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mental quality consisting of the ability to : learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
proposed intelligence is based on single ability known as g factor “general intelligence”
believes in multiple intelligences that are distinct and separate
Savant Syndrome
condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional skill, such as computation and drawing (another word for this is an “Island of Ability”, supports Gardner’s multiple intelligences)
Gardner’s 8 Intelligences
linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetics, intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist, and sometimes existential
Known for Triarchic Theory (Creative - novel solutions, Analytical - academic problem solving ability, convergent thinking - leading to one solution, Practical - multi solution problem solving, divergent thinking “CAP“)
Longitudinal Test (Ken Robinson)
Test where info is gathered at one point in time and then gathered at a later point in time (same group, but info is gathered multiple times with a time gap between data collection)
Cross-Sectional Research
Taking multiple age groups to gather info. One main issue with this method is cohort differences (different life experiences, nature varies over time)
The ability to produce valuable and novel ideas (useful/new)
Sternberg’s 5 Comp of Creativity
Expertise - base of knowledge needed to make something new, Imaginative Thinking Skills - making connections between pieces of info that most others miss, Venturesome Personality - risk takers, those who pursue the uncomfortable, don’t worry about making mistakes, Intrinsic Motivation - doing something out of enjoyment, Creative Environment - space that encourages making mistakes to learn
Convergent vs Divergent thinking
Narrow solutions to one (left parential), expands number of possible solutions (frontal lobes)
Guilford’s Alternative Uses Task
Helps to overcome functional fixedness by thinking of non-conventional ways objects can be used
Torrance Test of Creativity
Incomplete figure task identifying creativity by how novel a drawing is
Remote Associates Test
test involving insight or sudden realization of a problem’s solution
Emotional Intelligence
ability to understand, perceive, manage, and use emotions (predict behavior, read facial expressions, expression in certain situations, and power thinking and creativity)
Positive Psychology
“form of psychology focused on the character strengths and behaviors that allow individuals to build a life of meaning and purpose — to move beyond surviving to flourishing”
Areas of Interest
IDing elements of a good life, improving life satisfaction, improving well being