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What is the approximate date for the writing of Romans?
Associate each place with the theory of Paul's purpose that relates to it
Spain- Paul is soliciting support for future ministry
Corinth- Paul is summarizing his theology
Jerusalem- Paul is focused on the offering he is collecting
What is the theme of Romans?
Where was Paul when he wrote Romans?
What event, mentioned in both Acts and the Roman historian Suetonius, affected the makeup of the church at Rome?
Expulsion of the Jews from Rome and their return
What is the emphasis in the New Perspective on Paul?
Who now constitutes the people of God?
Outline of Romans
The Heart of the Gospel: Justification by Faith
The Assurance Provided by the Gospel: The Hope of Salvation
The Defense of the Gospel: The Problem of Israel
THe Transforming Power of the Gospel: Christian Conduct
Which of the following is NOT of the ways Paul introduces himself to the Romans?
Which of the following is NOT one of the great motivations for evangelism that Paul mentions in this text?
Compassion on souls that are in danger of dying without knowledge of the Savior
Why, most likely, did Paul write such a long introduction to the Romans?
He had never visited Rome
In the phrase "declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead," what is meaning of the verb translated "declared"?
Why does Paul say he wants to preach the gospel to the Romans, who are already Christians?
The Gospel includes discipleship
Which of the following is NOT one of the points Moo makes about natural revelation?
Nature reveals enough for people to be saved
What is the key word in 1:1-17?
Paul's readers who were familiar with the OT would have been surprised that the righteousness of God is received by faith. What other aspect of this vindication would have surprised them?
It is for Gentiles and not just Jews
Which of the following is NOT one of the three consequences of sin enumerated by Paul in this text?
our choices (will)
Is "giving over" language active or passive; i.e., does God merely allow sinners their way or does He judge them with the consequences of their choices?
Moo warns against the idea that a God of love could not also exercise wrath against sin. What other misunderstanding of wrath does Moo warn against?
Viewing wrath as emotional and capricious
What is Paul's most common use of the idea of salvation?
Final deliverance that will come at death or Christ's return
When Paul uses the word "law," to what is he referring over 90% of the time?
The Mosaic Law
What universal basis for a society’s positive laws is suggested by Paul’s argument in 2:12-16?
The Natural Law
Why is it that having the law does not shield Jews from condemnation, according to Paul's argument in this chapter?
They must keep the law
How does 2:1 likely indicate that Paul is now addressing the Jews?
He shifts from 3rd person pronouns to 2nd person pronouns
How does the conscience figure into Paul's argument in chapter 2?
Gentiles are condemned by doing what they think is wrong
What is the nature of the nine things Paul lists about the Jews in 2:17-20?
They are legitimate privileges the Jews enjoy
According to 3:1-2, what is the most significant advantage Jews have over Gentiles?
They have been entrusted with God's Word
What is the most basic definition of God's righteousness?
His commitment to always act in accordance with His own character |
When the Jewish objector says, "How can God judge us if our unfaithfulness actually results in good," how does Paul respond?
If God could not judge sin that resulted in good, He could not judge sin at all
When, in verse 27, Paul speaks of the Gentiles who obey the law, what does he mean?
He is speaking hypothetically for sake of argument
What is the meaning of "Let God be true, but every man a liar"?
No matter what man does, God will keep His promises
Paul employs diatribe in 3:1-8. What is diatribe?
Using an imaginary objector to advance the argument
How did Paul correct the Jews' mistaken conception of God's righteousness?
He will be faithful not only to bless but also to judge |
What are the two most distinguishing marks of being Jewish?
Possessing the law and circumcision
Moo points out that the New Perspective on Paul does not adequately handle Paul's teachings. What is the other major problem with it?
Jewish religion, according to the gospels, did have significant legalism
What kind of context is portrayed by the language in 3:19?
A Courtroom
According to 3:19, what can the law accomplish?
It brings awareness of sin
What is the name scholars have given to the Jewish belief that they would be saved simply because they were born Jews?
Covenantal Nomism
Romans 3:10-18 has what distinction?
Longest series of quotations from the OT in the NT |
What OT passage is quoted in 3:10-12 to establish universal depravity?
Psalm 14:1-3
How can the whole world be condemned by the fact that those under the law are condemned?
If Jews are sinners, then certainly everyone else is
Which reformer inserted "alone" into his translation of 3:28 to bring out the exclusivity of faith for salvation?
Martin Luther
Which interpretation of the faith of Jesus Christ is advanced by Moo?
objective- faith in Jesus Christ
How often do the words righteousness, just, and justify occur in 3:21-26?
What is the righteousness that Paul emphasizes in 3:25-26?
God’s Justice
How is the word translated propitiation usually used in the OT?
Mercy seat/atonement cover
What does Genesis 15:6 mean when it says that God credited Abraham's faith as righteousness?
God granted Abraham the status of being righteous because he believed God's promise
Which of the following is NOT one of the antitheses that Paul uses to explain Abraham's faith?
Faith versus the supernatural
How does the chronology of Abraham's life support Paul's argument?
He believed long before he was circumcised
What phrase in chapter 4 expresses the traditional Protestant view of justification?
God who justified the wicked
What theological axiom does Paul assume in his argument in 4:4-5?
God always relates to creatures by grace
Which of the following is NOT one of Moo's points about the nature of biblical saving faith?
Faith is primarily believing testimony with the mind
Which of the following is NOT one of the points Paul makes about the promise in Romans 4?
Circumcision was a sign and seal of covenant faith
When Paul says that God "calls things that are not as though they were," what is he most likely referring to?
God spoke of the nations that would come from Abraham and Sarah before they existed
How many times do the noun and verb for "promise" occur in 4:13-22?
Which of the following is NOT one of the concepts that the Jews jumbled together in their discussions of Abraham but that Paul insisted must be kept separate?
Which of the following is a true statement?
All transgressions are sins, but not all sins are transgressions
According to Moo, what does Paul mean when he says Christ was "delivered for our offenses" in 4:25?
He died because of our sins