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the term “Roman-Like” applied 19th century to designate medieval art of the 10th century
Europe-wide revival of monumental architecture,sculpture, and painting
a vertical recessed triangular or semi-circular space forming the center of a pediment or decorative wall surface over an entrance, door, or Windsor, which is bounded by a lintel and an arch
where the most important imagery is located
wood or metal doors; entrance to the church. They are surrounded by stone sculpture arranged to fit the architectural elements
curved moldings formed by the voussoirs; arches of decorative and narrative motifs that frame the tympanum
wedge shaped blocks that together form the archivolts of the arch framing the tympanum
center post supporting the lintel; middle of doorway
side posts of the door
horizontal beam above doorway
pilgrimage routes affect on church design
affected church design
exchange of ideas, income for towns on way to Santiago de Compostela influence on church design-especially ambulatory and extended nave
centers of learning/religious learning- production of illuminated manuscripts
growth of cities affect on art
this continued trade and craftsmen flourished- rekindling of sculpture traditions
11th century Europe
Lief Erickson reaches America
Pilgrimages begin to go to Santiago de Compostela in Spain to St. Peters in Rome
Christian church split
1054 CE
christian church splits between western (Rome)and Eastern (Orthodox) branches Pope of Rome consolidates political and religious power in western Europe
during 10 the century, Europe revived economically, socially, and culturally
no more attacked of migrating people which was a source of conflict for centuries
Battle of Hastings
William the conqueror invades England- crowned king of England after defeating Harold uniting England with much of France. Normans also conquered Sicily (freed from Byzantine control)
King ruled a whole country dividing land to important men and nobles
feudal way of life was hard
floods, years of bad crops
were knights whose sole mission was to protect pilgrim visiting the churches in Europe. they stemmed from the church as they increased in power and energy. they began in 1090’s as an attempt to control/capture the “Holy lands” from the Muslims
pilgrimage and ______ contributed significantly to the growth of trade and rise of cities in the Romanesque period.
Pilgrimages significance
the pilgrimages became a regular feature of Christian life during the Romanesque period
pilgrimage churches were built to accommodate demand for space
pilgrims traveled over defined routes, known as pilgrim roads → contributed to the growth of trade
pilgrims visited churches and monasteries along their route to pray before relics of saints
considerations and influences on the “Romanesque”Sculptural Style
revival of stone scultpue carving techniques is slow after centuries o neglect and disinterest- no local tradition of large scale stone sculpture
sculptural decoration is first in high relief (rather that sculpture in the round)
sculptors and stone masons look to non-Greco Roman models for inspiration
influenced by; illuminated manuscripts, Anglo-Saxon metal work and other decorative arts, early frescoes, and mosaics
significant innovations and features of Romanesque art
1000-1150 CE
most significant feature of Romanesque art is the revival of monumental sculpture. Carved portals were the most significant innovation of Romanesque art
Subject matters
biblical narrative
legends, folklore, history, and Christian symbolism
Christ majesty (the second coming)
Last Judgement
Final triumph of good over evil at the apocolypse
silver and gold reliquaries
where were relics of Saints housed?
also in chapels and radiating chapels