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What is Pathos?
authority (I am reliable because __)
What is Ethos?
logical argument
What is Logos?
cause and effect
argument that one event brings about another
example of cause and effect
“If you are stranded on a desert, and you have no access to water for several days, you will die of dehydration.”
example of False cause and effect
“She failed that test because she didn’t wear her lucky necklace.”
False cause and effect
occurs when one event is said to be the cause of another event just because the two events happened in sequence. You cannot assume that an event caused whatever happened afterward.
argument by analogy
comparison although the two things being connected are often very different
example of argument by analogy
“If Taft’s students did well on the testing, then so can El Camino’s students.”
false analogy
An incorrect comparison.
example of false analogy
“Teachers don’t do the assignments they give us daily, so we shouldn’t get assignments.”
false dilemma
a fallacy of logical argument which is committed when too few of the available alternatives are considered, and all but one are assessed and deemed impossible or unacceptable
example of false dilemma
“You are not doing your chores today because you are tired? You’ll end up being nothing but a lazy person.”
appeal to authority
Citing a person who is qualified to give an opinion
example of appeal to authority
“The AP Biology teacher told their students that if they do not study for the AP exam, they are guaranteed to get less than a 3.”
Bandwagon appeal
A proposition is argued to be true or good because it is widely hold to be true or good.
example of Bandwagon appeal
“Nearly more than half of the school is attending Homecoming.”
Asserting that something is right or good simply because it is old; that is, because "that's the way it's always been."
example of argumentum
“My grandmother never voted, my mother never voted, why would women today need to vote?”
scare tactics
a rhetorical device that appeals to horrible consequences which may or may not come to pass
example of scare tactics
“If you continue doing drugs, you’ll end up on the street with no money and a distorted mind.”
the truth is self-evident to those who know better
example of dogmatism
“Anyone in this classroom who can think clearly knows that my statement is true.”
emphasizing words by repeating them at the beginnings of neighboring clauses.
example of Anaphora
“Next time, I won’t show mercy or forgiveness. Next time, I’ll defeat the enemy with my own hands.”
the author draws too general of a conclusion from the presented information or arguments.
example of Overgeneralization
“I don’t believe that smoking causes cancer, because my uncle Bert smoked like a chimney and yet he lived until aged 93”