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A database language enables the user to perform complex queries designed to transform the raw data into useful information.
SQL is considered difficult to learn; its command set has a vocabulary of more than 300 words.
The ANSI SQL standards are also accepted by the ISO.
Data type selection is usually dictated by the nature of the data and by the intended use.
Only numeric data types can be added and subtracted in SQL.
Entity integrity is enforced automatically when the primary key is specified in the CREATE TABLE command sequence.
The CHECK constraint is used to define a condition for the values that the attribute domain cannot have.
You cannot insert a row containing a null attribute value using SQL.
All SQL commands must be issued on a single line.
SQL requires the use of the ADD command to enter data into a table.
Although SQL commands can be grouped together on a single line, complex command sequences are best shown on separate lines, with space between the SQL command and the command's components.
If you have not yet used the COMMIT command to store the changes permanently in the database, you can restore the database to its previous condition with the ROLLBACK command.
You can select partial table contents by naming the desired fields and by placing restrictions on the rows to be included in the output.
Mathematical operators cannot be used to place restrictions on character-based attributes.
String comparisons are made from left to right.
A relational join operation merges rows from two tables.
The SELECT statement uses the attribute list to indicate what columns to project in the result set
Numeric functions take one numeric parameter and return one value.
String manipulation functions are rarely used in programming
A view is a virtual table based on a SELECT query.
In Oracle, the _____ function converts a date to a character string.
3 multiple choice options
_____ is a string function that returns the number of characters in a string value.
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When using the Oracle TO_NUMBER function to convert a character string into a number, _____ represents a digit.
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The _____ data type is considered compatible with VARCHAR(35).
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The Oracle equivalent to an MS Access AutoNumber is a(n) _____.
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Most real-world database transactions are formed by only one database request.
Although the DBMS is designed to recover a database to a previous consistent state when an interruption prevents the completion of a required set of transactions, the transactions themselves are defined by the end user or programmer and must be semantically correct.
A scheduler facilitates data isolation to ensure that two transactions do not update the same data element at the same time.
Transaction is a ____ unit of work that must be either entirely completed or aborted
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A consistent database state is ___
one in which all data integrity constraints are satisfied
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_____ requires that all operations of a transaction be completed.
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_____ means that data used during the execution of a transaction cannot be used by a second transaction until the first one is completed.
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A single- user database system automatically ensures_____ of the database, because only one transaction is executed at a time.
serializability and Isolation
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The ANSI ha define standard that govern SQL database transactions. Transaction support is provided by two SQL statements____ and ROLLBACK.
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One of the three most common data integrity and consistency problem is ___.
lost updates
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_____ occurs when a transaction accesses data before and after one or more other transactions finish working with such data.
Inconsistent retrievals
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As long as two transactions, T1 and T2, access ____ data, there is no conflict, and the order of execution is irrelevant to the final outcome.
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___ are required to prevent another transaction form reading inconsistent data
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The ___ manager is responsible for assigning and policing the locks used by transactions.
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Lock_____ indicates the level of lock use.
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Business intelligence (BI) architecture is composed of data, people, processes, technology, and the management of such components.
A data store is used by data analysts to create queries that access the database.
Master data management's main goal is to provide a partial and segmented definition of all data within an organization.
Periodicity, usually expressed as current year only, previous years, or all years, provides information about the time span of the data stored in a table.
Multidimensional data analysis techniques include advanced computational functions.
Operational data and decision support data serve the same purpose.
_____ are in charge of presenting data to the end user in a variety of ways.
Data visualization tools
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From a data analyst's point of view, decision support data differ from operational data in three main areas: time span, granularity, and _____.
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Operational data are commonly stored in many tables, and the stored data represent information about a given _____ only.
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_____ extends SQL so that it can differentiate between access requirements for data warehouse data and operational data.
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In the context of the data-information-decision cycle, decisions made by high-level managers trigger actions in an organization's:
lower levels.
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At the level of middle management, the database must be able to _____.
provide the data necessary for tactical decisions and planning
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When introducing a database into an organization, the database approach creates a more controlled and structured information flow and thus affects people, functions, and interactions. This leads to a(n) _____ impact of the new database system.
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The person responsible for the control of the centralized and shared database is the database _____.
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Database administration operations are commonly defined and divided according to the phases of the _____.
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A data administrator is also known as a(n) _____.
information resource manager
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The _____ administrator is responsible for strategic planning.
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Coordinating, monitoring, and allocating database administration resources is included in a DBA's _____ role.
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_____ are more detailed and specific than policies and describe the minimum requirements of a given DBA activity.
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"All users must have passwords" is an example of a _____.
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"A password must have a minimum of five characters" is an example of a _____.
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Instructions to create a password are an example of a _____.
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In the context of data backup and recovery, the activities of a _____ includes the DBA operations that are classified as disaster management.
database security officer
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Which of the following is a reason why a DBMS's daily operations must be clearly documented?
Documentation of the daily operations help pinpoint causes and solutions of database problems.
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A(n) _____ plan is a set of instructions generated at application compilation time that predetermines how the application will connect to and communicate with the database at run time.
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Most SQL implementations yield case-insensitive searches.
Numeric function;s take one numeric parameter and return one value
ANSI-standard SQL allows the use of special operators in conjunction with the WHERE clause.
The SQL aggregate function that gives the number of rows containing non null values for a given column is
The COUNT function is deigned to tally the number of non null values of an attribute and is often used in conjunction with the DISTINCT clause
The COMMIT command does not perminantly save all changes. In Order to do that, you must use SAVE
If a designer wishes to create an inner join, but the two tables do not have a commonly named attribute, he can use a ____ clause
You cannot insert a row containing a null attribute value using SQL.
Comparison operators cannot be used to place restrictions on character based attributes
A database language enables the user to perform complex designed to transform the raw data into useful information
Oracle users can use the Access QBE (query by example) query generator.
All SQL commands must be issued on a single line.
An alias cannot be used when a table is required to be joined to itself in a recursive query
The _ command defines a default value for a column when no value is given
String comparisons are made from left to right
Although SQL commands can be grouped together on a single line, complex command sequences are best shown on separate lines with space between the SQL command and the commands components
You can select partial table contents by naming the desired fields and by placing restrictions on the rows to be included in the output
An _ query specifies which data should,d be retrieved and how it should be filtered aggregated and displayed
Some RDBMSs, such as Microsoft Access, automatically make the necessary conversions to eliminate case sensitivity.
The conditional LIKE must be used in conjunction with wildcard characters.
When using _____ join, only rows from the tables that match on common value are returned
Which is a feature of a correlated sub query
The outer subquery initiates the process of execution in a subquery
The _____ command restricts the selection of grouped rows based on a condition
The syntax for a left outer join is ___
SELECT Column list FROM table 1 LEFT [OUTTER] JOIN Table 2 ON join condition
Date procedures are often more softwear specific than other SQL procedures
The ANSI SQL standards are also accepted by the ISO
SQL allows the use of logical restrictions on its inquiries such as OR AND and NOT
SQL is considered difficult to learn; it's command set has a vocabulary of more than 30l words
An ___ is an alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL Statement
In subquery terminology, the first query in the SQL statement is known as the _____ query.
When using the Oracle TO_DATE function, the code _____ represents a three-letter month name.
What type of command does this SQL statement use? SELECT P_code, P_ DESCRIPT.....
"Old style" join
Which comparison operator indicates a value is not equal
The special operator used to check whether a subquery returns any rows is
____ is a string function that returns the number of characters in a string value