The order of creation
· Day 1 Light and day
· Day 2 Heaven
· Day 3 Earth
· Day 4 Climate and days
· Day 5 Seas
· Day 6 Man
The hierarchy of creation
God, Humans, Organics, Non Organics
Imago Dei (Image of God)
Humans were created in the image of God but not all knowing
Symbolism of nakedness
The symbolism of nakedness is our early naiveness to the world and to good and bad once we ate the fruit of knowledge we became aware and put on clothes
Temptation and the serpente-female complementarity
The serpent tempted Adom and Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge which they did
Three curses
· Snake: Eat dust and crawl on your belly for the rest of time and women and children will always hate snakes
· Women: Painful child labor, and to be ruled over by her Husband
· Man: Cursed is the ground that bears fruits with thorns and laborious food gathering, to be mortal
Why God exiles Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden
Because they ate the fruit of knowledge and have knowledge of good and bad
Cain's motivation for murdering his brother, Abel
Because his brother abels offer to God was accepted and his was not. It was jealousy that over took him and made him kill Abel
Cain's punishment
Banished and forced to roam the world
The Beatitudes
· Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
· Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
·Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
·Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
· Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
· Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
·Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
·Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Teaching on adultery
You should not commit adultery, you shouldn’t even look at someone with lust
How we should treat enemies
You should love your enemies and should turn the other cheek
“love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
Roman and Jewish reaction to Jesus's message
Jewish people like his message and were praying for a political savior
Five contributions of Christianity to civilization
Five contributions of Christianity to civilization are:
Development of Education
Art and Architecture:
Humanitarianism and Social Justice:
Ethical Framework
Influence on Western Legal Systems:
Secularization (meaning)
A belief system that rejects religion in society
Christianity as first "world religion"
You don’t have to be born Chirstian, anyone can be a Christian. Its not tribalism
Nazism as antithesis of Christian moral teachings
This is why the western world hated Nazism. It was for a master slave society and they believed in a master race.
People who do not affiliate with any certain religion (atheist, agnostic, or nothing in particular)
Data from PEW report
·3/10 people are nones
·Self-Identified Christians 63%’
·Christians are losing numbers and nones are gaining numbers in recent years
That human nature is corrupted by sin
Christianity in Medieval Europe
The most important thing you could do is sacraments
Baptism, Confirmation, The Eucharist, Confession, Holy orders, Marriage, and Last rights
Big scandal with churches pushing donations after confessions to further reassure their sin was obsolved or you could pay to obsolve loved ones sins that were either living or dead
Protestant Reformation
· The bible is the sole authority for all matters. Salvation is by God’s grace and faith in Jesus.
· Started after the indulgences scandal
· Began with Martin Luther
95 theses
Humans will reach salvation from the bible and faith not by indugences. Can not reach salvation through deeds. Only by faith.
Sola fide/sola gratia/sola scriptura (Luther's main teachings)
• Sola fide: live with and by faith
• Sola gratia: live with Gods grace
• Sola scriptura: Live by the scripture of the bible
The place of works (external vs. internal man)
Good works are the manifestation of grace and faith
Anything the body demands is dangerous: We need to subdue the body with fasting, vigil, and labor. By sitting and not working we are letting the devil in
Catholic criticism of Luther/The Reformation
The Catholics did not agree with Luther and said that only the church could speak of Gods will. Luther thought only the bible could speak of Gods will
The induvial self
The supreme being of God and the Universe
The powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real"
4th state of mind that allows you to see past Maya
Essence or purpose of a thing
Moral cause and effect, enforcer for Dharma
Reincarnation, to bring everything to perfect harmony
Questioning what he is doing fighting his friends/family
In a charioteer teaching of Hinduism, asks people to act selflessly
Setting of Bhagavad Gita
Middle of the battlefield in India. Arjuan is fighting his uncle and other family
Interpreting Bhagavad Gita
Could be an allegory of the battle of good and evil in ones self
Hinduism proper attitude toward death
We should not fear death because of its invenability and because of rebirth
Sense experience and attachment
Senses → attachment —> desires —-> addiction —-> rage/anger/madness —> loss of control
“If we are wise we will drive in our sense like a tortuous like his limbs”
Forms of yoga/purpose of yoga
Bhakti Yoga: The yoga of devotion or prayer
Jnana Yoga: the path of knowledge or philosophy
Raja Yoga: The yoga of meditation or contemplation
We use Yoga to gain freedom from attachment
The “soul” is part of the body and both die together
Substance dualism
the material world and the immaterial world interact with each other
Christian dualism versus Platonic dualism
In summary, Christian dualism centers around the conflict between good and evil, while Platonic dualism explores the dichotomy between the material and ideal realms.
Examples of NDEs
Failed suicide man saw a large ape he believed to be Satan; less than positive NDEs tend to happen when people contemplate suicide
Ways of interpreting origin of NDEs
· The brain as a transmitter of electromagnetic waves that converts them into visions like a TV
· Non-materialistic views of consciousness