The procedure of Laney (experiment 1) begun when they arrived at the laboratory in groups of up to _____ and were told that they were going to take part in a study of ‘food preferences and personality’. (deception)
During the first session (week __), all participants were treated identically. Participants first completed the ____ and ___. The researchers also asked participants to complete three other questionnaires, as a _______ to the true aim.
Food History Inventory (FHI) where respondents rated___ items on a scale of 1 (definitely did not happen) to 8 (definitely did happen) as to their food experiences before the age of ____
Restaurant Questionnaire (RQ) which assessed the respondents’ desire to eat each of ___ separate dishes. This questionnaire was designed to look like a menu with _____ ‘courses’. Respondents were asked to imagine they were out for a special dinner and to rate, regardless of price, how likely they would be to order each food on a scale of 1 (definitely no) to 8 (definitely yes).
Approximately one week later participants were invited back to the laboratory. At this point participants were _______ allocated to the ‘love asparagus’ condition or the control group. All participants were told that their responses had been processed by a computer which had generated a profile of their early childhood experiences with food and were given a report that of foods that they enjoyed/disliked.
The critical item, ‘you loved to eat cooked asparagus’, was embedded in the profile for participants in the ‘___’ condition. Those in the control group did not get the critical item. Participants were then asked _______about this fake profile to ensure that they had processed the feedback.
Following this, participants completed the FHI and the RQ again to measure any _____ in responses. Further to these, participants also completed three further questionnaires: FPQ, FCQ and MBQ.
Food Preferences Questionnaire (FPQ) was a _____ item inventory of items of food that respondents had to rate on a 1 (definitely don’t like to eat) to 8 (definitely like to eat).
Food Costs Questionnaire (FCQ) was a list of _____ different food items with multiple choice answers where respondents had to circle the price they would be willing to pay for each, including a ‘would never buy’ option. For asparagus, the price options were $1.90, $2.50, $3.20, $3.80, $4.40, $5.00 and $5.70.
Memory or Belief? Questionnaire (MBQ) – respondents were asked to indicate whether they had a ________ of an experience with _____ items from the FHI including (for the “_____‘’ condition) the critical item of asparagus. The choices were that they had specific memory of the event occurring, a belief that the event had occurred (but _____ specific memory), or were positive that the event had not occurred.
When participants had completed these questionnaires they were fully ______ by the researchers and told the true nature of the experiment.
The procedure of Bandura begun when the children were__________ in their nursery school prior to the experiment. They were rated on four ___-point scales measuring physical aggression, _________aggression, aggression to inanimate objects and aggression ___________ (anxiety). They were then assigned to __________ groups to match their aggression levels. Of the 51 children rated by both observers (the rest were rated by only one observer), there was ‘inter-rater reliability’, which showed a high correlation between the observers, of r =_______
________ boys and_________ girls were allocated to control groups who saw no model. The remaining children were divided _________ by sex between aggressive and non-aggressive model groups and within those, between same and opposite-_________ models.
The experimental procedure started with all participants being deliberately mildly annoyed:
Each individual child was shown to a room with toys but after about two minutes of play, they were told that these were the best toys that are kept for other children. The experimenter and child then moved to the _____________ room, where the experimenter showed the child to a table and chair in their ‘play area’, where they were shown how to make potato prints and sticker pictures. The opposite corner of the room also contained a table and chair, a Tinkertoy set, a mallet and a five foot Bobo doll. This is where the _________sat in applicable conditions. The experimenter remained in the room and appeared to be working quietly at their desk.
The three groups were then treated differently.
In the ___________ condition, the model assembled the Tinkertoys for _______ minutes.
In the aggressive condition this lasted only _______ minute after which the model ________ the Bobo doll. This sequence was performed three times over nine minutes accompanied by aggressive comments such as ‘Kick him’ and two non-aggressive comments such as ‘He sure is a tough fella’. Of children in the model groups, _______ saw a same-sex model, the others saw a model of the opposite sex.
A ________ group did not see any model, and therefore saw no aggression.
A test of the child’s aggression then followed in which the child was observed for ________ minutes using a one-way mirror. This experimental room contained a three foot Bobo doll, a mallet and peg board, etc. It also contained ___________ toys, including a tea set, crayons and coloring paper, a ball, two dolls, three bears, cars and trucks, and plastic farm animals. These toys were always presented in the same order.
The children’s behaviors were observed in five second intervals (_____ response units per child). There were three ‘response measures’ of the children’s imitation, with a range of possible activities in each:
• Imitation of ___________ aggression: striking the Bobo doll with the mallet , sitting on the doll and___________ it, kicking the doll, and tossing it in the air.
• Imitative __________ aggression: repetition of the phrases, ‘Sock him’, ‘Hit him down’, ‘Kick him’, ‘Throw him in the air’ or ‘Pow’
• Imitative ____________ verbal responses: repetition of ‘He keeps coming back for more’ or ‘He sure is a tough fella’
Partially imitative aggression included:
• mallet aggression: striking objects other than the ______ aggressively with the mallet
• sits on Bobo doll: laying the Bobo doll on its side and sitting on it, ________ attacking it.
Two further categories were:
• ________ gun play: shooting darts or aiming a gun and firing imaginary shots at objects in the room.
• ___________ physical and verbal aggression: physically aggressive acts directed toward________ objects and any hostile remarks not in the verbal imitation category ‘Shoot the Bobo’, ‘Cut him’, ‘Stupid ball’, ‘Horses fighting, biting’ ‘Knock over people’
Finally, behavior units were also counted for nonaggressive play and sitting quietly not playing at all, and records were kept of the children’s ____________ about the situation.
One male scored all the children’s behaviors and, except for those conditions in which he was the model, he was _______ of which condition the child had been in (although this was typically obvious in the case of the aggressive model children as they performed the very specific behaviors exhibited by the model).
To test his __, a second scorer independently rated the behavior of half of the children and the reliability was high, around r = for different categories of behavior.