aqa combined gcse chemistry
name on example of a greenhouse gas
What is one possible effect of climate change?
sea levels rising
How did the formation of coal decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s early atmosphere?
plants and trees absorb the carbon dioxide
How does burning coal affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere? (2)
increasing the amount of co2
because the carbon in coal forms carbon dioxide
Which gas in the air is needed for oil or wood to burn?
Suggest why there will be fewer power stations burning oil in the future.
oil is a non renewable resource
Some power stations burn wood. The wood comes from trees grown in forests. Suggest why burning wood in power stations is said to be ‘carbon-neutral’.
carbon dioxide produced from burning wood
carbon dioxide used by plants and trees for photosynthesis
Suggest two reasons why the world production of coal is predicted to increase.
-world needs more energy
easy to find and extract
Suggest how the burning of fossil fuels may cause climate change. (2)
the carbon dioxide levels increase
causing global waeming
Suggest two properties of these fuels ( petrol, diesel, gas )that allow them to be separated from crude oil
fuels have different boiling points
different size molecules
State how nitrogen oxides are produced in a petrol engine. (2)
because nitrogen and oxygen react
at a hot temperature inside a petrol engine
Many scientists are concerned about the carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels such as petrol. Explain why (2)
because it causes global warming
because the carbon dioxide has an impact on the oceans
Explain why clearing large areas of forest has an environmental impact on the atmosphere. (2)
increases Co2 causing green house effect
because there is less photosythesis
Why is there an increasing demand for biodiesel?
demand for fuels are increasing
Suggest why producing biodiesel from crops causes ethical concerns
destroys habitat and uses land that could be used for food
Suggest why producing biodiesel from crops causes economic concerns
increases the cost of food
Describe and explain how the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere was changed by the formation of coal. (3)
carbon dioxide is deacreased by the plants and trees
oxygen is increased as plants and trees release it
because coal stores co2
Explain how the use of calcium carbonate in the mixture increases atmospheric pollution (2)
co2 is released
from the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate
Explain how the use of calcium carbonate in the mixture decreases atmospheric pollution (2)
sulfur dioxide is removed
by reaction with calcium carbonate
Most power stations in the UK burn coal. Coal was formed from tree-like plants over millions of years. Suggest why burning wood instead of coal would help to reduce our carbon footprint. (3)
you can replant trees so there renewable
carbon dioxide used by trees for photosynthesis
so its a continues carbon cycle
Explain how the use of calcium carbonate in the mixture: increases atmospheric pollution (2)
increase atmospheric polution
causes global warming
Explain how the use of calcium carbonate in the mixture: decreases atmospheric pollution (2)
sulfur dioxide is removed
by reaction with calcium carbonate
Explain how the use of calcium carbonate in the mixture: increases atmospheric pollution
needs high temperature to flow
What environmental impact do particulates from car exhaust systems cause?Most power stations in the UK burn coal. Coal was formed from tree-like plants over millions of years. Suggest why burning wood instead of coal would help to reduce our carbon footprint.
it is renewable
carbon dioxide is used by trees as they photosynthesise
it is a continous carbon cycle
his question is about the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. Give one reason why it is difficult to produce models for future climate change.
complex systems
Describe how carbon dioxide helps to maintain temperatures on Earth (3)
carbon dioxide allows short wave length radiation to pass through
the atmosphere to the earths surface
carbon dioxide absorbs outgoing long wave length radiation
The use of limestone in a power station releases ‘locked up carbon dioxide’ into the atmosphere. (i) Explain the meaning of ‘locked up carbon dioxide’. (2)
general increase in temperature caused by increase in greenhouse gases
deforestation causes more carbon dioxide
Octane is a hydrocarbon found in petrol. Explain why octane is a hydrocarbon (2)
contains hydrogen and carbon
Cars use sulfur-free petrol as a fuel. Describe why sulfur should be removed from petrol.
produces sulfur dioxide
Use the information above and your knowledge and understanding to answer these questions. How did the formation of coal decrease the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s early atmosphere?
plants / tree absorb carbon dioxide
How does burning coal affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere? Explain your answer.(2)
increases co2
because carbon in coal
The catalysts contain platinum. Suggest why a manufacturer of catalytic converters would want to use less catalyst.
reduces the cost
Suggest why there will be fewer power stations burning oil in the future.
oil is non renewable
Some power stations burn wood. The wood comes from trees grown in forests. Suggest why burning wood in power stations is said to be ‘carbon-neutral’. (2)
carbon dioxide is produced
its absorbed by plants
Why is hydrogen, and not magnesium, produced at the cathode?
hydrogen is less reactive than magnesium
A student wanted to use electrolysis to silver plate a metal spoon. Give one reason why metal spoons are sometimes silver plated.
to make it more durable
Why is it difficult to electroplate plastic spoons?
t does not contain mobile electrons