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Columbian Exchange
Columbian Exchange: plants, animals, human populations, disease populations
Increased population, spread disease
Adam Smith thought on economics
Hands off, thought of the government role being limited. They should not be the ones protecting capital
Military campaign in southern Spain, liberating Christian Spain (Iberian Peninsula) from Islamic influence
Portuguese explanation
Portuguese explorers sailed south, down the west coast of Africa, in hopes of finding a route to the Far East (also hunger). Along the way, they discovered plenty of ways to make a profit from their voyages, and pretty soon they were leaders in the gold and slave trades. Developed fortified trading posts.
Ptolemaic view challenges
Among others was the problem that Ptolemy supposed that the planets were attached in gaps between (crystalline) spheres that rotated in perfect circles depicting their orbits. Copernicus and other astronomers proved challenges to this view, as it was pre-scientific
Martin Luther
Martin Luther (1483—1546) German theologian, professor, pastor, and church reformer. Luther began the Protestant Reformation with the publication of his Ninety-Five Theses on October 31, 1517. In this publication, he attacked the Church's sale of indulgences. Forms a new religion.
Peace of Westphalia and following wars
The 'Peace of Westphalia' refers to a series of treaties signed in 1648 that ended the Thirty Years' War in Europe. It established the concept of territorial sovereignty and laid the foundation for the modern state system
The Spanish and the Aztecs, Incas, and Taino
Spanish are disappointed in lack of Taino spices, sliks. Recruit locals to mine gold instead. Tainos are outgunned in rebellions. Hernan Cortes takes down the Aztecs, Fransisco Pizaro takes down the Incas (meets Incan ruler Atahualpa) Tainos, then Aztecs, then Incas.
Portuguese, sugarcane, and trade dominance
Sugarcane popular, sugar mills, complex and needs African slaves
Atlantic triangle trade
European manufactured goods to Africa, Africa brings slaves to Americas, Americas sends cash crops back to Europe
Brazil as a colony
Brazil's first colonizers were met by Tupinamba Indians, one group in the vast array of the continent's native population. Lisbon's early goals were simple: monopolize the lucrative trade of pau-brasil, the red wood (valued for making dye) that gave the colony its name, and establish permanent settlements.
Swahili city-states
Chieftans develop trade, Swahili ports dominated by Portuguese
In the East African coast
Islam, Swahili language, combinations of Arabic, Nordic and Hindi languages
Queen Nzinga
Posed as a male, had male concubines dressed as women. Resisted the Portuguese
Ruler of Ndongo
African forms of slavery and concept of private property
People aren’t considered as property in the pre-European context
Merchant social status during Tokugawa Japan
Poor, bottom of society. Confucianism also backs this idea, stinging in a few different directions
Demanding bureaucratic examination process in the Ming and Qing dynasties
for civil service, 3 days uninterrupted examinations, ferocious competition, 20k government positions, advantages for wealthy classes, open to all
Need to pass at the highest levels to gain entry
Patriarchy/foot binding in the Ming and Qing dynasties
Eldest son favored in patriarchal families, males receive preferential status, girls join husband’s family, chaste widows honored with ceremonial arches, men control divorce. Foot binding is linen strips that bond and deform female children’s feet, perceived aesthetic value, statement of social status. High class.
Treatment of Ottoman and Mughal religions and their differences
Religious tolerance
Practice freely, as long as certain expectations are met
If taxes are paid, these societies are left alone
Akbar (DBQ) is very tolerant, takes away taxes
Boundaries of Ottoman Empire
Bordered the Safavid Empire (Persia) to the East
Battle of Chaldiran
Between the Ottoman and Safavid Empire. As a result, the Ottomans annexed Eastern Anatolia and Upper Mesopotamia from Safavid Iran
Premises of Guns, Germs, and Steel
“Just know Guns germs and steel play a role in how Europeans colonize the world. They had those items while the Western Hemisphere peoples do not.” (Smallpox, guns, swords)
Olaudah Equiano wrote a biography, Columbus (self explanatory), De Las Casas said that the Indies were being treated unfairly in the West, Martin Luther (see above), Adam Smith (see above), Triangle Trade/Columbian Exchange (see above)
“Pure” (Civil Exams)
Papal Line
Decreed all lands west and south of a pole-to-pole line 100 leagues west and south of any islands of the Azores or Cape Verde Islands should belong to Spain. Led to the Treaty of Tordesillas