Viral infections
________ can be devastatingly destructive causing cells to break open and tissues to fall apart.
Elaborate cellular pathways
________ ensure that proteins are transported to their proper intracellular (intra, within) locations or secreted.
A typical ________ is a linear or branched chain of repeating identical sugar units.
Unicellular eukaryotes
________ are critical for marine ecosystems, consume large quantities of phytoplankton, harbor photosynthetic algae, use sunlight to produce biologically useful energy forms and small fuel molecules.
Karl von Baer
In 1827, ________ discovered that mammals grow from eggs that come from the mothers ovary.
________ kills some cells but is an absolute requirement for others.
________ are not considered alive because they can't grow nor reproduce on their own.
________ account for an estimated 1- 1.5 kg of the average humans weight.
chain of amino acids
Once a(n) ________ are formed, it folds into a complex shape, conferring a distinctive three- dimensional structure and function on each protein.
The ________ is the region between the plasma membrane and the nucleus comprising the cytosol (aqueous phase) and the organelles.
________ of an egg by a sperm cell yields a zygote a visually unimpressive cell 200 μm in diameter.
________ and archaebacteria are the most abundant single-celled organisms.
________ string together 20 different amino acids in a linear chain to form a protein.
________ and molds (collectively constitute the fungi) are important for breaking down plant and animal remains for reuse.
adult stem
Of greater scientific and medical interest is the ability to generate specific cell types starting from embryonic or ________ cells.
Peaceful mutualism of humans
________ and bacteria can be violated by one or both.
They inhabit mammals and mosquitoes changing their ________ and behavior in response to signals in each of their environments.
Sexual life cycles
________ allow more rapid changes in the genetic inheritance that would be possible without having sex viruses Are the Ultimate Parasites.
E coli
________ is a common gut bacterium and a great experimental organism.
structural components
Proteins can serve as ________ of a cell, (by forming an internal skeleton)
________ benefit the food chain, they fertilize the soil, control the population of bacteria and excrete nitrogenous and phosphate compounds, and in waste treatment systems (natural and man- made)
Identical twins
________ occur naturally when the mass of cells composing an early embryo divides into two parts, each of which develops and grows into an individual animal.
________ and a few other organisms can harvest energy from sunlight to form ATP in photosynthesis.
Viruses cause diseases; chickenpox, influenza, pneumonia (some types, polio, measles, rabies, ________, the common cold)
aid of neurotransmitters
The movements needed to fight or flee are triggered by nerve impulses that flow from the brain to our muscles with the ________.
linear code
Some polysaccharides exhibit the greater informational complexity associated with a(n) ________ made up of different units assembled in a particular order.
They can be motors that move other molecules around, burning chemical energy (________) to do so.
Carbon stored
________ in bacteria is nearly as much as the carbon stored in plants.
DNA double helix
Each ________ has a simple construction: wherever there is an A in one strand there is a T in the other, and each C is matched with a G.
mammalian embryos
The ability to make and manipulate ________ in the laboratory has led to new medical opportunities as well as various social and ethical concerns.
essential amino acids
The ________, from a dietary standpoint, are the eight that we can not synthesize and must obtain from food.
genetic information
The ________ carried by DNA resides in its sequence, the linear order of nucleotides along a strand.
Vitro fertilization
________ allows many otherwise infertile couples to have children.
amino acids
Proteins commonly range in length from 100 to 1000 ________, but some are much shorter and others longer.
Intestinal cells
________ form appropriate shapes providing a niche where the bacteria can live.
ability of viruses
The ________ to transport genetic material into cells and tissues represents a medical menace and a medical opportunity.
Viral infections
________ in plants have a major economic impact on crop production.
________ and other multicellular organisms have tons of cells that are organized into complex structures, but many consist of single cells.
amino acids
We obtain ________ either by synthesizing them from other molecules or by breaking down the proteins that we eat.
________ is an example, cyanobacteria or blue- green algae can be unicellular or filamentous chains of cells.
________ come in different varieties of shapes and sizes.
The ________ must be properly arranged and organized into tissues, organs, and appendages.