wealthy peasants (owned large farms, were able to hire labourers, lease land)
considered enemies of socialism by soviets
russian communist party led by lenin
radical, revolutionary, marxist
formed in 1912
took power in 1917 (october revolution)
dominant faction in russian socialist movement, less radical/popular than bolsheviks
deemed illegal in 1921
work/soldier local councils, communist (bolshevik) ideologies dominated
egalitarian and marxist principles
inner circle of ~20 leading members of bolshevik party
highest policy-making authority in USSR
led by general secretary (stalin)
democratic centralism
true democracy lies in party members' obedience to enlightened leadership (democracy in the boundary of party in power)
lenin argues free/open discussion among low/uneducated people = fragmentation
democracy + control :)
constitutional republicanism
chief executive/people in power are elected; rules written in constitution
US is this type of government
divine right monarchy
monarch's power is given from god, not subject to earthly authority
govt of late russian empire (last monarch was nicolas ii)
main idea of communist party in 1900s, vanguard party to lead working class to overthrow bourgeoisie
only developing countries could lead fight against capitalism
workers overcoming upper class = equal society
authoritarian rule
citizens submit blindly to government (USSR)
total centralization of govt, cult of personality around stalin (LENIN)
one party state (other parties outlawed)
bureaucratic state (central power increased under lenin)
police state (cheka controlled people, informed govt)
treaty of rapallo
april 1922, germany/soviet russia
renounced territorial/financial claims against each other (concessions)
good for rus/ger, bad for br/fr
abidcation of nicolas ii
1917, nicolas ii forced to resign from power
tsar's troops rebel against tsardom, nicolas returns to petrograd to deal w/ disturbances, rebel rail workers blocked his way
provisional govt takes over after his abdication
treaty of brest-litovsk
russia gives up 25% of its territory to germany, annulled when germany surrenders to allied powers in nov. 1918
lenin believed peace w/ germany was necessary to the russian revolution
armistice signed in march 1918
treaty of versailles
treaty ended war btwn germany/allied powers, 1919
bolshevik police force
founded 1917 by lenin
protect revolution against "class enemies"
mass imprisonment, torture, execution without trial
communist international, founded to start world communist revolution
1919, soviet union, special interest in china
used by ussr to control world communist mvmt
dissolved in 1943 to avoid damaging relations w/ US, UK in WWII
kronstadt sailors
1921 rebellion of sailors and civilians in Kronstadt (city)
rebels demadned reduction in bolshevik power;
new soviets to include social/anarchist groups
economic freedom for peasants/workers -dissolution of bureaucratic govt
bolsheviks raided island, killed thousands of people
petrograd soviet
soviet of petrograd (capital), main rival to provisional govt
est. during feb. revolution
trotsky = chairman
april theses
10 directive issues by lenin, foundation for oct. revolution
called for soviets
denounced liberals in provisional govt
called for bolsheviks not to cooperate w/ provisional govt
called for new communist policies
first five-year plan
economic goals outlined by stalin: unrealistic, caused famine, killed millions of people
called for rapid industrialization, agricultural collectivism, removing all policies created under NEP
lenin's testament
document read by lenin, addressed to communist party members, called for change and included criticism of 6 party leaders
warned of party split btwn trotsky/stalin
recommended stalin be removed as secretary-general
forbidden to be discussed after stalin rises to power
soviet constitution of 1924
expanded treaty of creation in ussr, included ukraine, belorussia, transvauvasia, russia ssr's
approved by second congress of people's deputies of ussr in 1924
new economic plan
put forward by lenin to bring stability to economy, recover from years of war, civil war, govt mismanagement
union of soviet socialist republics, formed after 1917 revolution
joint state political directorate
intelligence/state security service, secret police from 1923-1934
responsible for creation of gulag
communist international, regulated internatioanl communist movement
main camp administration/prison camp system
the stakhanovite movement
1935, workers who took pride in being able to work efficiently
named after coal miner who was able to mine a lot of coal in short amount of time
faced resistance as increased productivity = increased demands on workers
war communism
during russian civil war (1918-1921), attempted to provide towns and red army with supplies
simple authoritarian control by military to maintain power in soviet regions
not a coherent set of policies, didn't work
lenin resorted to NEP
collectivizing labour efforst and landholdings into state-controlled farms
thought that it would increase production/exports, actually caused mass famine
russian leader (similar to tsar)
stalin sought to achieve this title, mainly able to after wwii
organised massacre of specific ethnic groups, mostly jewish people in russia/eastern europe
removal of undesirable people from an organisation/place
stalin used purge methods to remove many military generals
collective punishment
punishment of whole group for something done by a single member
stalin deported tons of people to remote areas of USSR
social realist literature
protagonists = factory workers
story based on newly-built upotian society
every story had political purpose
total theatre
vsevold meyerhold wanted to break down barrier btwn audience/actor
went against conformity that stalin wanted
ultimately tortured and killed
cult of personality
worshipping stalin
konsomol: written to impress stalin ideas onto younger generation
people who held high positions in soviet bureaucracy
all were communist party members
educated people that lead and critique politics/culture
writers, teachers, artists, etc.
religious persecution
mistreatment based on religious affiliation
deportation of minority peoples
forcibly moving someone to somehwere else
usually to siberia or gulags
anti-comintern pact
agreement btwn germany/japan/italy to work together to stop spread of communism worldwide, 1936
munich agreement
1938, UK/fr/italy agree to give czechoslovakia to nazi germany
avoided war temporarily, fueled nazi germany
russia viewed this as aggressive expansion
molotov-ribbentrop pact
german/soviet agreement to not take aggressive military action against each other
hitler betrays pact in 1941, invades USSR
potsdam declaration
ultimatum issues by US/GB/china in 1935 for japan to surrender
japan didn't surrender!