I get dressed
Me lavo los dientes
I clean my teeth
Me acuesto
I go to bed
Salgo de casa
I leave home
Vuelo a casa
I return home
Temprano / tarde
early / late
Straight away
Odio levantarme
I hate getting up
con más de 200 años de historia
with more than 200 years of history
Se caracteriza por...
Is characterised by...
Se celebra en...
Is celebrated in...
Se repite...
is repeated...
Es una festividad religiosa
Is a religious festival
En honor de...
In honour of...
Se disparan fuegos artificiales
Fireworks are set off
familiares / familias
Relations / families
Se disfrazan de brujas / fantasmas
Dress up as witches / ghosts
Van desfiles
(They) watch processions
La mejor parte del festival es...
The best part of the festival is...
The food / the music / the shows / the people / the atmosphere
La comida / música / los espectáculos / la personas / el atmósfera
El feria
The fair
Noche de hoguera / la Noche de Guy Fawkes
Bonfire Night
Las Hogueras de San Juan
Similar to Bonfire Night. Large wooden and papier maché figures are displayed and then burnt down.
Las Fallas
A festival that takes place in Valencia, every year from March 15-19, ending on the feast day of St. Joseph. There are firework displays, live music, and traditional costumes
La Tomatina
A festival in which people throw tomatoes at each other in the streets
Els Enfarinats
A festival in which there is a fight by throwing eggs and flour. Takes place on the 28th of December.
San Fermín
Takes place in Pamplona. The running of the bulls is part of this festival.
los Sanfermines
The running of the bulls. takes place in Pamplona, on July 6-14.
Día de los Muertos
The Day of the Dead (All Souls' Day). A Mexican festival.
los Castellers de Vilafranca
A group who build towers out of people. Founded in 1948.
Se construyen torres humanas muy alta
Very tall human towers are built
¿Cuál es tu cantante favorito / tu banda favorito? Y por qué?
Who is your favourite singer / your favourite band? and why?
Su actitud / talento
His/her attitude / talent
Su determinación / estilo
His/her determination / style
Su forma de vestir
His/her way of dressing
no es
is not
Sus ideas / letras
His/her ideas / lyrics
no son
are not
repetitivo/a (s)
original (es)
me/te hace(n) falta...
I/you need...
montar una tienda
to put up a tent
una entrada
a ticket
el precio de las entradas más baratas
the price of the cheapest tickets
la edad mínima
the minimum age
abrimos los regalos
we open presents
buscamos huevos de chocolate
we look for chocolate eggs
cantamos villancicos
we sing Christmas carols
cenamos bacalao
we have cod for dinner
comemos dulces navideńos / doce uvas / pavo
we eat Christmas sweets / turkey
comemos doce uvas, una por cada campanada, para tener buena suerte en el nuevo año
we eat twelve grapes, one for every stroke of the bell, to have good luck in the new year
nos acostamos muy tarde
we go to bed very late
nos levantamos muy temprano
we get up very early
vamos a la mezquita / iglesia
we go to the mosque/ church
we pray
ayer fue...
yesterday was...
(la) Nochebuena
Christmas Eve
el Día de Navidad
Christmas Day
(el) Domingo de Pascua
Easter Sunday
el Semana Santa
Easter week / Holy Week
el baile de fin de curso
the school prom
(la) Nochevieja
New Year's Eve
el Nuevo Año
the New Year
tener suerte
to be lucky
¿Qué la pasa?
What's the matter?