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Body bright yellow dorsally, with 5 black bars on body, Adult males turn dark blue during spawning and while guarding eggs
Sergeant Major
Yellow/tan dorsally, 5 wide bars on sides, small dark spot on upper pectoral base, potential 6th bar on caudal peduncle
Night Sergeant
Head and body bright blue, dorsal and anal fins with black margin, caudal fin deeply forked
Blue Chromis
Dark blue from snout to base of soft dorsal, caudal fin yellow, bright blue band runs from tip of snout to first dorsal base
Yellowtail Reeffish
Brown on upper third of body, blue line from tip of snout and above eyes, small dark spot on upper pectoral fin base (Juveniles yellow dorsally, blue/purple mid body and white below)
Olive brown dorsally that fades to white, dark spot on pectoral fin base, white spot under rear dorsal base, outer margins of dorsal and caudal fin tips yellow
Brown Chromis
Few to many bright blue spots on scales, eyes always with blue to bright blue crescent, Blue spots may blend to form “V” shape on snout
Purple Reeffish
Caudal fin always yellow or pale yellow, small bright blue spots scattered on head, body, and dorsal fin (Juveniles dark blue with bright blue spots on head, body, dorsal, and anal fin, caudal fin transparent)
Yellowtail Damselfish
May have faint blue spots on head, chest and abdomen, small dark spot at upper pectoral fin base, soft dorsal and anal fin rays reach slightly beyond caudal fin (Juveniles bright orange dorsally with purple on sides and bright blue spots, and a large ocellated spot on dorsal fin)
Dusky Damselfish
May have green cast on head, scale edges dark, small dark spot on upper opercular fin base, dorsal and anal fin extend well beyond caudal fin base (Juveniles yellow with blue lines on head that merge spots on upper body, black ocellated spot on dorsal fin)
Longfin Damselfish
Dark olive to dusky gray dorsally, pale below on isthmus, may have blue spots on head and upper sides (Juveniles with blue spots over dark dusky blue on upper body, black ocellated spot on upper dorsal base)
Three color phases:
- anterior color of fish brown and posterior color white to pale
-Upper third of fish brown lower third of fish yellow and back third of fish pale to white
-Overall pearly to grayish with a yellow case on pectoral fin
Bicolor Damselfish
Purplish brown dorsally, always with large black spot at upper pectoral fin base and on upper caudal peduncle, upper rim of eyes yellow, snout with blue wash (Juveniles yellow with large black spot on rear upper side and black spot on caudal peduncle)
Threespot Damselfish
Dar bluish brown to green dorsally, yellow ventrally, May have blue spots on upper head, may have a dark spot on upper caudal peduncle (Juveniles with a dark spot on upper caudal peduncle)
Cocoa Damselfish