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carbon monoxide
from incomplete combustion of a fuel
causes: asphyxia (from bonding with hemoglobin) , headaches, drowsy
progress: catalytic converter in cars, co2 detectors
sulfur dioxide
combustion of coal for electricity
causes: asthma, acid rain
progress: wet scrubbers on smokestacks. fluidized bed combustion capture so2
no is primary, no2 is secondary
combustion of engines (cars, planes, etc)
causes: acid rain, smog, asthma, reduces visibility and photosynthesis
progress: smog checks, catalytic converters
tropospheric ozone
vocs stop ozone from breaking down
causes: smog, asthma, damages immune system, crop damages and decreased photosynthesis
progress: emission standards
particulate matter
from smokestacks, construction, volcanoes, vehicles
pm 0.1 (ultra fine) is worst
causes: asthma
progress: alternative heating, electrostatic precipitators, baghouse filters in exhaust systems
old, leaded gasoline, old paint, ore and metal processing factories
causes: brain damage
progress: end of leaded gas
causes: cancer, respiratory and mucous membrane irritant, overloaded immune system
progress: air filters, ventilation, masks, emission standards
toxic air pollutants
airborne toxins
from metal smelting, sewage treatment, industry burning trash
causes: cancer, reproductive defects
progress: clean air act regulations
primary pollutants
carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide, (sometimes) particulate matter), lead, voc
causes respiratory problems such as asthma
tropospheric ozone, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nox,