Work in progress : more will be added
Sort of models for information systems
Models can be build :
to document business requirements (analysis) or technical designs
To automatically build prototype applications
For existing software systems as a way to better understand those systems (i.e. reverse engineering)
Terminologies of domain model
Multiplicities ( * means 0 or more)
Use case purpose
Describes the behavior of the system in interaction with users and environment
Business use case (aka “Abstract-Level use case”)
Describes the more general interaction between a business system and the users/actors of that system to produce business results of value
System considered in business use case model may contain people in addition to technological system
Example : sells book
System Use Case (Aka “implementation use case”)
Describe show actors communicate with the (software) system to achieve their goalds
Software system is the main subject (instead of business as a system)
Example : Browse catalogue
🪁 Summary use case (Kite use case)
Outline the context of a set of User Goal uses cases
May have a step in its scenario for each Use Goal use case
Help identifying high-level requirements, does not provide functional requirements
Example : Complet Online Purchase Order
🌊 User goal use case (Sea use case)
Can the actor go away happily after the use case finished ?
Example : buy book or register customer
🐟 Subfunction use cases (fish level use cases)
Created to move out an isolated part of a scenario to a separate use case
Reusable in other use cases
Example : log in
Use case diagram : extends
A → B
A extends the B use case
Use case diagram : include
A → B
A includes the B use case
Business process
Sequence of activities that produce a specific result for a particular customer of the process
Uml abbreviations for visibility
~ package
Class diagram : Aggregation ◇-
Implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the parent
Example : Class (parent) and student (child)
Class diagram : Composition ◆-
Implies a relationship where the child cannot exist independent of the parent
Example : house (parent) and room (child)
Transition label of state diagram
trigger-signature [guard]/activity
Requirement Engineering (RE)
Set of activities concerned with identifying and communicating the purpose of a software intensive system, and the context in which it will be used.
Hence, it acts as the bridge between the real world needs of users, customers, and other stakeholders affected by a software system, and the capabilities and opportunities afforded by software-intensive technologies.
How to do requirement engineering?
Domain understanding and elicitation
Evaluation and agreement
Specification and documentation
Validation and verification
This again if another alternative has been proposed
Truths of requirement engineering
Requirement are not about the solution
If we build software it must be optimally valuable for its owner
If your software does not have to satisfy a need, then you can build anything.
There is a difference between building a piece of software and solving a business problem. The former doesn’t necessarily solve the latter
Business requirements
Goals of the business like “increase profits”, “improve branding”, “become dominant in a market”…
User requirements
Goals or tasks of the users of software like “create purchase order”, “find a book my wife would like”
Functional requirements
Functionality that the software must include like “calculate profit-maximizing price” or “generate Sarbanes-Oxley compliance report” (what system must do)
Non-functional requirements
Characteristics that the software must show (how the system must do it)
How to identify stakeholders with STEP analysis
• Social variables
• Technological variables
• Economic variables
• Political variables in the environment.
Design principles SOLID :
• S ingle responsibility principle (SRP)
• O pen/closed principle (OCP)
• L iskov substitution principle (LSP)
• I nterface segregation principle (ISP)
• D ependency inversion principle (DIP)
Single responsibility principle (SRP)
Every object in your system should have a single responsibility and all the object’s services should be focused on carrying out that single responsibility.
(Think if the class can _____ itself )
Open/closed principle (OCP)
Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
(Suggest more use of abstraction)
Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types:
If T is a class and S is a subclass of T, then everywhere where you can use an instance of T in your program, you must be able to use an instance of S.
Interface segregation principles (ISP)
Following it means splitting up the fat interface into smaller so-called role interfaces.
Example : have interfaces named movable, feedable, workerIF…
Dependency inversion principle (DIP)
Principle: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions
Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
Business process
Series of steps performed by a group of stakeholders to achieve a concrete goal
→ consists of task and activities that are assigned to a participant
Standard for process description/visualization
Provides guidance, best practices
Visualizes activities and information flow
Is used for documentation and process optimization
A change from an originating state to a successor state as a result of some stimulus (typically events)
Specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space