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what are the receiving heart chambers called? the discharging chambers? where are they located?
atria, ventricles,
where does blood go after leaving the left ventricles?
what is pulmonary circulation?
leaves right side of heart, goes to the lungs, and returns back to the heart
what heart wall is the thickest and why?
left ventricle because it’s the systemic pump
what does systole mean?
heart contraction
what is stroke volume?
volume of blood pumped out with each heart beat
what type of blood vessel is often used for blood draws?
what is the purpose of valves?
prevents back flow of blood
what is the largest artery in the body?
what vessel carries oxygen rich blood to the fetus?
umbilical vein
what numbers are associated with hypertension (hbp)?
140/90 or above
what blood vessels does oxygen rich blood travel through to get back to the left atrium?
pulmonary veins(they do have oxygen rich blood)
what blood vessel carries blood toward the heart?
what is the foramen ovale?
fetal shunt that bypasses lungs
where can a pulse be palpated?
pressure point a
what is peripheral resistance?
friction blood encounters in vessels
what causes coronary artery disease?
fatty calcified deposited
what side of the heart does blood return to after leaving the lungs?
what causes varicose veins?
over worked ales that give up
where does the exchange between blood and tissue cells occur?
what is the aorta and what are the branches coming off it called?
largest artery; ascending aorta, aortic arch, thoracic arch, abdominal aorta
what is hypertension?
systolic or top number is less than 100 mmgm
what oxygenates the myocardium?
coronary arteries
what is the job of the sinoatrial (SA) node?
pace maker
what is the purpose of the interatrial septum?
separates the atria
what chamber receives oxygen rich blood from the pulmonary veins?
left atrium
what chamber of the heart contains the SA node?
right atrium
what chamber of the heart pumps blood into the pulmonary arch?
right ventricle
what chamber of the heart is the discharging chamber on the left side?
left ventricle
what are arteries?
carry blood away from the heart
what are veins?
carry blood back to the heart
what type of blood vessels is the aorta?
what are tiny beds of vessels called?
how are arteries, capillaries, and veins structurally different?
arterial walls are thicker, stronger, higher pressure
veins are thinner, weaker, and low pressure
capillaries are very very thin walls
aortic valve stenosis would affect which type of circulation; pulmonary or systemic? why?
systemic; aorta goes to the whole body