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measuring absorbance: 1
labquest app, sensors, calibrate
measuring absorbance: 2
90 sec warm up, blank cuvette in, finish calibration
measuring absorbance: 3
sensors, data collection, time based mode
measuring absorbance: 4
red box > select wavelength, change absorbance
measuring absorbance: 5
cuvette in blank, play, 10 seconds > stop
measuring absorbance: 6
analyze, statistics, record avg (mean) absorbance
measuring absorbance: 7
cuvette 1 in cuvette 0 place, play, discard data
calculating pH: 1
probe into channel 1, rinse w/ distilled water, wipe w kim wipe
calculating pH: 2
submerge probe, wait 15 sec before data collection, play button > collect data for 10 sec
calculating pH: 3
stop button, analyze, statistics, record avg pH
calculating temperature: 1
temp probe into channel 1, stick probe/buffer into diff environments
calculating temperature: 2
play, collect data 10 sec, stop, analyze, statics, record avg temp
total solids
if solids mass at least 0.025 > after subtracting final - initial mass, proceed
BOD: 1
DO probe into channel 1, rinse tip w/ distilled water, wipe w kim wipe
BOD: 2
switch on probe to mg/L, submerge for 40 sec, collect data for 10 sec, stop
BOD: 3
analyze, statistics, avg DO concentration, record under initial dissolved oxygen
BOD: 4
still submerged, flip switch to %, press play, measure 10 sec, rec avg % saturation
Nitrates: 1
clamp probe, insert nitrate ISE to clamp vertically, uncap nitrate high standard, place o support stand directly under nitrate ISE
Nitrates: 2
lower probe clamp to submerge nitrate ISE in nitrate high standard (NOT touching bottom), soak for 30 min
Nitrates: 3
ISE sensor into channel 1 of vernier interface, sensors, calibrate, select nitrate ISE
Nitrates: 4
“calibrate now”, wait for live voltage stabilization, value 1 = 100, keep, swap nitrate high standard for rinsate beaker
Nitrates: 5
rinse, swap rinsate beaker for nitrate low standard, lower clamp so nitrate ISE submerged into low standard
Nitrates: 6
wait for live voltage stabilization, know value 2 = 1, keep, finish calibration, rinse ISE
Nitrates: 7
ISE tip into Nalgene bottle, probe submerged 60 sec, collect data 10 sec, stop collection, analyze, statistics, rec avg nitrate concentration
total phosphate: 1
calibrate spectrovis, connecct to labquest via USB, sensors, calibrate, spectrometer, 90 sec warmup
total phosphate: 2
blank in cuvette holder of spectrovis, finish calibration, ok, red box, change wavelength, enter given absorbance, ok
dependent on pH, temp, salt concentration of reaction mixture
aqueous solution mix, function to resist changes in hydrogenn ion concentration
stock solutions
concentrated solutions that last over a long period
dilution factor
concentration of dilute solution reduced compared to concentration of stock solution
serial dilution
stepwise dilution where stock solution for each dilution is dilute solution from previous dilution
machine measures absorbance or transmittance of pigmented solutions
standards (solution)
have known amount of material assayed, used to calculate amount in unknowns
standard curve
determine concentration of unknown
independent variable
x axis, not affected by other variables
dependent variable
y axis, influenced/changes in response to independent variable
discovery science
uses data or surveys of natural systems to discover patterns/correlations
hypothesis-driven science
uses scientific method to develop knowledge
descriptive statics
describe/summarize data
-mean, median, mode measure central tendency
-range/variance/standard deviation measure dispersion
inferential statistics
make estimates/draw conclusions/inferences about population based on sample (T-Test)
temp effects on WQI
-cold water = more dissolved gas/DO
-temp changes indicate source of thermal pollution
-increased temp increases photosynthesis
-organisms stressed, lowering resistance
thermal pollution
caused by human activities
increases overall temp of water
important to stream health, blocks too much direct sunlight
pH effects of WQI
algal blooms, industrial processes, sulfide sediment oxidation, rainfall
total solids effects on WQI
-soil erosion
-plankton/animal and plant matter
-dissolved solids dehydrate organisms
-high total solids > cloudy water > less photosynthesis
factors affeting DO concentrations
temp, stream flow, air pressure, aquatic plants, decaying organic matter, human activities
BOD effects on WQI
-Oxygen replenished faster than used
-too much organic material to decompose = high BOD
-initial DO - final DO = BOD level
Nitrate effects on WQI
-increased by fertilizers, decomposition, waste, runoff, etc.
-high levels cause eutrophication
Total phosphate effects on WQI
-high levels associated w decreased DO/increased BOD
-added by humans
Fecal coliform bacteria, WQI
-indicated other pathogens from feces
-caused by leaking sewer systems, polluted runoff, etc.
-can survive wo oxygen
Turbidity, WQI
-increase w stream flow, soil erosion, runoff, etc.
-caused by bottom dwelling organisms, organisms, plankton
Conserved DNA region
-nucleotide seq w little/no variation across species, remains constant throughout evolution
Bacteria DNA barcoding
-agar as growth medium
-no buffer, prokaryotic
DNA purification/isolation: 1
Heat sample to 94 degrees celcius for 5 min, purify DNA, centrifuge Lysate
DNA purification/isolation: 2
DNA binds column, wash buffer clears everything else away (4x), nuclease free water added to column/centrifuged, DNA pulled through column/isolates
-Denaturing: DNA in microcentrifuge for 1 min at 95 degrees celcius
Master mix
-DNA polymerase, dNTPs, buffer, forward/reverse primers, water
-reduced pipetting errors/time running reaction
Gel electrophoresis: 1
-separate, identify, purify DNA frags
-DNA migrates to wards + charged electrode, smaller move faster through matrix
-Agarose/buffer cool/hardening jello substance
gel electrophoresis: 2
-blue gel dye added, EtBr added for frag visualization
-gel run at 175 volts, turn off when migrated 5 cm
gel analysis: presence of ladder
gel made properly, electrophoresed in correct direction, stained by etbr
gel analysis: no bands including ladder
etbr not added
gel analysis: ladder visible but bands not
part of taq polymerase degraded maybe
gel analysis: no sample band
one or both primers not added to master mix, DNA extraction recovered little/no genomic DNA
gel analysis: no band in bacteria
did not properly inoculate bacteria culture
gel analysis: multiple PCR bands
non-specific primer binding, sample contamination, primer added to multiple sample. master mix