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the transfer of past learning to novel events and problems
discrimination learning
the process by which animals or people learn to respond differently to different stimuli
concept formation
the process by which we learn about new categories of entities in the world, usually based on common features
generalization gradient
a curve showing how changes in the physical properties of stimuli correspond to changes in responding
show a peak that corresponds to the original stimulus on which the animal was trained
can preict based on past experience the likelihood that consequence of one stimulus will be the same as another stimulus
consequential region
a set of stimuli in th world that share the same consequence as a stimulus whose consequence is already known
stimulus representation
the form in which information about stimuli is encodd within a model or brain
discrete-component representation
a representation in which each individual stimulus (or stimulus feature) corresponds to one element (node) in the model
a simple network model that has a single input node for each of five possible colors of light
doesnât show a a smooth generalization gradient like that shown by the pigeons
problems with discrete-component representations
they fail in cases where stimuli have a high degree of physical similarity, since the models produce unrealistic generalization gradients
distributed representation
a representation in which information is coded as a pattern of activation distributed across many different nodes
âyellowâ representation would be across many nodes
associativ weights between internal nodes and output nodes
stimulus control
the influence of cues in the world on an organismâs behavior
discrimination learning (pigeons)
one group of pigeons trained to respond to a 1,000 Hz tone with a key peck for food
second groupd trained to respond to 1,000 Hz, but response to 950 Hz would mean no food
interdimensional discrimination
the two stimuli in this experiment (pigeons with tones) differ within a single dimension
extradimensional discrimination
when animals learn to discriminate between stimuli that differ across multiple dimension (such as tones and lights)
errorless discrimination learning
a training procedure in which a difficult discrimination is learned by starting with an easy version of the task and proceeding to incrementally harder versions as the easier ones are mastered
sensory preconditioning
training in which presentation of two stimuli together as a compound results in a later tendency to generalize what is known about one of these stimuli to the other
Separate exposure
tone and light separately
light â> airpuff and blink, tone = no blink
compound exposure
tone and light together
light and tone cause blink
outcome-based generalization
occurs in third phase of sensory preconditioning, the animal generalizes the light to the tone
acquired equivalence
a learning and generalization paradigm in which prior training in stimulus equivalence increases the amount of genralization between two stimuli, even if those stimuli are superficially dissimilar
pecking in phase 2 not given food for, B1 disk which leads to no strong response in phase 3
negative patterning
a behavioral paradigm in which the appropriate response to individual cues is positive, whereas the appropriate response to their combination (pattern) is negative (no response)
tonotopic representation
spatial arrangement of where sounds of different frequency are processed
low to high frequency gradient from one end of primary auditory cortex to the other
Richard Thompson
established a direct relationship between behavioral properties of auditory generalization and certain anatomical and physical properties of the auditory cortex
animals with lesions to primary cortex, still respond, but causes overgeneralization
Cerebellar Circuits for Conditioning
pontine nuclei receives input from diff cortical areas including auditoru cortex,
mossy fiber pathway from Pontine nuclei to Granule cells in Cerebellar cortex sends collaterals to interpositus nucleus
anatomical loop
auditory cortex
pontine nucleus
deep cerebellar nuclei
auditory cortex
cortical remapping
after training, the responses of an auditory cortex neuron changed from being most responsive to a 1,000 Hz tone to being most responsive to tones nearer to the training frequency
nucleus basalis
a small group of neurons located in the basal forebrain; these neurons deliver acetylcholine to the cortex
tone paired with nucleus basalis electrical stimulation results in cortical remapping
acetylcholine is important for cortical plasiticity
basal forebrain
damage to this causes anterograde amensia, inability to form new semantic and episodic memories
Hippocampal region
learning about relationships between stimuli in the environment is part of the special role
sensory preconditioning is blocked in animals with lesions to the hippocampus
fear of new things