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1. yaa ayyuhal muzzammil
o you who wraps himself
2. qoumil layla illa qaleela
arise (to pray) the night, except a little
3. nisfahouu aw inqous minhu qaleela
half of it- or subtract from it a little
4. aw zid 'alayhi wa-ratilil qur-ana tarteela
or add to it, and recite the quran with measured recitation
5. innaa sanoulqee 'alayka qawlan thaqeela
indeed We will cast upon you a heavy word
6. inna naashiyata layli hiya ashaddou wa-tawan wa-aqwamou qeela
indeed, worship in the night is more impactful and suitable for recitation
7. inna laka fee nahari sabhan taweela
indeed! for you by day is prolonged occupation
8. wathkourisma rabbika wa-tabattal ilayhi tabteela
and remember the name of your lord and devote yourself to Him with (complete) devotion
9. rabboul mashriqi wal maghribi laa illaaha illa huwa faatakhidhou wakeela
the Lord of the east and the west; there is no deity except Him, so take Him as disposer of (your) affairs
10. wasbir 'ala maa yaqoulouna wahjourhoum hajran jameelah
and be patient over what they say and avoid them with gracious avoidance
11. wa tharni wal moukathibeena ouleen na'amati wa mah-hilhoum qaleela
and leave Me with the deniers, those of ease, and allow them respite a little
12. inna ladayna ankaalan wa jaheema
indeed with Us are shackles and a burning fire
13. wa ta'amman thaa goussatin wa 'athaban alima
and food that chokes and and a painful punishment
14. yawma tarjoufoul ardou wal jeebalou wakanatil jeebalou katheebam maheela
on the day the Earth and mountains will convulse and the mountains will become a heap of sand pouring down
15. innaa arsalnaa ilaykoum rasooulan shaa-hidan 'alaykoum kamaa arsalnaa ilaa fir'awna rasoola
indeed We have sent to you a messenger as a witness upon just as we sent to Firawn a messenger
16. fa'assau fir'awnou rassoula fa-akathnahu akthan wa beela
but Pharaoh disobeyed so We seized him in disastrous punishment
17. fakayfa tattakouna in kafartoum yawman yaj'aloul wildaana sheeba
then how can you fear, if you disbelieve, a Day that will make the children white-haired
18. as-samaaou mounfatiroun bih. kaana wa'douhou maf'oula
the heaven will break apart therefrom. ever is his promise fulfilled
19. inna hathihi tadhkira. faman shaa-a takadha illa rabbihi sabeela
indeed this is a reminder. so whoever wills may take to his lord a way
20. inna rabbaka ya'lamou annaka taqoumou adna min thoulou-thayeel layli wa nisfahouu wa thoulouthahouu wa-taaifatoun minallatheena ma'ak. wallahou youqaddiroul layla wannahar. 'alema an lan touhsouhou fataaba 'alaykoum.
faqara-ou maa tayassara minal qur-aan.
'alema an sayakounou minkoum mardaau wa-akhaarouuna yadribouna fil ardi yabtaghouuna min fadlil llahi
wa-akhaarouuna youqaatilouuna fisabeelillah. faqara-ou ma tayassara min.
wa aqeemou salaata wa-aatou zakaata wa-aqreedou llaha qadran hass
indeed your lord knows that you stand almost two thirds of the night or half of it or a third of it, and (so do) a group of those with you.
and Allah determines the night and day.
He has known that you (muslims) will not be able to do so and has turned to you in forgiveness.
so recite what is easy (for you) of the Qur'an.
He has known that there will be among you those who are ill and others traveling throughout the land seeking of the bounty of Allah
and others fighting for the cause of Allah.
so recite what is easy from it.
and establish prayer and give zakah and loan Allah a goodly loan.
20B. wa maa touqadeemou li-anfisoukoum min khayrin tajidouhou 'ainda llahi
huwa khayraan wa 'athauma ajrah
wastaghfiroul llaha inna llaha ghafoorul raheem
and whatever you put forward for yourselves of good- you will find it with Allah
it is better and greater in reward
and seek forgiveness of Allah indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful