The art and science of making maps, including data compilation, layout, and design. Also concerned with the interpretation of mapped patterns.
International Date Line
the line of longitude that marks where each new day begins, centered on the 180th meridian
Isoline map
A thematic map with lines that connect points of equal or similar value
Dot map
Maps where one dot represents a certain number of a phenomenon, such as a population. Farm Density Across the United States (1997)
Map scale
Small scale = large area such as
the world
Large Scale = small area such as
a city
the lines on a map that run north to south, but measure distance east or west of the prime meridian.
physical character of a place, includes absolute location, climate, type of soil
Quantitative research
Research that provides data that can be expressed with numbers, such as ranks or scales.
Independent invention
The term for a trait with many cultural hearths that developed independent of each other
The process of spreading a feature or trend from one place to another over time
Polar projection
an azimuthal projection that is centered on one of the poles
physical characteristics OF PLACE
land features, mountains, plains, climate, & bodies of water
a place from which an innovation originates
Mercator projection
Straight meridians and parallels that intersect at right angles. (Used for navigation & not accurate, distorts the poles)
*Goode Homolosine
Tears, or interruptions, minimize specific distortions. They are placed to group related parts of the map together.
Thematic maps
A map designed to convey information about a single topic or theme, such as population density or geology.
Mental map
space is organized as determined by an individual's perception, impression, and knowledge of that space.
Distance decay
trailing-off phenomenon of diminishing (losing) contact with the increase in distance
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
A computer hardware and software system that handles geographically referenced data.
-uses and produces maps and has the ability to perform many types of spatial analysis
Global Positioning System (GPS)
determines precise location based on satellite signals
Remote sensing
using long distance methods like satellite imagery to GATHER DATA about the Earth's surface
renewable resource
produced in nature faster than it is consumed by humans
nonrenewable resource
produced in nature more slowly than it is consumed by humans
an arc drawn btwn the North & South pole
prime meridian
the meridian that passes through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England (0 degrees longitude)
Tropic of cancer
23.5 degrees latitude N
Tropic of Capricorn
23.5 degrees latitude
Greenwich mean time (GMT)
the time at the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude), is the master reference time for all points on Earth
local scale
A spatial scale that is essentially equivalent to a COMMUNITY.
global scale
the scale of the world, in a global setting.
long-term average weather condition at a particular location
Spatial analysis
examines the characteristics, location, and relationship between places and features on the earth's surface in order to explain the spatial expression of human behavior patterns
Physical geography
the branch of geography dealing with natural features and processes
Absolute location
Exact location of a place on the earth described by global coordinates
the distance in degrees north or south of the equator
the imaginary center line of latitude that divides the northern and southern hemispheres
Relative location
the regional position or situation of a place relative to the position of other places
An area distinguished by a unique combination of trends or features.
the location of a place relative to other places
Sense of place
The relationship with places expressed in different dimensions of human life, how humans perceive a place.
Time space compression
The relationship with places expressed in different dimensions of human life, how humans perceive a place.
The frequency with which something exists within a given unit of area
The arrangement of something across Earth's surface.
Environmental possibilism
the idea that some environments offer specific constraints/ opportunities
Aerial photography
Taking images of the earth from elevated positions as a means of gathering geographic data
Cartographic scale
the way the map communicates the ratio of its size to the size of what it represents
Plot map
detailed map illustrating the geographic boundaries of individual lots
Choropleth maps
A map that uses differences in shading or coloring to indicate statistical ranges.
Topographic map
A map that shows the surface features of an area
a type of map used to present statistical info - stretch
Map projection
a way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface
Gall-peters projection
equal area projection that distorts the shape of land masses (looks stretched out)
Robinson projection
The lines of latitude and longitude almost intersect at right angles except near edges. Useful projection for display of oceans but land masses are distorted.
Functional (or nodal) region
Consists of a central place and the surrounding places affected by it
Perceptual (vernacular) region
a region defined by popular feelings and images rather than by objective data.
Qualitative data
Information describing color, odor, shape, or some other physical characteristic
Scale of analysis
a scale that determines what is being studied based on the size of the area being examined
Political geography
The spatial analysis of political phenomena and processes- like boundaries, sovereignty and laws
the official count of a population
Environmental determinism
the view that the natural environment has a controlling influence over various aspects of human life including cultural development
Formal region
uniform or homogeneous areas where everyone in that region shares common attributes or traits like language, climate or political system- primarily used to outline political, cultural and economic regions
Human environment interaction
how people affect their environment and how their environment affects them
Proportional symbol map
uses a symbol that is either large or small depending on the size of the phenomenon it is representing
The use of Earth's renewable and nonrenewable natural resources in ways that do not constrain resource use in the future.
Census tract
A small, relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county delineated by a local committee of census data users for the purpose of presenting data
A description of surface features of land.