tidal volume (TV)
the amount of air inspired or expired during normal, quiet respiration
inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
the amount of air which can be forcefully inspired above and beyond that taken in during a normal inspiration
expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
the maximal amount of air which can be forcefully expired following a normal expiration
residual volume (RV)
the amount of air which remains trapped in the lungs after a maximal expiratory effort
total lung capacity (TLC)
the total amount of air the lungs can contain; the sum of all four volumes
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
= total lung capacity
vital capacity (VC)
the maximal amount of air that can forcefully expired after a maximum inspiration
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume
= vital capacity
functional residual capacity (FRC)
the amount of air remaining in the lungs after a normal expiration
residual volume + expiratory reserve volume
= functional residual capacity
inspiratory capacity (IC)
the maximal amount of air which can be inspired after a normal expiration
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume
= inspiratory capacity
a pulmonary function test that can distinguish between restrictive diseases and obstructive pulmonary diseases
restrictive diseases
affect the lungs' capacity to expand
obstructive pulmonary diseases
cause the lungs to hyper inflate due to an increase in airway restriction
an instrument used to measure respiratory volumes
respiratory minute volume (L/min)
total amount of gas that flows into or out of the respiratory tract in 1 minute
respiratory minute volume (L/min) calculation
tidal volume (mL) x respiratory rate (breaths/min)
graphical calculating device, used in clinical settings to predict the probability of an event based on known relationships to best prescribe treatment and care
can be used to determine the predicted vital capacity
Heymer Test of Respiratory Reserve
better index of respiratory reserve than traditional vital capacity measurement
principal value of pulmonary measurements lie in following volume changes caused either by disease or recovery from a disease
decreased vital capacity
individuals who have left-sided heart disease or paralytic polio are found to have _________
left-sided heart disease
left ventricle is inefficient at pumping blood → blood builds up in pulmonary veins and causes pulmonary edema → build up of fluid in lungs → reduces amount of oxygen moving through lungs → shortness of breath
virus that infects an individual's spinal cord and causes paralysis
breathing hold time
gives an indication of an individual's functional respiratory reserve and efficiency of respiratory system
more efficient
the longer an individual's breath-holding time, the _________ their respiratory system is at maintaining their blood's pH
50-70 seconds
normal values for the Heymer Test of Respiratory Reserve (men)
50-60 seconds
normal values for the Heymer Test of Respiratory Reserve (women)
receptors, reflexes, and feedback processes
the concentration of O2 and CO2 in the lungs and blood is finely regulated by a variety of __________ which serve to control our respiration patterns
dry gas meter
measures the volume of gas that passes through it and keeps a cumulative total
can measure tidal volume
tidal volume calculation
divide the total air exhaled by the number of breaths made over the collection period
metabolic rate (ml O2 consumed/min)
determined by calculating the difference between the percentage of O2 in inhaled air and the percentage of O2 in exhaled air then multiplying the difference to the volume of air breathed during a measured time span
[(% of O2 in inhaled air) - (% of O2 in exhaled air)] x volume of air breathed
% of O2 in inhaled air during rest/exercise
% of O2 in exhaled air during rest
% of O2 in exhaled air during exercise
rate of oxygen consumption
equal to ventilation and perfusion
the rate at which you obtain oxygen from the environment across the respiratory exchange surface of the lungs
the rate at which oxygen is extracted from the blood going through the capillaries of the metabolizing cells
ventilation-perfusion coupling
exchange between ventilation and perfusion
increasing their respiratory rate and volume
an individual can increase ventilation by ________
increasing their heart rate
an individual can be increase perfusion by ________
ventilation and perfusion calculation
flow (ml/min) of medium (air or blood) x the amount of O2 that is extracted per ml of medium that passes the exchange surface
minute volume
in the respiratory system, the flow of air is called _______
cardiac output
in the circulatory system, the flow of blood is ________
concentrations of oxygen in the inspired air and expired air
in the respiratory system, the differences between the amounts of oxygen per ml of medium entering and leaving the exchange surfaces between _____ = amount of oxygen extracted per ml of medium
concentrations of oxygen in the systemic arterial blood and systemic venous blood
in the circulatory system, the differences between the amounts of oxygen per ml of medium entering and leaving the exchange surfaces between _____ = amount of oxygen extracted per ml of medium
(minute volume)(concentration of O2 in inspired air - concentration of O2 in expired air)
= rate of oxygen consumption in respiratory system
(cardiac output)(concentration of O2 in systemic arterial blood - concentration of O2 in systemic venous blood)
= rate of oxygen consumption in circulatory system
100%, 60%
in most resting people, arterial blood is _____ saturated with oxygen, but mixed venous blood is usually only _____ saturated
1.34 ml of O2
each gram of hemoglobin can bind with ________
concentration of O2 in arterial blood at rest calculation (ml O2)
= average hemoglobin concentration (g Hb/100mL blood) x 1.34 ml of O2/g Hb
concentration of O2 in mixed venous blood at rest calculation (ml O2)
= 0.6(concentration of oxygen in arterial blood)
resting cardiac output calculation
= rate of oxygen consumption/(concentration of O2 in arterial blood - concentration of O2 in venous blood)
cardiac output during exercise calculation
= stroke volume x heart rate
resting stroke volume (ml blood/beat)
cardiac output/heart rate
during exercises, the oxygen content of venous blood _____; the amount is dependent on magnitude of the exercise
amount of oxygen content that falls during exercise (calculation)
resting pulse pressure/exercising pulse pressure
resting stroke volume/exercising stroke volume
increase, elevated
increasing stroke volume will _____ heart rate and result in an ______ cardiac output
oxygen content of venous blood during exercise calculation
= concentration of O2 in arterial blood - (rate of oxygen consumption/cardiac output)
medulla and pons
the increase or decrease in rhythm and rate of respiration is controlled by neural centers located in the ___________
pH levels
any changes that affect concentration of O2 or CO2 in the blood will affect the blood's _______
decrease in blood's pH
when CO2 levels in the blood increase, there is an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions causing a _________
increase in blood's pH
when CO2 levels in blood decreases, there is a decrease in concentration of hydrogen ions causing an ________
carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system
acidic blood → until the body can stabilize pH by combining the hydrogen ions with bicarbonate ions
alkaline blood → until more CO2 enters the blood cells to form carbonic acid
blood's pH to increase
a reduction in CO2 levels due to rapid, deep breathing leads to a decrease in carbonic acid levels causing the __________
rapid, deep breathing
increased rate/depth of respiration
slow, shallow breathing
decreased rate/depth of respiration
decreasing the blood's pH
an accumulation of CO2 due to slow, shallow breathing leads to an increase in carbonic acid levels, thus _______
respiratory rate
regular intervals
when reading silently, an individual's inspirations and expirations should occur at _________
when an individual is reading out loud or singing, their inspirations are shorter and occur less frequently due to increased length of expirations when producing sound
decrease in frequency of inspirations = the respiratory rate while speaking ______
when an individual holds their breath for an extended period of time without exhaling, CO2 accumulates and blood becomes acidic
stimulates _____ that will communicate with neural receptors in brain → forces individual to exhale
inhale deeply, breathe faster
once the individual exhales after holding their breath, they will immediately ______ (increases tidal volume) and _____ (increases respiratory rate) to replenish oxygen levels in body
decrease, increase
when concentrating on a task, individuals find they often hold their breath resulting in a _______ in their overall respiratory rate
tidal volume and respiratory rate will ______ until blood pH stabilizes
after a few minutes of rebreathing, CO2 levels accumulate in blood, resulting in an ______ in respiratory rate and tidal volume in an attempt to get rid of excess CO2
occurs when an individual takes rapid and deep breaths that exceeds body's needs to eliminate CO2
low CO2 in body, leads to decrease in BP and reduction of circulation of blood to brain → dizziness/faintness
decrease, decrease
when the concentration of CO2 in blood becomes too low, the brain will force the body to _____ the respiratory rate and _____ tidal volume
cessation of breathing, can occur until CO2 levels increase enough to meet metabolic demand
still increase
hyperventilation symptoms can be averted by breathing into a paper bag
while respiratory rate and tidal volume will ________, individuals who hyperventilate involuntarily can prevent feeling dizzy/faint
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, asthma
commonly heard of respiratory disorders that affect an individual's ability to breathe normally
irreversibly decrease an individual's ability to force air out of lungs
ex: emphysema or chronic bronchitis
result of inflammation in the bronchioles reducing the amount of oxygen that can reach the alveoli
considered reversible as there are symptom-free periods that follow each episode