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Opposition to the Clergy
Martin Luther
German; propelled the wave of reformation, salvation came through faith and faith alone, “Faith alone, grace alone, scripture alone.”, ninety-five theses on the Power of Indulgences. Christ was present in the bread and wine, but not because of anything the priest said or did.
Changes made to an institution or practice to make things better and end conflicts and unfairness. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Leo X
Authorized the sale of a special Saint Peter’s indulgence to finance building plans in Rome around the time Martin Luther was engaging in scholarly reflections       Â
A document issued by the Catholic Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins.              Â
Johann Tetzel
Dominican Friar that promised the purchase of indulgences would bring full forgiveness of ones sins or release from purgatory for a loved one, his slogan was “as soon as coin in coffer rings, the soul from purgatory sings.”                                  Â
Ninety-Five Theses
Written by Martin Luther a letter to Archbishop Albert on indulgences and how he thought they undermined the seriousness of the sacrament of penance, competed with the gospel, and downplayed the importance of Christian charity. Â Â Â Â Â
Charles V
21 year old emperor that Held his first Diet (assembly of representatives of nobility, clergy and cities of HRE) in German city of Worms demanding that Luther take back his ideas.                                                                            Â
Diet of Worms
An assembly in Germany held by Charles V that summoned Luther and demanded he take back his ideas but Luther refused .         Â
Ulrich Zwingli
Swiss; agreed on many views with the protestants, believed that the Eucharist was a memorial of Christ in which he (Christ) is present in spirit but not actually in the bread and wine.
The name originally given to the followers of Luther, which came to mean all non- Catholic Western Christian groups.
The bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ by the Consecrating words of the Priest at Mass (Catholic tradition)
Colloquy of Marburg
Summoned in 1529 to end the differences of the ritual of the Eucharist among Protestants, though it did fail, they reached agreement on almost everything else.
The baptism of adult believers, “Baptizers“
Form of Protestantism, Part of Christian group called “religious society of friends“ Central to the their belief is the doctrine of the “inner light,“ or sense of Christ’ direct working in the soul. Rejected both formal ministry and all set forms of worship.
Katharina von Bora
Luther’s wife and a past Nun, to be viewed as more than just a Priest’s concubine (she/women) had to be a model of wifely obedience and Christian Charity.
HRE, used marriage as a tool to gain power and money (married children to other rich and powerful people to gain money, territory, and power.
Frederick III
A Hapsburg that married Princess Elenore of Portugal in 1452 not gaining a lot of land but a lot of money. Son was Maximilian I.
Maximilian I
Son of Frederick III, married to Mary of Burgundy in 1477, gained Netherlands, Luxembourg, and the County of Burgundy from her inheritance, married his children to the children of Ferdianand and Isabella. Grandson was Charles V who got lots of land and power (HRE)
Switzerland, which was a part of the HRE but was really a loose confederation of thirteen largely autonomous territories called ____.
Augsburg Confession
System of Fatih, Authoritative statement of belief for (many) Lutheran churches, caused by an Imperial Diet to halt spread of religious division by Charles V in 1530, though Charles did not accept this.
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V and military league of German princes and cities agreed to this in 1555 which officially recognized Lutheranism. Allowed each territory in HRE to choose their own religion (Catholic or Lutheran), northern and central Germany became mainly Lutheran, and Southern Germany stayed Roman Catholic.