DECA marketing vocab taken from quizlet creator: anjalid
set of activities needed to transfer the ownership of/move goods from the producer to the consumer
ex: links producers to potential buyers; influences pricing strategy; allows better sales & promotion
Simpler example: apple orchard-transport factory-packaging-final product sold-final product consumed
quantity of payment someone gives in return for a good or service
seriously why did i even make this a flashcard
5 general types:
Income tax ( pay the tax as you earn or receive income during the year; income tax withheld from employee's pay.)
Estimated Tax,
self-employment tax (social security and medicare tax for people who are self employed);
employment tax (employer pays social security and medicare tax of employees),
excise tax (tax people who manufacture, operate certain companies, receive payment for services, etc)
document that records a business dealing. (ex: meeting minutes, memoranda, employment contracts, and accounting source documents.)
not only must the record be accurate and easily retrieved, but also easily understood and accurate for customers and other businesses to understand
Product/Service Management
Marketing-Information Management
The activity of acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of an organization.
major objectives of purchasing are to (1) maintain the quality and value of a company's products, (2) minimize cash tied-up in inventory, (3) maintain the flow of inputs to maintain the flow of outputs, and (4) strengthen the organization's competitive position.
come up with job specifications
request for bids (send out invitations, call people)
actual process-sealed bids will be submitted and the customer will evaluate them or contractors simply give a total amount that they can do the job for.
bids are reviewed
contract is awarded to bidder