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A federal and state assistance program that pays for health care services for people who cannot afford them.
A federal program of health insurance for persons 65 years of age and older
- costs are covered by payroll taxes and premiums paid by enrollees
Medicare A
Hospital coverage
Medicare B
medical coverage
Medicare C
medicare advantage
Medicare D
prescription coverage
Affordable Care Act
- obamacare
law passed in 2010 to expand access to insurance, address cost reduction and affordability, improve the quality of healthcare, and introduce the Patient's Bill of Rights
Manufactured doubt
actions that deliberately alter and misrepresent knowable facts and empirical evidence to promote an agenda; often to benefit a broader industry, specific corporation or group of individuals
Tactics used by the tobacco industry
- hire consultants and scientists to say that smokers do not have a higher rate of cancer
- question every study that suggests harm
- delay compensating victims
- suggest you're doing your own "research"
Positive Communication: health
- contact elected officials
- take a public stance
American Public Health Association
Public health advocacy positions
"your voice makes a difference in the policymaking process. Get involved and help shape the national debate on public health issues"
conditions affecting aging populations
bones and joints, cancer, metabolic, vision, hearing and brain
social determinants of health
The conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age, shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources at global, national, and local levels
non-modifiable risk factor
ex: age, ethnicity etc.
Things that cannot be changed
modifiable risk factor
ex: amount of exercise, diet
Things that can be changed
protective factors
conditions that shield individuals from the negative consequences of exposure to risk
a condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily
painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.
any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division
metabolic diseases
Cause the dysfunction, poor function, or malfunction of certain organs or physiological processes within the body leading to disease states
Dementia and Alzheimer's
forgetting things, personality change, disease of aging, end result is death
costs of care for the elderly
- prices rise when involving popular conditions that affect health
- original medicare does not offer coverage for dental, vision or hearing
the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
environmental health
the study of how environmental factors affect human health and quality of life
study of poisonous substances and their effects upon body parts
Story of thalidomide
- prescribed for morning sickness
- babies were either killed or born with no long bones ex: arms, legs
Atrazine and frogs
Causes the male hormone testosterone to produce high levels of estrogen which lead to the male frogs to grow ovaries and eggs.
- half life in the environment is measured in eons, in humans takes decades to be excreted
- found in blood of 99% of Americans
- widely used in consumer products
Dupont workers
- management knew of dangers in the workplace
- found that PFOA caused many diseases such as cancer
Flint and Childhood lead exposures
- lead in children's blood in Flint increased
- lots of lead in the water due to pipes
- lead affects IQ and brain development
9/11 first responders
exposed to wildly toxic dust
- all the stuff from the towers collapsed at once and created toxins
- developing serious diseases like cancer
Zadroga Act
allocated $4.2 billion to create the World Trade Center Health Program, which provides testing and treatment for people who worked in response to 9/11 recovery operations
Exercise and Body Weight
- more effective to change your diet to lose body weight
- exercise is the best way to maintain body weight
Body weight stigma
- more likely to face discrimination
- more likely to be bullied; affects mental and emotional health
PA and strength
bone density, risk of hip fractures, risk of falling, arthritis and joint problems and muscle mass and strength
PA and Brain health
physical activity increases brain health
- improved cognition in children
- reduced risk of dementia in adults
- improved attention, memory and processing speed in elderly adults
PA and mental health
physical activity increases mental health
- less likely to experience anxiety and sleep problems
- less likely to experience depression
disease prevention w/ PA
being physically active will decrease your risks for diseases
chronic disease management
by exercising more, you are able to manage your chronic disease better
ex: spinal cord injuries (increased muscular strength, upper extremity function)
The environment affects phenotype
ex: the color of fur a white fox has in order to blend in
human dependence on pollinator species
many valuable agricultural products are dependent on honeybee pollination;
ex: soy beans and alfalfa
colony collapse disorder
A mysterious disease that causes adult bees to disappear from their hives without a trace.
caused by: parasites, fungus, viruses, bacteria, pesticides, poor nutrition, or stress
Climate change and global warming
a change and or regional climate patterns
Climate change on human health
ex: lone-star tick: moves to new areas; invasive species
ex: more hurricanes therefore destroying homes, businesses etc.
fossil fuels
a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.
oil spills
a release of liquid petroleum into the environment due to human activity; a form of pollution
coal mining
the process of extracting coal from the ground
- very dangerous job and hazardous to communities due to release of pollutants to areas
Mountaintop Mining
Removal of the entire mountaintop with explosives in order to mine
One Health
a collaborative approach to achieve optimal health outcomes, recognizing the interconnection between people, animals and the environment
Zoonotic pathogens
diseases passed from animals to humans
ex: COVID-19
Pets as sentinel species
- cats eat dust in the house
- cats are developing thyroid disease
- animals can be seen as warning signs as to what could happen to us
The Built Environment
The man-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from personal shelter to neighborhoods to the large-scale civic surroundings.
early cities
- established along trade routes
- population hubs often developed around a central public plaza
- main form of travel was walking
- compact, high-density settlements
How industrialization changed cities
- increases in manufacturing jobs brought more people into cities
- more people meant more infectious diseases etc.
electricity and motor vehicles
homes outside of cities were made possible due to being able to commute to work
housing outside of cities that was only for living
- land use mix declined
- longer distances between destinations
- walking and biking is usually impractical
Design changes in the community
- big billboards on highways
- parking lots in front of stores
Pedestrian paradox
the idea that when you are driving you become very angry with pedestrians but then once you get out of your car you do the same thing as the pedestrians that made you angry do
dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc
Complete Streets
streets designed and operated so that all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities, can safely move along and across the streets
Not In My Backyard attitude. People don't want things like landfills to be put where they live.
Social capital
the networks of relationships among people who live and work in a particular society, enabling that society to function effectively.
Mental Health
a state of well being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community
Most common mental health disorders
phobias and major depression
Substance abuse disorder
continued substance craving and use despite significant life disruption and/or physical risk
Mental Health Stigma
- negative attitudes and inaccurate beliefs about people who have mental health conditions
- stems from myths, inaccurate perceptions and lack of information
Mental health treatment/access
- Mental health problems do not go away on their own
- In the US as many as 50% of people with a mental illness do not get treatment
suicide as a PH problem
Ratio of attempts to suicide deaths
youth: 25:1
elderly: 4:1
- suicide attempts often go unreported/untreated
- females attempt suicide 3x more than males
- males are 4x more likely to die by suicide than females
prevention strategies for suicide
- teach coping and problem solving skills
- identify and support people at risk
- promote connectedness
- strengthen economic supports
- strengthen access and delivery of care
- create protective environments
- lessen harms and prevent future risks