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An evaluation of the newborn's condition that is done immediately after delivery and again at five minutes. Determines if emergency care is needed.
The _____ ______ rates:
Respiration, crying
Reflexes, irritability
Pulse; heart rate
Skin color of body and extremities
Muscle tone
Umbilical Cord
Clamping the _____ _____ at birth eliminates the placenta as a reservoir for blood. Starts onset of respirations.
Form of heat loss for newborn that occurs when baby with moisture on skin (bathing, vomit, wet diaper), is exposed to room air.
Form of heat loss for newborn that occurs when baby comes into contact with a cold object.
Form of heat loss that occurs when newborn is exposed to air colder than body temperature.
Form of heat loss that occurs when newborn is near cold objects.
Brown Fat
tissue designed for newborn heat
production. Highly vascular fat located
primarily at the back of the neck, axillae,
around the kidneys, adrenals & sternum,
between the scapula and along the abd
Heat loss
Characteristics that predispose newborns to ____ ____ include: thin skin, blood vessels near the
surface, ↓insulating s/c fat, heat readily
transferred from internal organs to skin,
surface area › body mass
Newborns can lose up to __% of their birth weight by 3-4 days.
Birth weight
Losses to ____ ______ in newborns are secondary to the loss of meconium, extracellular fluid, and limited food intake.
Newborn weight loss is usually regained by day __.
2500 grams
Low birth weight is defined as a birth weight of less than _____ grams.
1500 grams
Very low birth weight is defined as less than ____ grams.
Extremely low birth weight is defined as less than ____ grams.
natural shaping of a newborn’s head during delivery
Stork Bite
common birthmark seen in newborns. It appears as a pink or red patch, often found on the back of the neck, eyelids, or forehead
tiny white or yellowish bumps that appear on a newborn's nose, chin, or cheeks. Caused by trapped keratin under the skin.
Mongolian Spot
flat, blue-gray birthmark often found on the lower back or buttocks of newborns. More common in babies with darker skin tones. Caused by a concentration of melanocytes
Erythema Toxicum
benign skin condition in newborns characterized by red patches with small, yellow-white pimples.
Port-Wine Stain
type of vascular birthmark that appears as a flat, red or purple mark on the skin, often resembling the color of red wine. It results from abnormal development of blood vessels and can occur anywhere on the body.
Strawberry Hematoma
common type of benign vascular tumor that appears as a raised, red mark on a newborn's skin. Grow rapidly for several months and then gradually shrink and fade over time, often resolving by the age of 5 to 10 years.
bluish discoloration of the hands and feet, typically due to poor circulation and exposure to cold. It occurs shortly after birth and is usually benign, often resolving as the baby warms up and circulation improves.
collection of blood between a newborn's skull and the periosteum that occurs during delivery.
Umbilical Cord
The ______ ______ has three vessels: 2 arteries and 1 vein.
Ortolani test
The ______ ______ is a physical examination method used to detect developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in newborns. During the test, the healthcare provider gently abducts the infant's hips while applying anterior pressure on the greater trochanter. A positive Ortolani sign is felt as a "clunk" or "click," indicating the femoral head moving into the acetabulum, which suggests a dislocated or unstable hip that is reducible.
Spina Bifida
birth defect where the spine and spinal cord don't form properly, causing an incomplete closure of the neural tube. It can lead to physical and neurological complications, varying from mild to severe, depending on the type.
During the first 2 days of life, a newborn will ingest __-__ ml/kg of food.
After the first 2 days of life, a newborn will ingest ___-___ ml/kg of food.
Vitamin K
______ ____ is a fat-soluble vitamin that is needed for the modification of certain proteins. Since newborns don’t produce vitamin K until 5-8 days after birth, it is routinely given as an injection.
Eye Prophylaxis
Antibiotics are routinely given to newborns to prevent eye infections as a result of birth.
Diamond; 2-4
The anterior fontanelle has a _____ shape and should measure _-_ cm on a newborn.
Triangle; 0.5-1
The posterior fontanelle has a ____ shape and should measure _-_ cm on a newborn.
Red Reflex Test
eye examination used in newborns to detect abnormalities in the eyes, such as cataracts or retinoblastoma. A normal test shows a red or orange reflection from the retina. An absent or abnormal reflex may indicate a serious eye condition.