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What was the purpose of Carl Yungs work?
Understand where dreams come from and what meaning or purpose they serve (why we have them)
What was his opinion about the personality in relation to consciousness?
A personality is "indescribable" and you can only describe the conscious parts of a person. We are not fully in touch with the unconscious parts of ourselves and only have hints
What were the three elements, from human culture, he believed could be observed or discussed and connected to an analysis of human psychology?
- the inner life of his patients
- patterns of religious and faith in all cultures
- patterns in stories (human myths)
Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.
a particular system of faith and worship
complete trust or confidence in someone or something
A body of stories about gods and heroes that try to explain how the world works
A set of repressed, but influential thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that dont match with the conscious mind
one who is outgoing and expressive; one who is energized rather than drained by interactions with others
a shy person
The outer or assumed aspect of a persons character
Synchronicity (Jung)
The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard.
When did Jung become interested in dreams? Why?
From a young age because he wanted to understand what dreams were and what useful information they may contain
What was Yungs method for analyzing dreams? Why did he believe this to be effective?
To treat dreams as if they were facts the doctor could observe; they could form a bond and leave the psychosis behind
What was Yungs connection to Freuds Research/Theories
He attributed his work to him, because he made them aware of the unconscious
How did the Word Association test work?
He would record verbal (speed and nature of response) and physical aspects (pulse and breathing patterns) at the same time when saying the word
What was he looking for using the WA test?
The patients unconscious voice
What did the WA test contribute to other tests?
The lie detector test and the existence of the unconscious voice
What is the id?
the basic instinct principle in Freudian theory. It is the seat of aggression and sexual impulse. It is devoid of logic and time orientation. It is chaotic and bodily focused.
What is the ego?
this is the reality principle in Freudian theory. It indicates power of reasoning and control over behavior. It helps keep the impulses of the id in check and the super egos judgement
What is the superego?
the superego is the moralistic and idealistic principle in the Freudian theory, pressures us to resist the id.
What do the id, ego, and superego reveal about human nature?
How we deal with each of them as a child creates our adult personality, and it shows us the different parts of our unconscious and conscious mind
Compliance Conformity
publicly changing behavior to fit in with the group while privately disagreeing
Identification Conformity
Internalization Conformity
Absorbed a groups beliefs system and sees it as truly their own both privately and publicly. Most powerful
How do the three types of conformity connect to ideas of human subconscious
Its showing us that our conscious may believe one thing, but our unconscious mind, standing behind us like a person, may disagree but because of fear of rejection and need for approval we dismiss it
How do the three types of conformity connect to ideas about persona?
This shows us how the outer and assumed part of a person can truly be very different from the truth about them; or it could be the exact same and we can never truly understand what is ones mask and what isnt because even we ourselves dont know for sure.