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the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Evolutionary Psychology
behaviors (i.e., fears) exist because they help keep us alive; natural selection and survival of the fittest; behaviors adapt
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
branch of psychology; study of psychology in the workplace; goal can be to improve employee satisfaction and efficiency
Naturalistic Research
natural environment; observing and recording only; no manipulation and describe behavior; advantages are that it cheap and easy; cons are that you can not generalize.
correlational research
a measure to an extent of how much two variables change and predict each other; does not equal causation
research method where the researcher manipulates one or more factors to observe the behavior or mental process; uses random assignment
Independent Variable
the factor that is being manipulated
Dependent Variable
the factor that is the result of the independent variable
Confounding Variables
a factor that could change the outcome of the experiment other than the independent variable; use random assignment to control them
control group
does not receive the treatment and serves to evaluate the effect of the treatment; baseline
Experimental group
receives the treatment (independent variable)
random sampling
drawing a sample from the population; everyone has an equal chance of being selected
Random Assignment
assigning participants to experimental and control groups by chance; eliminates alternative explanations
Operational Definition
precise definition to allow for replication, a carefully worded statement describing the exact procedures and measurement
Positive Correlation
if one goes up the other goes up (or one down the other down); amount of food and amount of energy
Negative Correlation
if one goes up, the other goes down; alcohol consumption and ability to focus
used in correlational research
Correlation coefficient
-1 to +1
Statistical Significance
statistical statement that a result occurs by chance or due to independent variable; minimum wanted is probability = .05
the difference between the highest and lowest score in a distribution
Standard deviation
how much a score varies from the mean
average of the scores
middle value in data
number that occurs most often
Debriefing necessary with deception; confidentiality; no harm; informed consent
passes messages/information through its branches to other neurons; AWAY
receives (DETECT) messages and conducts impulses toward the cell body;
Terminal buttons
small bulges at the end of axons that send messages to other neurons (release neurotransmitters)
Myelin sheath
fatty tissue encasing the axon; enables greater transmission speed; if deteriorates it causes multiple sclerosis
Sensory Neurons (Afferents)
carry messages FROM body TO brain for processing (Afferent - ARRIVE at Brain)
motor neurons (efferent)
carry messages FROM brain to body (Efferent - EXITS the brain)
in spinal cord & brain; this is where the signal is processed; neurons that communicate with each other
Association Areas
areas responsible for higher brain function; it makes us US; ex language, recognizing faces
chemical messengers in the brain
mood, hunger, sleep, arousal; "happy hormone"; too little is associated with depression
pleasure and reward; too much causes schizophrenia and too little causes tremors and Parkinson's
your body's natural pain killer; known as "the morphine within."; get this when you exercise "runner's high"
excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory, learning and many other cognitive functions; too much is migraines and general brain fogginess; found in MSG in food
drugs that increase (or mimic) a neurotransmitter's action; heroine is an agonist to endorphins ex, antidepressant to increase serotonin
drugs that decrease a neurotransmitter's action (blocking production or release of a neurotransmitter); ex, antipsychotic medication blocks dopamine (schizophrenia)
the absorption of the excess neurotransmitters into the terminal buttons by the sending neuron; like chemical recycling
occipital lobe
processes visual information - Vision
parietal lobe
processes sensory input (pain, pressure, temperature, touch)
frontal lobe
planning and judgment, movement
temporal lobe
processes auditory information - Hearing
motor cortex
responsible for the body's voluntary movement (in frontal lobe)
visual cortex
responsible for receiving images from the eyes (occipital lobe)
Somatosensory cortex
the ability to perceive touch and pressure in a particular area of the body (in parietal lobe).
memory; not fully developed until 3 (infantile amnesia)
Endocrine System
the body's slow communication system; secretes hormones
Pituitary gland
releases hormones which travels through the blood; tells other glands when to work; BOSS
sympathetic nervous system
fight or flight; increases size of pupils, breathing, heart rate, adrenaline, relaxes bladder, digestion slows
parasympathetic nervous system
rest and digest; when the danger is over, it brings you down like a parachute decreases heart rate, slows breathing, allows digestion, contracts bladder
the ability within the brain to constantly change both the structure and function of many cells in response to experience or trauma
Right Hemisphere
controls left side, non verbal tasks such as relationships, patterns, emotional expression.
Left Hemisphere
controls right side, Language and Logic; speaking, reading, thinking, reasoning
Corpus Callosum
connects 2 hemispheres
Split-brain research
surgery that separates 2 hemispheres to reduce seizures and epilepsy, Gazzaniga (researcher)
Broca's area
Controls production of speech
Wernicke's area
controls comprehension of speech
Circadian Rhythm
body clock; controlled by hypothalamus, SCN, pineal gland
Sleep Apnea
sleep disorder; stop breathing during sleep, wake up several times during the night
trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
REM Sleep (characteristics)
when you dream, muscles are paralyzed because of the pons, brain looks like it is awake with alpha waves
Absolute Threshold
the smallest amount of stimulus we can detect 50% of the time
Difference Threshold
just noticeable difference; the smallest amount of change needed in a stimulus before we detect a change 50% of the time.
Sensory Adaptation
diminished sensitivity to something as a consequence of being exposed to it ongoing (candle)
conversion of one form of energy into another
the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye. Like a screen on the back of the eye that the image is projected on. Contains rods, cones, and specialized neurons that begin processing visual info.
retinal receptors that detect black, white, and grey; necessary for peripheral and twilight visual
retinal receptors that detect color (center of retina)
Opponent Process theory of color
the theory that sensory receptors come in opposing pairs (red-green, yellow-blue, white-black) enable color vision and afterimages
Retinal Disparity
perceives depth by comparing images from the retinas in the two eyes; the brain computes distance
Tight membrane that vibrates when struck by sound waves
a coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube in the inner ear through which sound waves trigger nerve impulses
Amplitude of sound waves
the loudness; higher is louder
Gate Control Theory
The spinal cord has a neurological "gate" that swings open for some pain messages (Higher priority) and we feel pain or swings shut for others and pain is blocked.
sensory receptors that detect hurtful temperature/pressure/chemicals
olfactory sense, chemical sense, olfactory sensors in nose pick up odor molecules
vestibular sense
movement and balance - receptors in semicircular canals in inner ear
Kinesthetic sense
knowing the body's location in space without even looking - receptors all over body
classical conditioning
learning where one learns to pair two or more stimuli and anticipate events.
Generalization (learning)
is the tendency to respond to similar CSs in the same way. (dog salivates to bell-like sounds).
Discrimination (learning)
is the learned ability to distinguish between CSs (dog salivates only to specific bell).
is diminishing the conditioned response; the dog unlearns the bell-food connection and ceases to salivate to the bell.
Positive Reinforcement
increases behaviors by adding something good
Negative Reinforcement
increases behavior by removing something bad/unpleasant
Positive Punishment
reducing behavior by adding something bad/unpleasant
Negative Punishment
reducing behavior by removing something good.
Primary and Secondary Reinforcer
an innately reinforcing stimulus, such as one that satisfies a biological need (unlearned, like food).
secondary reinforcer
any reinforcer that becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforcer, such as praise, tokens, or gold stars
Fixed-ratio schedule
reinforces a response only after a specific number of responses (free drink after every 10 purchased)
Variable-ratio schedule
reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses (slot machines)
Fixed-interval schedule
reinforces a response only after a specific time has elapsed (paycheck every 2 weeks)
Variable-interval schedule
reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals (fishing).
reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior (successive approximations)
Learned Helplessness
the helplessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events.
Mirror Neurons
neurons that fire when performing certain actions or when observing another doing so. The brain's mirroring of another's action may enable imitation and empathy
(pre-judgement) an unjustifiable and usually negative attitude toward a group and its members
Discrimination (social psych)
unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members