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What was the first zodiac - the constellational zodiac - based on?
It was based solely on the various constellations that the planets traveled through in relation to the ecliptic.
What is the sidereal zodiac? When was it first used?
It was the standardized division of the ideal circle of the ecliptic into twelve 30-degree portions of the constellations. It was used around the 5th century BCE, just prior to the first evidence of Hellenistic astrology.
What is the tropical zodiac? When was it first used?
It is a fixed and mathematically ideal circle synchronized with the equinoxes and solstices. Circa 2nd century CE.
How did the split between the sidereal and the tropical zodiac come about?
The precession of the equinoxes, caused by the cyclic precession of Earth's axis of rotation, was discovered.
What is the practical difference between the sidereal and the tropical zodiac?
The sidereal zodiac is empirically adjusted to match the movement of the constellations and stars whereas the tropical zodiac maintains the symbolic 0° Aries as the fixed position of the Spring equinox.
Why do we use the tropical zodiac?
Astrology is an ideal, symbolic language that works independently of an empirical point of view.
Do the seasons define the zodiac or the zodiac define the seasons according to the Ancient Greeks?
The zodiac defines the seasons. The Greeks believed that the seasons were an emanation of a higher pattern, or of a thought in the mind of God.
What was the Greek word for a sign? What did it mean?
Zoidion, which meant "image, living being, animal, icon, picture, or the seat of a god". Also "a lesser living being".
Why is astrological language and terminology important?
Technical words are more than a functional definition. They should invoke the meaning of the various theoretical concepts related to them.
What is the term for the grouping of the twelve signs of the zodiac into three groups of four signs? What is the root of the rationale behind these groupings?
Quadruplicity. The groupings of the signs by four are rooted in the alternations in light and darkness.
What are the three groups and what do these terms mean?
Tropical (means "turning"), solid (means "not moving"), and double-bodied (means "of two bodies") signs.
Which signs mark the beginnings of each new solar season of the year? What do they symbolize?
The tropical signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Things that happen swiftly or suddenly, often changing something dramatically or initiating something new.
Which signs mark the middle and most stable time of each solar year? What do they symbolize?
The solid signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Things that are enduring, set, and unchanging or recurring.
Which signs mark the time of transition from one season to the next? What do they symbolize?
The double-bodied signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Things that are in the process of changing or that might mingle the qualities of tropical and fixed.
What is the term for the grouping of the twelve signs of the zodiac into four groups of three signs? What are these groups associated with?
Triplicity. The triplicities are associated with the cardinal directions or "winds", and later with the four elements.
Which qualities are assigned to each of the elements according to the Aristotelian model?
Fire is hot and dry. Earth is cold and dry. Air is hot and moist. Water is cold and moist.
Which signs belong to the fire triplicity? What are some of the characteristics of the fire element?
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Animate, rigid, intense, consumptive.
Which signs belong to the earth triplicity? What are some of the characteristics of the earth element?
Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Receptive, rigid, practical, formal, individual.
Which signs belong to the air triplicity? What are some of the characteristics of the air element?
Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Animate, fluid, intense, changeable.
Which signs belong to the water triplicity? What are some of the characteristics of the water element?
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Receptive, fluid, impressionable, changeable, collective.
Which luminary and sect are the masculine zodiacal signs associated with? Which luminary and sect are the feminine signs associated with?
The masculine signs are associated with the Sun and the diurnal sect. The feminine signs are associated with the Moon and the nocturnal sect.
How do planets in masculine signs express their significations? How do planets in feminine signs express their significations?
Planets in masculine signs are faster and more dynamic, whereas planets in feminine signs are slower and more process-oriented.
Why does each planet have two different ways of expressing itself, energetically?
Because each planet rules two signs, one of each gender.
Which two main duties do the signs have?
They qualify the power or character of a planet, which is called a planet's dignity. They also distribute the topics of the houses, by virtue of becoming places in the chart.