rs paper 2B: thematic studies

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Give the Christian explanation for the origins of the universe

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Give the Christian explanation for the origins of the universe

God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. He created everything ex nihilo, and this is reflected in the Book of Genesis in the Bible.

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Give the Islamic explanation of the origins of the universe (with a quote!)

Muslims interpret the Qur’an as saying that Allah created the universe in 6 distinct phases and did it with his divine word. “Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and earth in six days”

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Explain that some religious believers accept the Big Bang theory

Some religious believers accept the Big Bang theory which suggests that the Universe started as a singularity that expanded to create the cosmos as we know it today

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Give a religious belief (and quote) that supports the afterlife

Muslims believe in the Day of Judgement. “For one who’s scales are heavy with good deeds they will be in a pleasant life
” This quote suggests that there is an afterlife

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Why are religious people against abortion/euthanasia, and what is this idea called?

They believe that God made life sacred, and therefore on no grounds do humans have the power to end life. This is the ‘sanctity of life’ argument

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Why are others for abortion/euthanasia, and what is this idea called?

They believe that in some circumstances it is right to end the life of an individual because the quality of life of a party involved has fallen/will fall below an acceptable standard. This is the ‘quality of life’ argument

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What is a quote that supports the sanctity of life argument? (hint: Islam)

“No soul may die except with Allah’s permission at a predestined time”

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Why might some Christians believe that the use of animals for experimentation is acceptable? Give a quote too

God gave them dominion over the land and the animals, and therefore they can do as they please. “So that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky

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What is the Christian belief about awe and wonder?

They believe that they should approach the environment with a sense of awe and wonder, as it is also God’s creation.

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Why might Christians believe that animal experimentation is wrong?

God giving them stewardship means that they have a responsibility to control and cultivate nature, an using animals for experiments is not synonymous with that responsibility

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What is the unique religious belief about using animals for food?

Muslims believe that animals must be killed in a certain way before they can be used as food. They also believe that eating pork is forbidden. “He has only forbidden to you dead animals, the flesh of swine

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Give a non religious belief about the origins of human life

the Theory of Evolution, humans have evolved over time to become what they are now.

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Explain a belief that combines both creationism and evolutionism

Non-overlapping magisteria; the idea that evolutionism answers how humans came to exist, and religion answers why humans came to exist.

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Give a quote agains the use of animal experimentation. (hint: Christianity)

“Good people are kind to their animals, but a mean person is cruel”

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Outline the Design argument

The Universe is so intricate that it requires an intelligent creator. This must be a deity as that would be the only thing powerful enough to create the universe. This deity is God (of Classical Theism)

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Outline the First Cause argument

Things that are moved require a mover, but an infinite regress of movers is impossible. Therefore there must be an unmoved mover from where all motion proceeds. This mover is God.

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Evaluate the First Cause argument (3)

The mover is not necessarily God, we have no empirical data about the beginning of time, and to state that there MUST be an unmoved mover is an inductive leap.

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Evaluate the Design argument (3)

The designer is not necessarily God, we don’t know enough about the creation of the world to be certain, and the universe is too dissimilar to a watch for the analogy to be accepted

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What are the aims of punishment?

Reform, Retribution, Reparation, Deterrence, Vindication, Protection

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Give some reasons for committing crimes

Greed, poverty, upbringing, hate, unjust law

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What is the personal belief about God’s nature?

Humans can build relationships with God

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What is a Holy War?

War that is believed to be sanctioned by God.

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What are the Just War conditions?

Just authority, just cause, right intention, proportionality, last resort, chance of success, comparative justice

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What is corporal punishment?

Punishment where physical pain is inflicted on the criminal

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What is the principle of utility?

Acting for the greater good of others (most often removing someone from society)

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What is enlightenment?

A state of spiritual awakening and the gaining of a deeper understanding of reality.

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What is evil?

A cause of suffering; the moral opposite of good and contrary to the will of God.

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What is general revelation?

The idea of being able to see something of God through nature and scriptures which are readily available in everyday experience.

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What is the immanent belief about God’s nature?

The belief that God is present and involved in the world

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What is the impersonal belief about God’s nature?

A characteristic of God; the belief that God is beyond human understanding.

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What is a miracle?

An event that contradicts the laws of nature, and is usually thought to be impossible

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What is special revelation?

God being revealed directly to an individual or group through experiences such as visions.

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What is suffering?

An effect of evil; undergoing pain and hardship.

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What is the transcendent belief about God’s nature?

The belief that God is outside space and time.

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What is ultimate reality?

The belief in a supreme and fundamental power in the universe.

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What is a vision?

An experience of seeing/experiencing something in the imagination or through a dream.

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What is nuclear deterrence?

Having nuclear weapons with the aim of deterring/preventing other states attacking

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What are ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’?

Weapons which cause widespread, indiscriminate damage

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"God blessed them and said to them, ________?

Be fruitful and increase in number

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"So God created ______?

mankind in his own image

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"Good people are kind to their animals, ____?

but a mean person is cruel

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"Allah gave you life, then ___?

he will cause you to die

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"Do not take life - which Allah has ______?

made sacred, except for just cause

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"Blessed are the peacemakers, _________?

for they will be called children of God

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"If anyone destroys God's temple, ______?

God will destroy him

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"Jesus overturned the tables of the ______?

money changers and the benches of those selling doves

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"Lo! Allah loveth not ___________?


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"God loves those _______?

who are just

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""Permission to fight is given to those

against whom war is made

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"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, ____?

and to God what is God's

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"If your brother sins, rebuke him ______?

and if he repents, forgive him

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"Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes ____?

you on your right cheek, turn to him your left cheek also

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"The punishment for an injury _____?

is an equal injury

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"Those who restrain anger and pardon all men _____?

Allah loves those who do good

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"As to the thief, _____?

cut off his hands

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What is moral responsibility (in the context of Crime and Punishment)?

The idea that one must be morally responsible for their crimes to be convicted (i.e the more external effects you have gone through, the less likely you are to be considered morally responsible)

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