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Geoffrey chaucer
called the “Father of English Poetry” middle english
Outer Frame Story
prologue; the pilgrims meeting at the Tabard Inn preparing for a journey to Canterbury
Inner Frame Story
All the stories told by the assembled pilgrims along their journey to and from Canterbury
tales of chivalry
short, bawdy, humorous stories
narratives in which characters represent abstractions such as pride or honor
a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and events
The Old Feudal Order
pilgrims associated with the feudal class system
The Merchant Class
the rising middle class of the time (merchant, man of law, cook)
The Ecclesiastical Class
the group Chaucer is most critical of, members of the church
The act of portraying a character in a narrative
Direct Characterization
using explicit statements to tell the reader about a character
Indirect Characterization
using dialogue, description, or action to reveal the character
the attitude of an author toward his subject that the readers are meant to share
Verbal Irony
when a speaker means something other than what he says
ridicule of a person, group, or institution in order to provoke corrective change in belief or behavior
Beast Fable
a brief, fanciful tale that embodies a moral and in which animals act like humans
Mock Epic
a tale that treats a trivial subject in heroic terms
imitating another author’s style for comic effect
Canterbury Tales
What did Geoffrey Chaucer write
1400 AD
When was the incomplete manuscript published
What are the tales written in
Frame story
What are the Canterbury Tales considered as
Canterbury Tales
What incorporate many genres of literature
Lady pertelote
What is the lady’s name
What does he dream about
Middle english
What language was canterbury tales
Why was the manuscript incomplete
Was it written in poetry or prose
Outer frame story
What kind of story is canterbury tales
Ecclesiastical order
What class is he most critical of
Direct characterization
What characterization is used the most
What is his tone in the dialogue
What is the main human failing he makes fun of
Situational irony
What type of irony is contrary to the reader’s expectations
What time of year is the prologue
What member of the clergy received the highest criticism
Pertelote and chanticleer
Who are the 2 main characters
What is the conflict in the nun's priest