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smallest unit of meaning in a language, may be a word or a part of a word
the study of word formation, changes in the form of words
the study of word origins
a single (free) morpheme
Free Morpheme
A morpheme that can stand alone as a word (can carry a meaning)
Content Words
OPEN CLASS, real meaning, more added everyday (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs)
Function Words
CLOSED CLASS, words used to connect content words (pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, determiners)
Bound Morpheme
morpheme that only has meaning when attached to a word, can't stand alone
Root Morpheme
the form left after all the affixes are removed from a word, can be either Bound or Free
type of bound morpheme, attached to Content Words as either a PREFIX (front) or SUFFIX (end)
Derivational Morpheme
Bound Morpheme that's combined w/ a Free Morpheme to create new words
1. may change the meaning from the original
2. may change the grammatical class (ex: N+ize=V, V+ful=Adj)
Can be multiple within one word
Go BEFORE Inflectional Suffixes
Inflectional Morpheme
Bound Morpheme that can be added to Content Words w/o changing the part of speech or meaning
N: plural -S, possessive -'S
Adj: comparative -ER, superlative -EST
V: present 3rd person -S, past -ED, past participle -EN, present participle -ING
Can only be ONE within a word
Go AFTER Derivational Affixes
CreateNewWord: Combining, the Derivational process that adds a prefix or suffix
CreateNewWord: Combining, Derivational process that combines two Free Morphemes
CreateNewWord: Combining, blends parts of 2+ words into 1 (brunch, smog)
CreateNewWord: Shortening, say each initial letter as a letter (TNT, DNA, NFL, NCAA, FBI)
CreateNewWord: Shortening, using the first initial to form a new word (NASA, SONAR, SCUBA)
CreateNewWord: Shortening, abbreviated words to make new words (dormitory to dorm, telephone to phone, fanatic to fan)
CreateNewWord, use words from other languages (Spanish, French, German, Yiddish, practically every language borrows from one another)
Functional Shift
CreateNewWord: Shift, change from one part of speech to another (impact both N&V, position both N&V)
Semantic Shift
CreateNewWord: Shift, changes meaning, part of speech stays the same,
aka Metaphorical Extension: literal to figurative meaning
(mouse=animal & computer, spam=meat & junk email)
CreateNewWord: Shift, a brand name turns into a generic term (kleenex, band-aid, jello)
CreateNewWord: Shift, names from mythology & history turn into words/phrases (Napoleon Complex, being a Benedict Arnold, Bunsen burner)
Pure Creation
CreateNewWord: word coinage, making up words w/o basing it off others (Kodak, zipper, Camry, Hagen Daz)
Can the morpheme stand alone?
YES: it's a Free Morpheme (bubble, orange)
NO: it's a Bound Morpheme (-ing in bubbling, -s in oranges)
Does the morpheme carry the main meaning of the word it's in?
YES: it's a Root (happy in unhappiness)
NO: it's an Affix (pre- in preview, -or in contributor)
Does the affix create a new word by changing the morpheme's meaning or part of speech?
YES: it's a Derivational Prefix or Suffix (re- in rewind, -ly in quickly)
NO: it's an Inflectional Suffix (-ed in wagged, -est in smartest)