This part is usually designed to accommodate worshippers and is often the longest section of the church, leading towards the altar.
A large open area typically found in the center of a building, often used for light and ventilation, can serve as a gathering space or showcase architectural design. Commonly seen in malls, hotels, and office buildings.
A large and important church, often characterized by a specific architectural style featuring a long nave, an apse, and a raised platform. Historically, these structures were used for Christian worship and gatherings, and many serve as significant pilgrimage sites. The term can also refer to a church granted special privileges by the Pope.
A technique of mural painting executed on freshly laid wet plaster, allowing the colors to become an integral part of the wall surface. Often used in large-scale artworks and known for its durability and vibrant colors.
A series of arches supported by columns or piers. Contrast with colonnade.
Typically used as a bedroom or private space, often featuring decorative elements such as frescoes and mosaics. Found in domus architecture, it served both functional and aesthetic purposes, reflecting the status of the inhabitants.
A circular opening found in architecture, typically at the top of a dome or roof. It serves as both an aesthetic element and allows natural light to enter into interior spaces.
Black Vase Painting
Figural and ornamental motifs were applied with a slip that turned black during firing, while the background was left the color of the clay.
Red Vase Painting
A style and technique of ancient Greek vase painting characterized by red clay colored figures on a black background.
Bilingual Vase Painting
Describes vases that are painted both in the black-figure and in the red-figure techniques.