Oceans: Oceans and Atmosphere (Module 2)

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part of the atmopsehere between Earth’s surfacce and alititude of 16-19km near equator

verticla movements caused by density changes in this sphere

as alititude increases, air pressure, desnity and temp decreases

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light winds and clear skies, limited rainfall

weather typical in regions where air amsses descend verticually and where atmospheric pressure is high

→ typically cold water, limited water vapor concentration

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subtropical regions

sea surface salinity is generally highest in this region

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heat and water vapor

Earth’s climate is controlled by transfers of this between oceans and atmsophere

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from low to high latitudes

heat is transfered

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latent heat

the condenstation of water vapor in moist wet air causes the release of what which warms air and causes air to rise

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region of the atmospehre with thin air, low pressure

slowly difusses air

is characteristized by an Ozone (o3) layer that is drived by sun’s radiation

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Ozone depletion

the depletion of Earth’s O2 in the south pole as a result of CFC’s

→ CFC’s are highly resistant to decomposotion (long residence time), it diffuses slowly up hte O3 layer and decomposes it completelty, leaving chlorie and floruine to desotry O3 molecules.

→ occurs mainly in the poalr regions in spring

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water vapor saturation

max amount of water than can remain in the vapor phase in air

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the density of air is depedented on water vapor and temperature

as temps increase, and water vapor increases, density

→ H2O molecules displace O and N, mixed and distributed to surrounding air masses by random motions.

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condensation and prepcipation

water vapor added by evaporation from the ocean surace is removed by

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subtropical highs

region of HPZ within the subtropics range with limited precipatattion at 30N/S

→ between the Hadley and Ferrel cells

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El Nino

year to year oscilaation that effects the reduction of pressire gradients across the equaotrial pacific

→ Pressure gradient under normal contidions: trade winds below from HPZ (cold water) zones to warmer LPZ.

→ Pressure graident weakens and Southeast winds displace warm water to HPZ zones, causing a shift or reverse in trade wind direction; less dense water casuses stable stratiifcation and inbiitis upwelling of cold water

<p>year to year oscilaation that effects the reduction of pressire gradients across the equaotrial pacific </p><p>→ Pressure gradient under normal contidions: trade winds below from HPZ (cold water) zones to warmer LPZ.</p><p>→ Pressure graident weakens and Southeast winds displace warm water to HPZ zones, causing a shift or reverse in trade wind direction; less dense water casuses stable stratiifcation and inbiitis upwelling of cold water</p>
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in the northern hemisphere, air coming from the equator or to the equator is deflected in this direction due to the Coriolis effect

<p>in the northern hemisphere, air coming from the equator or to the equator  is deflected in this direction due to the Coriolis effect </p>
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adiabtic expansion

as gas expands without any external source of heat, its temerpature decreases. Air rises in the atmsophere, the pressure decreases, and the air is cooled.

→ decreases water vapor saturation pressure

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air quality that occurs when air has enough water molecules to form clusters to provide nuclei for raindrops. Highly variable and can be affected by the presence of dust particles

→ water will condense to form large numbers of small water droplets to combine to form large droplets: form clouds

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intertropical convergence zone

area on the earth that is a lowpressure belt; tradewinds converge and atmsopheric upwelling occurs.

→ Sea level wind are light and variable

→ cloud cover is persisitent and rain fall high because moist air masses are cooled frequently

<p>area on the earth that is a lowpressure belt; tradewinds converge and atmsopheric upwelling occurs. </p><p>→ Sea level wind are light and variable</p><p>→ cloud cover is persisitent and rain fall high because moist air masses are cooled frequently </p>
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hadley and polar cell

areas with persistent strong wind that blows west (in the NH) to the equator(blow east in the SH) are found in parts of these cells

<p>areas with persistent strong wind that blows west (in the NH) to the equator(blow east in the SH)  are found in parts of these cells</p>
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Ferrel, polar

high pressure zones are located between the hadley cells and what cells, and also found in the cell with highest latitutde

<p>high pressure zones are located between the hadley cells and what cells, and also found in the cell with highest latitutde </p>
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subpolar zones

zones where ocean salinity is low despite having low rainfall,

→ Due to frequent freezing and thawing of ice


<p>zones where ocean salinity is low despite having low rainfall,</p><p>→ Due to frequent freezing and thawing of ice</p><p>LPZ </p>
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Subtropic Zone

zones where there is a divergence between hadley and ferell cells, casuing HPZ area

→ high evaproation rates

  • winds light, clear skies, low rainfall

→ located in between equator and 30N/S(Ferreel Cell)

→ contains the northeasterly trade winds

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Temperature Zones

Zones with strong westerly winds, with high rain fall

subject to extratropical cyclones

located in the ferrel cell

winds move easterdly (NH)

<p>Zones with strong westerly winds, with high rain fall</p><p>subject to extratropical cyclones</p><p>located in the ferrel cell</p><p>winds move easterdly (NH) </p>
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polar zones

zones characterized by freezing temps, low rainfall and light winds.

polar easterlies wind

winds below west towards equator


<p>zones characterized by freezing temps, low rainfall and light winds. </p><p>polar easterlies wind</p><p>winds below west towards equator </p><p>HPZ </p>
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