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Nutrition Transition
Transition into a modern western diet and lifestyle froma more traditional one
Immigrants assimilate to the lifestyle + diet of the new country based on what is availible
Difference between Traditional diet vs modern diets
traditional =
Mostly unprocessed + locally grown foods
Mainly Plant based with meat as an accent
Active living (less cars, farming, preparing food was more laborous)
Low prevalence of Modern chronic diseases eg. Diabetes, CVD Obesity … etc.
How did introduction of vaccinations affect the prevalence of modern diseases vs. infectious diseases
Vaccines = lower infectious disease (prevalent in past) = longer lifespan = dominance of other types of sicknesses (eg. CVD + diabetes).
What is low in intake in a modern diet?
Legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables + fruits
Whole grains
What is high in intake in a modern diet
refined carbs
Meat + dairy
Ultra-processed foods
Added + free sugar
Processed vegetable oils
Omega-6 fatty acids
Sources of omega-6 fatty acids
Vegetable oils, seed + oils, Nuts + oils
What are 3 similarities between the Asian Diets
shop daily
Grain is the center of meals
Meat not central
4 major chinese cuisines
beijing (northern)
Disease trends associated with chinese diets
LOW rates of heart disease, colon cancer + diabetes
How much less dietary fat do chinese consume compared to americans
1/3 less
What carb is prefered in the south vs the north of China?
South: long grain rice
North: Noodles + buns
What is tea rich in?
What do antioxidants do
Neutralize free radicals produced by body during metabolism + exercising
What other foods have a lot of Antioxidants
Fruits + veggies (vitamin A, C E)
especially carotenoids
The chinese eat a lot of produce/ deep green cruciferous veggies. What are some common examples?
Chinese brocoli, chinese cabbage, bok choy mustard greens
Cruciferous meaning?
Cabbage family
Sulfur containing
what do the deep green cruciferous veggies contain?
Glucosinates? what do they do?
Have anti-cancer effect when broken down/ activated
True or false: the deep green cruciferous veggies do not contain any carotenoids
rich in carotenoids but chlorophyl hides the orange colour
Typical japanese meal?
rich + soup + grilled fish + pickled veggies + fruit for dessert
What type of rice do the japanese prefer
Short grain “sticky rice” mainly for sushi and rice balls etc…
2 Main types of japanese noodles
Soba (buckwheat)
Udon (wheat)
Can celiac/ gluten free eat buckwheat noodles?
yes buckwheat has gluten
Soy bean = high quality protein. List 3 examples of soybean foods in asia
Edamame (fresh beans)
Tempeh (fermented soy + grain)
Benefits of soy protein?
Lower heart disease risk + cholestrol
Problem with allowing health clais oon soy products such as Isolates, soy protein concetrates, soy flour etc…?
Promotes idea that the isolated products have the same benefits as eating whole soy
Trends of Thai food
Hot and spicy
Wok fry
Coconut milk
3 Pros of Coconut oil?
High smoke point
Solid at room temp
Slow to oxidize = less likey to go rancid because of it highly saturated fat content
Common foods eaten in thai cuisine
glutinous rice (no gluten) + noodles
Raw veggies + fruits
What is the origin of many latin american— mexican foods?
Aztec: Prickly pear cactus, chili, avocado, beans, corn, tomatoes, squash, sweet potatoes, cocoa, peanuts + papayas
Common foods in mexican cuisine
beans, rice, Corn (tortilas)
Lard used as cooking fats
Columbian exchange
Transfer (intentional and not) of plants, animals, technology, culture, disease, people and ideas between the americas and Afro-eurasia (15th + 16th century)
**What live stock was exchanged from the old world to the new world?
goats, sheep, cattle, pigs + chicken + horses
Disease that were brought to the new world (3)
small pox
Whooping cough
Decimaed 90% of the indigenous populations
Did the indiginous people of the new world have zoonotic disease before the arrival of europeans? why?
didn’t live close to animals like europeans did
Only raised dogs which do not transmit diseases as seasily to humans as pigs
12 significant new world crops
Grain: maize
Roots/tubers: cassava, sweet potato + potato
Legumes: beans + peanuts
Fruits: tomato
Melons: squash/ pumpkin
Veggies: peppers
Other: vanilla, cocoa, sunflower
Which cash crops were brought to the new world? (3)
Which calorically dense foods were brought to the old world? (4)
potatoes/ sweet potato
What was the effect that the calorically dense foods had in Europe and africa
Examples of cultural food adaptations
From new world:
Italian pizza (tomato)
Swiss chocolate (cocoa)
Irish potato
Thai chilli
African corn ugali
From old world:
Rice and beans (Latin America) rice = from old world
True or false: majority (60%) of worlds cops are from new world
What ingredients did the Spanish introduce to the mesoamerican diet?
Rice, wheat, sugar, dairy, cows, pigs, sheep + chicken
What is the modern mesoamerican diet based on?
Combo of indigenous and Spanish cuisine
Examples of Latin American countries that have a corn based diet
Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador + Costa Rica
How to increase the nutrition of a corn-based diet
What is Nixtamalization?
Boiling and soaking dried corn in ALKALINE SOLUTION (CaOH) from LIMESTONE
How to get CaOH from calcium carbonate in limestone?
CaCO3 + heat = CO2 + CaO
CaO + H2O = CaOH
What is Masa?
Maize softened by nixtamalization and then formed into DOUGH
Nixtamalized corn that is processed/ ground into masa
What are the 5 results of nixtamalization?
soften corn for grinding
Allow dough formation
Make Niacin bio available
Adds minerals (Ca)
Removes aflatoxins
Disease caused by lack of vitamin B3/ NIACIN
4 D’s associated with pellagra
Dementia, diarrhea, dermatitis + Death
Which communities of people tend to suffer from pellagra
Depends on NOT Nixtamalized CORN as A STAPLE
Other than NIACIN what else can PREVENT Pellagra?
What is Tryptophan?
An Amin acid that is a PRECURSOR for NIACIN SYNTHESIS
Why is having a diverse diet prevent pellagra?
Maize is low both in NIACIN AND TRYPTOPHAN
these nutrients can be obtained from other foods such as meat, dish, legumes and some vegetables
What is niacin commonly used for in our bodies
NAD and NADH in our metabolism pathways
nicotinic acid + Nicotinamdie
How does Nixtamalization affect mineral absorption
CALCIUM is added from the CaOH
What is the method of nixtamalization that allows for the most CALCIUM ABSORPTION? What is the worst method?
Best: Traditional method (at home lime treated)
Which method of nixtamalization had the most FRACTIONAL ABSORPTION of CALCIUM
BUT it had the lowest amount of Ca+ absorbed as not much calcium was available to begin with
produced by fungi on CORN
What can Aflatoxins do to humans?
What does salsa mean?
Before the arrival of the Spanish would the diets of Indigenous Central Americans contain: Lard and cheese?
lard = from pigs/ livestock
Cheese = from dairy = from livestock
What are the 3 sisters?
Winter squash, Maize + climbing beans
What were the agricultural products consumed by First Nations of the Great Lakes?
The 3 sisters + sunflower
What were the gathered foods consumed by First Nations of the Great Lakes?
Berries, Tubers, Maple syrup + plants for medicine + food
What were the hunted/fished foods consumed by First Nations of the Great Lakes?
fish, waterfowl, Deer, rabbits + wild game
**What is MILPA
Mesoamerican crop growling system to produce the 3 sisters
COMPANION PLANTING: The 3 are planted together
How does the INTERCROPPING of the 3 sisters help one another
Corn provides pole for beans
Squash = leaves to shade ground (reduce moisture loss and weed growth)
Beans provide Nitrogen for corn + squash (NITROGEN FIXATION)
Which 2 of the 3 sisters together form a complete protein?
What amino acid is MAIZE deficient in?
What amino acid(s) are BEANS deficient in
Methionine + Cysteine
What does corn provide other than complementary proteins to beans?
ENERGY (carbs)
What does Squash provide nutritionally
Pepitas ==> PUFAs + Vit E
Squash Seeds
What are the 2 PUFAs?
Linoleum + Oleic acid
which BEAN is from the OLD WORLD?
FAVA BEAN (Broad bean)
Corn Fungus, that ruins corn but is a DELICACY IN MEXICO
— pungent and earthy flavour
What Essential AMINO ACID is Huitlacoche rich in? And what connection does it have to corn?
LYSINE (which is Limiting in corn)