data organized in rows and columns
3 uses of Excel
store, manipulate, and present data
collection of worksheets
group of cells
piece of data with address; object (complex data type)
$A$1:$A$1 (has $ sign)
A1:C3 (no $ sign)
auto increments
list at least four data types we worked with in excel
text, currency, date, time
what is an example of an IF formula in excel
=IF(A1>10, “Yes” , “No”)
in =IF(A1>10, “Yes” , “No”), the yes is outputted if the statement is….
in =IF(A1>10, “Yes” , “No”)the no is outputted if the statement is….
what is an example of an AND formula in excel
=AND(A1>10, B1>10)
what has to qualify for an AND formula in excel to be true?
both x and y have to be true
what is an example of an OR formula in excel
=OR(A1>10, A1<10)
what has to qualify for an OR formula in excel to be true?
either x or y has to be true
what is an example of a FIND formula?
what goes in each of these blanks in a FIND formula?
=FIND(“ __ “ , __ , ___ )
find this, cell number, start number
what is an example of a RIGHT formula?
=RIGHT(find, 2)
what goes in each of these blanks in a FIND formula?
=RIGHT( __ , __ )
text to look for, number of characters
basics of VBA
writing programs to process data in excel
what are pivot tables useful for?
analyzing data and automating the storage of data
write how the syntax to input and output a String in Arduino
string myName;
serial.println(“Enter your name”);
while (serial.available == 0){ //wait}
myName= seral.readString
write the arduino code to count the number of button presses that occur in a given time frame
pinMode (12, INPUT_PULLUP); //reads LOW when pressed
int state = digitalRead(12);
delay (50);
if (state == LOW){ //pressed down
while (digitalRead(12) ==LOW){ count++;}
symbol for XOR in C++
symbol for OR in C++
symbol for NOT in C++
symbol for AND in C++
symbol for LS in C++
symbol for RS in C++