Pages 207-211
When was the Great Leap Forward announced?
In May 1958 at the 8th CCP Congress along with the 2nd Five Year Plan which would form part of the GLF.
Backyard Furnaces
What were they?
What was their purpose? Why?
Every family was urged to construct their own backyard furnace and melt down their metal objects (pots,pans,woks) to produce 'steel' to allow industry to 'leap forward'
Mao was optimistic since the apparent success of the water conservancy campaign of the previous winter
Mao had announced in the autumn of 1957 that steel production would quadruple inside the next 4 years
Backyard Furnaces
In September 1958 14% of China's steel came from local furnaces but by October it was 49%
It gathered mass participation and at its peak a 1/4 of the population abandoned normal activities to take part
Backyard Furnaces
It put an unsustainable strain of food production so they had to close schools and deploy peasant shock brigades in order to get in the harvest
By the spring of 1959 it became apparent that the steel being produced in homemade furnaces was useless and low grade and the only useful steel was the being produced in smelting plants. However they feared losing face so the peasants continued and the steel was buried by the authorities so they wouldn't find out
Vast swathes of woodland were destroyed to supply fuel for furnaces which led to soil erosion and flooding
How did it work? Why did Mao support it?
Giving more freedom to the local party officials, the cadres, to harness the energies of the masses
Mao thought that if that state bureaucrats continued to control planning, it would hold back the pace of change
State-owned enterprises
How did it work? Why might Mao have supported it?
It was the movement towards state ownership of businesses to private instead
Prices, output targets and wages were set by the state so there was no more bargaining between workers and employers for better conditions
State-owned enterprises
Workers enjoyed guaranteed jobs and wages and certain medical and educational benefits.
State-owned enterprises
The inefficient system removed the incentive to work harder
Any surplus went to the state so the running of state-owned enterprises did not matter to workers or management
Construction projects
How did it work?
Work brigades were sent out from the communes to construct dams and reservoirs using only the most rudimentary equipment.
Construction projects
Why might Mao have supported it?
Mao saw the masses of China as it’s main asset and felt that they could be used to achieve the desired result without advanced machinery.
Construction projects
Some of the projects were slightly successful but it was mainly just negatives. What are the negatives?
The 3 Gate Gorge Dam had to be rebuilt within a year and by 1961 twice as much mud was being deposited downstream and foreign visitors were banned from going near the dam
Cost in terms of lives lost and labour taken away from farming was colossal
Disruption of existing drainage patterns led to increase in salinisation which reduced the productivity of the land