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Why is animal health so important
When animals are excessively stressed, their health can be negatively impacted, and this can manifest as reduced production and product quality, and increased risk of disease
Many livestock pathogens are also zoonotic; therefore, maintaining animal health is a good strategy to reduce risk of human disease - “One Health” approach
What are AMR pathogens
However, we now know that the widespread use of antimicrobials in the livestock and aquaculture industries have contributed to the development of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) pathogens.
Therefore, we need to develop alternate strategies to maintain or improve animal health
What is the relationship between genetic selection for performance and animal health and fertility?
For the past 30-40 years, animal breeders have focused on improving production traits; however, genetic selection for performance is inversely correlated with animal health and fertility
How is climate change expected to affect the health of livestock and aquaculture species?
Climate change is expected to adversely affect the health of livestock and aquaculture species. introduction of micro-toxins and weather born diseases
What are biomarkers?
A biomarker (short for biological marker) is an objective measure that captures what is happening in a cell or an organism at a given moment.
What are the different types of stressors?
include psychological, physical, chemical, and biological stressors (i.e. microbes and their toxins)
What is a stressor?
Something that disrupts homeostasis in an organism, and in doing
so, elicits a stress response.
What are some physical stressors?
climate change
air quality
water quality
light intensity
stray voltage
UV radiation
What are some chemical stressors?
Mycotoxins (are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain moulds (fungi) and can be found in food)
Heavy metals
poisonous plants
What are some biological stressors?
Nutrient excess
feed restriction
negative energy balance during lactation
inadequate sleep
over training
infectious (bacteria, virus, fungi, parasite)
What are some psychological stressors?
What is a stress response?
Is an evolutionary conserved response that involves activation
of multiple physiological systems during perceived danger; these include the cardiovascular, metabolic, musculoskeletal, neuroendocrine and immune systems.
The stress response manifests as “fight”, “flight” or “freeze” (fainting goat example) responses.
Why do some goats faint?
These goats have congenital myotonia, which is an inherited disorder. The causative gene CLCN1 codes for a chloride channel protein that contains a missense mutation; the amino acid alanine is replaced with a proline residue, making the protein dysfunctional. Perceived fear by these goats causes muscle contraction during the flight response, and muscle locking occurs because chloride levels cannot be quickly restored to non-stress levels. These goats were selectively bred for in the Southern USA supposedly because they were unable to escape easily. Maybe not the best breeding program for species survival
What is short term stress otherwise known as?
Short-term (acute) activation of the stress response (i.e. minutes to hours) is
designed to enhance survival of an organism by restoring physiological
homeostasis. Hence, a little stress can be a good thing
What is excessive or long term stress
Excessive or chronic activation of the stress response however (i.e. several hours
per day for weeks or months), can lead to a variety of psychological, metabolic and reproductive disorders, as well as immunological disorders that increase
susceptibility to infectious and autoimmune diseases and cancer.
What happens when a stress response occurs?
For a stress response to occur, an organism must first sense the stressor; this
is facilitated through touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight sensory input, the
recognition of “non-self” and “danger signals” by the immune system, and by
communication between the host and gut microbiome. This sensory input is relayed to the brain via neural transmitters, hormones, and cytokines, where it can be perceived as danger, which elicits the stress response. Variation in the stress response is determined by genetics, environmental factors, and by gene-by-environment interactions that are regulated by epigenetic mechanisms. Variation occurs at the level of sensory input, stress perception, as well as the stress response.
What is resilience to stress?
A stress-resilient animal can resist, cope with (adapt or habituate) and completely recover from (restore homeostasis) perceived danger. (i.e. Bamboo bends in a severe storm but bounces back to its original form after the storm has passed.) Genetics, environment, and epigenetic mechanisms also determine resilience to stress. An animal that has low-stress resilience is easily overcome by a stressor or may become sensitized to a stressor, which can lead to hyper-responsiveness to the same stressor, or other stressors, during subsequent exposure. Either scenario can lead to disease. All animals have the potential to be overwhelmed by a stressor or combination of stressors
What is Q0 (Q naught) ?
Q0 is an estimate of potential infection pressure - the average number of second-generation mature adult worms produced by a single adult worm during its lifetime Note: Model predictions suggest that Q 0 is expected to increase along with increased GHG emissions in Northern Europe
True or false risk of infection is 10X greater in the morning than night time?
True: Time of day regulates herpes and influenza A virus progression in mice. Viral infection worsens when circadian rhythm is abolished by disruption of a key circadian clock gene encoding the transcription factor BMAL1- this has implications for “jet lag” during travel, and for adjusting light: dark cycles. Human BMAL1 levels in blood have seasonal variation and are lowest in winter months- implications for increased risk of infection during winter. Some viruses can differentially target components of the molecular circadian clockwork for their own gain
How do we know that an animal is stressed?
Increased flock/herd mortality
-Weight loss
-Reduced fertility
-Clinical disease
-Behavioral changes (i.e. anorexic, recumbent, aggressive, self-destructive,
learned helplessness)
These endpoints are either non-specific, or difficult to measure, may not be sensitive enough to provide early detection, or detection technology is not yet reliable or developed
What are some of the potential criteria for biomarkers of stress?
1. Easy to obtain tissues (i.e. blood, urine,
saliva, milk, feces, tissue biopsy)
2. Sampling should cause minimal discomfort to the animal
3. Sensitive 4. Specific or not?
5. Systemic versus local?
6. Repeatable
7. Potential for high-throughput analysis
8. Economical
9. Assay developed
10. Real-time precision monitoring
What are the two stress axes?
The sympathetic-adrenal-medullary
(SAM) axis and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-cortex (HPA) axis, are activated as part of the physiological response to the perceived danger.
When does the SAM axis activate?
The SAM axis is immediately activated (seconds) during stress and the peak response occurs within minutes
When does the HPA axis activate?
activation of the HPA axis is delayed (minutes) and peaks within hours.
true or false; there is bidirectional communication between the axes
true, In terms of research, we often investigate the SAM and HPA axes independently during the stress response; however, there is bidirectional communication between these axes during activation and inactivation of the stress response, as they both share the adrenals. For example, immediate activation of the SAM axis during stress contributes to adrenal cortex glucocorticoid (GC) secretion, and stress-induced GCs can also regulate the secretion of catecholamines from the adrenal medulla.
What does the SAM axis initiate?
The SAM axis initiates the “fight, flight and freeze” responses to stress, which involve changes in neuroendocrine and immune function that can affect animal behavior, metabolism, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal functions, respiration, and disease resistance.
How is the fight or flight process achieved?
This is achieved by the immediate release of
acetylcholine (Ach) from sympathetic nerve fibers that innervate the adrenal medulla (splanchnic nerve).
Ligation of Ach to adrenal chromaffin cell nicotinic Ach receptors (NiAchR) triggers the secretion of vesicles into the circulation that contain the catecholamines epinephrine (EPI) and some norepinephrine (NEPI).
The adrenals are the primary source of basal and stress- induced circulating EPI, whereas, circulating NEPI primarily comes from other tissues.
The contribution of EPI versus NEPI to physiological and behavioural changes during the stress response vary across species and tissues
How do catecholamines mediate their physiological responses?
Catecholamines mediate their physiological responses via tissue- and cell-specific expression of α and β adrenergic receptors. Basal concentrations of circulating catecholamines vary throughout the day and
season because they are under the influence of hormones such as melatonin (pineal gland), adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH, anterior pituitary), GC (adrenal cortex), and gonadal steroids
Where are NEPI and EPI synthesized from and what by?
NEPI and EPI are synthesized from L-tyrosine by adrenal chromaffin cells through an enzymatic pathway,
How does NEPI convert to EPI?
The conversion of NEPI to EPI via the enzyme phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT)
How is the rate of catecholamine synthesis regulated?
is regulated by enzyme activity and expression levels (i.e. PNMT: various types of stressors can also differentially affect PNMT mRNA and protein expression, as well as PNMT activity
What is catecholamine bioavailability regulated by?
Catecholamine bioavailability is regulated by
different plasma binding proteins. Only 50% is bioavailable in human serum
Why is catecholamine bioactivity short-lived?
Bioactivity is short-lived (T 1/2 = minutes), in part, because enzymes (i.e. catechol-O methyltransferases and monoamine oxidases) quickly inactivate catecholamines. -Tissue-specific expression of α and β adrenergic receptors can also affect catecholamine bioactivity in target tissues
Describe the activation process of the HPA axis
Activation of the HPA axis begins with the
secretion of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) and other hormones with similar and/or synergistic functions (i.e. arginine vasopressin (AVP) and urocortin) from neurons within the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. These neuropeptides are transported to the pituitary via neurons that project into the posterior pituitary, and by the portal blood. Within the anterior pituitary, CRH can bind
to high affinity CRH receptor (CRH-R1) on
corticotroph cells. CRH binding to CRH-R1 initiates the production of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) from
proopiomelanocortin (POMC), as well as POMC gene transcription; an enzyme called pro-hormone convertase 1 (PC1) is responsible for cleavage of the pro-hormone POMC into bioactive ACTH;
ACTH is then secreted into the circulation, and subsequently binds to melanocortin 2 receptors (MC2R) on adrenal cells within the adrenal cortex
Describe the steroidogenesis of glucocorticoids
Ligation of ACTH with MC2R triggers adrenal steroidogenesis, which involves the conversion of free cholesterol by cytochrome P450 (CYP)
isozymes and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3β-HSD) into GC; corticosterone in birds and rodents, and cortisol in fish and domesticated and
companion mammals
What are the physiological responses of GC? (CORTISOL)
GC such as cortisol elicit a range of physiological responses, including altering metabolism (i.e. inducing hepatic gluconeogenesis, deposition/metabolism of lipids, muscle protein catabolism), altering behavior, and regulating the innate and acquired immune responses to help deal with the stressor and restore homeostasis
How do GC mediate their physiological effects?
GC mediate their physiological effects by binding to high affinity
mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) and low affinity glucocorticoid receptors (GR)
that can act as nuclear transcription factors for unique sets of genes.
Expression levels of MR and GR, and their ratio (MR:GR), influence GC
bioactivity within different tissues. Since GC can affect many physiological
processes, GC concentration must also be tightly regulated
Whats the Role of MR and GR in maintaining GC functions
Circulating hepatic binding proteins, including cortisol-binding globulin
(CBG) as well as albumin (ALB), help regulate the bioavailability of circulating
GC. These binding proteins sequester 95% of GC during non-stress states, which
means that only 5% of GC is normally bioactive. During stress, stored CBG is
released to help buffer increasing GC levels; however, when CBG becomes
saturated with GC, circulating concentrations of bioactive GC are dramatically increased.
Tissue GC concentrations are locally regulated by…
Tissue GC concentrations are also locally
regulated by the expression of isozymes
11β-HSD2 (abundant in placenta, testis,
kidney and brain) and 11β-HSD1
(abundant in the liver, adipose tissue and
brain); these isozymes respectively
catalyze the conversion of bioactive
cortisol into inactive cortisone, and vise-
Under normal circumstances, circulating ACTH and GC concentrations are regulated throughout the day and season by
circadian clock genes that are expressed within the
suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the
hypothalamus- located just above the optic
chiasma. These central clock genes are
responsive to environmental cues such as
light and feeding cycles, and the balance of
stimulatory and inhibitory clock gene
expression has been shown to regulate CRH
secretion from the PVN. In diurnal species,
this allows for high early morning and low
evening GC concentrations; the opposite
occurs in nocturnal species. This increase in
GC helps the body meet fluctuating energy
requirements throughout the day/night and
what are the Other signals influencing adrenal GC secretion
Sympathetic signaling from the SCN via
the splanchnic nerve has been shown to
provide rapid light/dark signals to the
adrenals, which leads to GC secretion
independent of ACTH.
-Circadian cycling of catecholamine
secretion, which is under the influence of
peripheral circadian clock genes expressed
within the adrenal medulla, likely also
influences adrenal GC cycling, since cycling
is retained ex vivo during cell culture.
explain the Circadian cycling of GC and disease
Since circadian cycling of adrenal GC
subsequently contributes to the cycling of
gene products in other tissues (i.e. liver,
lymphoid tissues, brain), it is not surprising
that disrupted adrenal circadian signalling
has been associated with many human
psychological disorders (post-traumatic
stress disorder, bipolar disorder, major
depression, schizophrenia, seasonal
affective disorder), metabolic (obesity, Type
2 diabetes) and immune disorders (lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,
autoimmune thyroiditis, asthma), and
cancer (breast, lung, ovary and kidney)
Negative feedback signaling within the
HPA axis during circadian cycling and
Since MR are the high affinity GC
receptors, their contribution to circadian
cycling in HPA tissues is greater than GR.
During acute stress however, when MRs
become saturated with GC, GC-mediated
physiological responses are primarily the
result of GC ligation with GRs.
Circadian and stress-induced
concentrations of GC are also regulated by
negative feedback signals within the HPA
MR participate in negative feedback
signaling during
day/night circadian
cycling, and MR expression levels
determine sensitivity to stress. MR are
highly expressed within the hippocampus
and decreased hippocampal MR
expression has been associated with
elevated levels of plasma ACTH and GC
GR participate in negative feedback
signaling in response to…
stress. These
negative feedback signals occur at the
level of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and
hippocampus, where GR expression is
During chronic stress, MR and GR
expression levels become…
attenuated. This
can adversely affect HPA axis negative
feedback signaling and is associated with
increased basal GC concentrations and
sustained increases in GC concentration
during stress.
Describe the important elements of catecholamines as a direct biomarker
1. Catecholamines:
-Most often measured in blood, and to a
lesser extent in urine.
-In-dwelling catheters are required for real-
time blood sampling due to their rapid
release during stress, their very short T1/2 in
circulation, and sensitivity to animal
handling (acute stress biomarker).
-Levels in blood likely don’t represent regional
tissue differences in sympathetic activity.
-As of yet, there is no universally accepted
methodology and assay sensitivity varies: High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
versus tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with
liquid chromatography (LC), versus Enzyme-
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
Describe the important elements of glucocorticoids as a direct biomarker
Most widely used biomarker of the stress
response- most stable and easy to get a tissue
-Influenced by day/night/season, so a sampling
protocol is essential.
-Decreases with age (i.e. for pigs, cortisol stabilizes
around 20 weeks of age and is about 40% lower
than at 12 weeks of age).
-Gender differences (barrows 15% > gilts).
-Is elevated at parturition in some species (i.e.
-Total cortisol (blood- acute stress biomarker)
versus free bioactive cortisol (saliva- acute stress
biomarker, feces and hair -chronic stress
-Circulating GC concentrations may not represent
GC concentrations in regional tissues and vice
-Non-adrenal sources of GC (i.e. skin, intestines,
placenta, adipose tissues, leukocytes etc.)
-Temporal response requires multiple
-ELISA versus Radio Immune Assay (RIA-
greatest sensitivity)
-Different sampling protocols are required for
acute versus chronic stress assessment
Describe the important elements of ACTH as a direct biomarker
Influenced by day/night/season.
-Changes with age?
-Gender differences?
-Circulating concentrations likely don’t represent
tissue ACTH concentrations.
-Acute stress biomarker (blood).
-Chronic stress biomarker?
-Non-pituitary sources of ACTH (skin,
-ELISA versus RIA
Describe the important elements of Chromogranin A as an indirect biomarker
4. Chromogranin A:
-Is secreted by adrenal medulla chromaffin cells
along with EPI and NEPI, but also by anterior
pituitary corticotrophs.
-Is more stable than EPI and NEPI, and in
humans, saliva chromogranin A is considered a
reliable indicator of increased sympathetic tone -
correlates well with NEPI concentration Is not affected by age, gender, or day/night/
-Is being used as an acute stress biomarker in pigs.
-ELISA versus RIA
Describe the important elements of Blood presure as an indirect biomarker
5. Blood pressure:
-Invasive measurement of arterial blood pressure
requires surgical catheter implantation.
-Blood pressure cuff can be placed over metacarpal
artery, but this procedure requires anesthetic, and is
not as reliable as the invasive method described
Describe the important elements of heart rate as an indirect biomarker
Heart rate monitors can now be used in precision
agriculture to measure sympathetic tone of
livestock in real-time. Their reliability is currently
under review, although the harness apparatus is
problematic for free ranging livestock.
-Acute stress monitor?
What are the 3 things an animal should do for it to maintain physiological homestasis?
For an animal to be able to maintain
physiological homeostasis in an
environment rich with pathogenic bacteria,
fungi, parasites, and viruses (microbial
stressors), it must be able to do the
1. Prevent pathogen entry into the body
using physical (i.e. skin, mucous) and
physiological barriers (i.e. pH, mucous,
2. Recognize the invading pathogen as non-
self if barriers are breached (sensory
perception of danger).
3. Restore homeostasis by responding
appropriately to eliminate the pathogen
(stress response)
if the 3 things they do to maintain homestasis are achieved what happens?
If these are achieved, the animal will
remain productive and develop enhanced
long-term protection against the pathogen
if they cant elimate a pathogen what happens?
If the animal is not successfully able to
eliminate a pathogen, disease will occur.
This is a welfare issue, it can affect
productivity and possibly lead to death,
and may be a human health issue
what is a disease?
Disease: An illness or condition that
prevents the body or mind from working
normally. (Merrian-Webster defn.)
Animals also host commensal microbial populations that reside on the…
of the skin and at mucosal surfaces of the
gastrointestinal, respirator, and urogenital
tracts. Under normal conditions, the host
learns to tolerate these microbes because
they have an important symbiotic
relationship with the host:
1. The host provides nutrients and an
environment that supports microbe
2. The microbes make certain nutrients
available to the host and help protect
against invading pathogenic microbes
what happens if tolerance to microbes doesnt occur
If tolerance to these microbes does not
develop normally at an early age, or
tolerance is broken during the animal’s
life, this can also lead to disease.
The ability of animals to recognize and
respond to pathogens as non-self and
tumor cells as modified-self and to
tolerate non-self commensal microbes is
facilitated by the immune system
what are the two arms of the immune system comprised of?
The immune system is comprised of two
arms: the innate and acquired (adaptive)
immune system. The innate immune system
is ancient, highly conserved across species,
and is the first to be activated in response to
microbial stressors
what is immunity?
Immunity: Is the protection provided by the
immune system to resist microbial infection.
Humoral proteins and cells making up the
innate and acquired immune system are the
effectors providing this protection
how is it ensured the immue responses can restore homeostasis
just as the SAM and HPA axes are tightly
regulated, the innate and acquired immune
responses are tightly self-regulated and are
also regulated by signals from the
neuroendocrine system (i.e. SAM, PNS, and
HPA axes) to ensure that these immune
responses can effectively restore
If the innate and acquired immune
responses are attenuated
an animal will not
be able to effectively eliminate pathogens or
tumor cells
In contrast, excessive and prolonged innate or acquired immune responses can result in
extensive host tissue damage and can lead to a variety of disorders including:
1. Acute or chronic inflammatory disease.
2. The development and proliferation of tumor cells.
3. Sensitization to environmental antigens
that results in atopic disease (i.e. atopic
dermatitis, asthma, food allergy, hay fever).
4. Sensitization to self-antigens that may
lead to autoimmune disease.
What happens during microbial invasion?
The immune system constitutes our sixth
sensory system that alerts the central
nervous system (CNS) to microbial
danger. During microbial invasion for
example, surveillance cells of the immune
system release signaling molecules called
cytokines (i.e. TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6) as
well as various neuropeptides that bind to
their respective receptors on neural cells
within the gut, skin, liver/spleen,
respiratory and urogenital tracts and brain.
These neural cells become activated and
subsequently alert the CNS to danger
what is done to ensure the immune response is effective and not excessive?
These danger signals are perceived
within the brain, and the CNS responds
with neural (i.e. SAM, PNS) and
endocrine (i.e. HPA) signals that help
regulate the immune response to ensure its
effective, but not excessive. Bidirectional
communication among these systems
occurs within what is collectively referred
to as the neuroendocrine-immune system.
what is the acute-phase response?
The release of pro-inflammatory
cytokines (TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6) during
immune system activation affects many
different tissues, and the systemic
response is referred to as the acute-phase
what do the cytokines do in the hypothalamus?
In the hypothalamus for example, these
cytokines elicit a fever response, and IL-1
induces sickness behaviour (i.e. sleepiness
and anorexia).
what do the cytokines cause in the muscle?
In the muscle, these cytokines cause
protein catabolism, which mobilizes
amino acids that are used to make host
defense and tissue repair proteins
tissue repair proteins are synthesized by the liver and are referred to as
hepaticacute-phase proteins (APP)
The innate immune response manifests as the host inflammatory response…
and the
secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines
TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6 is triggered by the
recognition of danger signals by soluble and
cell membrane pattern-recognition receptors
danger signals include what?
These danger signals include highly
conserved microbial-associated molecular
patterns (MAMPs) making up microbial
membranes, and host alarm signals
(alarmins) that are released by damaged or
activated host cells
While the innate immune response can be highly effective at controlling and
eliminating pathogens, it has limited specificity, and does not provide long-term
enhanced protection against pathogens - referred to
immunological memory
The host inflammatory response is typically localized to site(s) of infection SO THAT….
tissue damage is minimized. However,
during a severe infection with a highly
virulent pathogen, localized immunological
defenses may not be sufficient to contain the
infection. Dissemination of the pathogen
into the circulation to other tissues can
trigger a potentially damaging condition
referred to as Systemic Inflammatory
Response Syndrome (SIRS). In extreme
cases, SIRS can lead to sepsis, organ failure
and death. If an animal survives SIRS, it is
typically immunocompromised and is at
high risk to secondary infections for
What must the host do for loing term immunity?
For long-term immunity to occur, the host
must mount an acquired immune response
that is highly specific and has capacity for
immunological memory and increased
efficiency. This acquired immune
response is triggered by the recognition of
microbial antigens (usually proteins)
what recognizes the microbial antigens?
1. Immunoglobulins; which include
membrane B cell receptors (BCR) on B-
lymphocytes (B cells) and secreted
antibodies that are produced by
terminally differentiated B cells referred
to as plasma cells.
2. T cell receptors (TCR) on T-
lymphocytes (T cells).
What are the 2 responss that the aquired immine response can manifest as?
The acquired immune response can
manifest as a humoral antibody response
(AbMIR) that targets extracellular
pathogens and their toxins, or a cell-
mediated immune response (CMIR) that
targets intracellular pathogens. Unique
cytokines drive these polarized immune
responses. For example, IL-4 and IL-13
steers AbMIR, whereas IFNg steers
Although the acquired immune response is more effective than the innate immune
response for controlling and/or eliminating pathogens, it takes longer for
the host to mount (day-to-weeks as opposed to minutes-to-hours) because?
because a
higher level of immune system
orchestration is required to elicit an
acquired immune response, which also
involves the innate inflammatory
For an acquired immune response to occur for example, there must be sufficient inflammation to activate surveillance cells of the innate immune system to carry out the following activities what are the 5 activities?
1. Phagocytosis and killing of the microbe
2. Processing microbial proteins into peptides
3. Migration from the site(s) of infection to secondary lymphoid tissues (i.e. lymph nodes, Peyer’s patches, spleen etc.)
4. Up-regulated expression of membrane bound antigen receptors called major
histocompatibility complex molecules (MHC) that are loaded with the processed microbial peptide antigens.
5. Presentation of microbial antigens to antigen-specific T cells via MHC-TCR
interactions; this is referred to as antigen presentation.
when antigen specif t cells get activated to proliferate and terminall differntiae where do they do that?
These antigen-specific T cells become
activated to proliferate and terminally
differentiate into the effector T cells of the
acquired immune system (i.e. cytotoxic T
what also helps recognize microbial antigens?
Antigen-specific B cells may also
recognize the microbial antigens, and with
the help of an antigen-specific T helper cell,
these B cells may become activated to
proliferate and terminally differentiate into
the effector B cells (antibody-secreting
plasma cells).
what cells are also genrated during hte acquire immune response?
Memory B and T cells are also generated
during the acquired immune response, and
these facilitate long-term immunity
The innate immune response provides an
immediate level of protection that buys time
for the more effective acquired immune
response to occur and is also required for an
effective acquired immune response to
Hundreds of immune-related proteins are
produced during the innate and acquired immune
responses to microbial stressors and may serve as
biomarkers of microbial stress
What are the 3 biomarkers of acute microbial stress?
1. Cytokines: Innate pro-inflammatory cytokines
(TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6).
2. Hepatic APPs: Many immune-related APPs are
produced during the acute-phase response to
microbial infection (i.e. serum amyloid A, C-
reactive protein, haptoglobin, and certain
complement proteins). These APPs, however,
lack microbial specificity and are also induced by
GC in response other types of stressors.
3. Temperature: Febrile responses are easy to
monitor but are not always elicited in response to
microbial stress
What are the 2 biomarkers of chronic microbial stress?
1. Cytokines: Cytokines driving AbMIR
(IL-4 and IL-13), or CMIR (IFNg).
2. Antibodies: Antibodies have microbial
specificity, are highly sensitive and potentially
long-lasting indicators of microbial exposure,
which also makes them ideal for diagnosis of
specific diseases
Which antibody type (isotype) would be most appropriate to measure as a biomarker of
microbial stress?
There are different antibody isotypes and sub-
isotypes (i.e. bovine IgM, IgG1/2, IgA).
-Antibody isotypes are species- and tissue-
-Bovine IgG1 (AbMIR) versus IgG2 (CMIR) in
blood; IgG1 is the predominant immunoglobulin
isotype found in bovine milk.
-Bovine mucosal IgA and IgM
-Bovine IgE (very short half-life in circulation)
Should we measure basal or inducible antibodies?
Basal antibody levels may be around the assay
limit of detection (i.e. ELISA).
-AbMIR can be induced using a novel antigen or
commercial vaccine to assess the capacity to mount
an immune response
Your professor's question is asking whether we should measure basal (resting) antibody levels or inducible antibody levels when studying immune responses.
Here’s what their answer means:
Basal antibodies are the ones already present in the body without any new infection or vaccination. However, their levels might be too low to detect using common lab tests like ELISA (a test that measures antibody levels in a sample).
Inducible antibodies are produced after the immune system is stimulated by a new antigen (a substance that triggers an immune response) or a vaccine. Measuring these helps us see how well the immune system can respond to a challenge.
So, your professor is suggesting that instead of just measuring the low basal levels, it might be better to use a vaccine or antigen to trigger an immune response and then measure how many antibodies the body can actually produce—which gives a clearer picture of immune function.
Should we measure total or antigen-specific antibody levels?
Antibody response to antigen challenge (Slide 36): The kinetics of the host antibody response varies
depending on antigen concentration, antigen half- life, number of antigen exposures and antigen
exposure duration
Your professor is asking whether we should measure total antibodies (all antibodies in the body) or antigen-specific antibodies (antibodies that target a particular pathogen or vaccine).
Their answer explains that the host's antibody response (how the body produces antibodies after encountering an antigen) depends on several factors:
Antigen concentration – If there's more antigen (virus, bacteria, or vaccine component), the immune system may produce more antibodies.
Antigen half-life – Some antigens stay in the body longer, allowing a stronger or more prolonged immune response. Others break down quickly, leading to a shorter response.
Number of antigen exposures – The immune system responds more strongly if it has seen the antigen before. More exposures (like booster shots) generally lead to higher antibody levels.
Antigen exposure duration – If the immune system is exposed to an antigen for a longer time, it may produce a more sustained antibody response.
In short, your professor is highlighting that antigen-specific antibody levels provide more useful information than total antibody levels because they directly show how well the immune system responds to a particular challenge.
what are some factors confounding antibody production
Antibody production may be confounded by immune health status.
-Acute exposure to different types of stressors can
stimulate immune cell trafficking to support the
host immune response in the skin and at mucosal
surfaces - this could enhance vaccine-induced
antibody production.
-Chronic exposure to different types of stressors
causes immunosuppression® attenuated antibody
Some microbes (i.e. viruses) can modulate the
host immune system to evade detection (i.e.
suppress AbMIR or CMIR); this could affect
disease diagnosis as well as vaccine efficacy
Stages of Bovine Johne’s disease (JD) caused by
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis
Seroconversion takes time, which means early
diagnosis of JD is difficult. Also, the host
immune response may change depending on the
stage of infection, which means a biomarker
panel may be necessary for diagnosis of JD.
Summary of biomarkers of stress response accute stress
There are many potential biomarkers of the
stress response. There are pros and cons to each
biomarker, and there is no single biomarker that
can be used to assess responsiveness to all types
of stressors. Therefore, a panel of direct and/or
indirect biomarkers, reflecting the SAM and
HPA responses, should be used to assess acute
stress response
Summary of biomarkers of stress response accute stress
In the case of chronic stress, it may be
necessary to administer a stressor to assess an
animal’s resilience to stress. This could be
achieved by subjecting an animal to a highly
controlled stress regime involving one or more
stressors. Once the stressor is administered, the
SAM, HPA or immune responses can be
monitored over time to assess stress resistance,
habituation, recovery or sensitization
example of highly controlled stress regime
-Psychological -isolation, re-grouping
-Physical -heat, cold, transport, noise, electrical,
-Chemical -fungal mycotoxins or bacterial
toxins (MAMPs-lipopolysaccharide), pro-
inflammatory cytokines, neuropeptides (i.e.
CRF, AVP, ACTH) -Biological -acidosis, sleep deprivation, intense
exercise, pathogen challenge
When the stressor is of microbial origin, a panel
of immune system biomarkers is typically used to
assess the innate and acquired (AbMIR and
CMIR) immune responses. Antibody levels are
most commonly measured due to ease of
sampling, and their specificity makes them
extremely useful for diagnostic testing of specific
microbial infections
Genetics and epigenetics of stress (
Variation in gene activity is controlled at
the level of the genome and epigenome:
Genetic variants predetermine gene
activity and are permanent and inherited by
offspring (i.e. single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNP).
Epigenetic variants are established by
environmental quos during mitosis and
provide an adaptive mechanism for
individual phenotypic change. Since
epigenetic modifications may be inherited,
they can also contribute to phenotypic
variation within populations
Genetics of stress
As discussed previously, genetics likely
contributes to variation in sensory input,
stress perception, as well as the stress
response. Since the stress response is easiest
to assess, it is the preferred phenotype for
genetic selection.
Blood cortisol level for example, is a
phenotype of moderate-to-high heritability.
Heritability estimates (H 2 ) have been found
to vary across species and are influenced by
time of day and type of stressor.
Examples of blood cortisol?
Human twin study (Gustafsson et al. 2011)
Cortisol heritability at awakening (0.28): Low genetic influence, meaning environmental factors play a bigger role.
30 min after awakening (0.60): Higher genetic influence, suggesting genes significantly affect cortisol levels after waking up.
Evening cortisol (0.08): Very low heritability, meaning evening cortisol levels are mostly shaped by daily experiences, not genetics.
Pigs (Larzul et al. 2015)
Cortisol response after ACTH challenge (0.68): ACTH is a hormone that stimulates cortisol release. A high heritability (0.68) means genetic factors strongly influence how pigs respond to stress, which could help in breeding stress-resistant pigs.
Barn swallows (Jenkins et al. 2014)
Basal corticosterone (0.15): Low heritability, meaning environmental factors mainly determine resting hormone levels.
Stress-induced corticosterone (0.34): Moderate heritability, so genes play a bigger role in how barn swallows respond to stress.
Rainbow trout (Overi et al. 2005)
Cortisol response (0.41) to 3-hour confinement: Moderate heritability suggests that genes influence how trout react to being confined, but the environment also plays a role.
Sheep (You Q et al. 2008, Pant SD et al. 2016)
4-hour cortisol response (0.3) to bacterial endotoxin (LPS) challenge: LPS mimics bacterial infection to test immune-stress response. A heritability of 0.3 means genetic factors contribute to cortisol response, but environment is still important.
Since many of these cortisol responses have moderate-to-high heritability, it suggests that selective breeding could be used in livestock (like pigs and sheep) to develop animals that are more resilient to stress. This means choosing animals with desirable stress responses to improve welfare and productivity in future generations.
There are three known mechanisms of epigenetic modification that influence gene activity: what are they?
1. Methylation of Cytosine Nucleotides by DNA Methyltransferases
DNA methylation is typically associated with transcriptional silencing.
2. Modification of Histone Proteins
Affects chromatin accessibility by transcription factors.
Histones are scaffold proteins that help package DNA as chromatin (DNA wrapping) within the nucleus. Histone proteins allow for chromatin unwinding/winding, which allows/restricts transcription factor accessibility to genes.
Histone tails are susceptible to modifications (i.e. methylation, acetylation, and phosphorylation) by various enzymes.
These modifications alter the 3-dimensional configuration of chromatin, which subsequently affects accessibility of transcription factors and transcriptional machinery to the DNA.
3. RNA-Based Mechanisms Such as Noncoding RNAs (ncRNA)
ncRNA are regulatory gene products that do not become translated into proteins.
MicroRNA (miRNA) is a single-stranded ncRNA (< 22 nucleotides) that binds to complementary nucleotides (seed region) found within the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) of target mRNA.
miRNA binding to mRNA usually results in either mRNA degradation or repressed mRNA translation.
All three of these mechanisms greatly contribute to regulation of genes within the neuroendocrine-immune system, and they are subject to influence by environmental quos (i.e. stressors). This raises the possibility that they may be targeted to improve livestock stress resilience.
Examples of neuroendocrine-immune genes subject to epigenetic modifications:
1. A response element, for the transcription
factor nerve growth factor-induced protein A,
found within the promoter region of the GR
gene is subject to DNA methylation. Stress-
induced methylation of this response element
influences negative feedback regulation of the
HPA axis.
2. GR levels are also down-regulated by
miRNA-18 and miRNA-124a binding to the GR
mRNA 3’ untranslated region (UTR).
3. IFN-γ is a key cytokine that promotes a
CMIR against intracellular pathogens. GCs
induce histone deacetylase, which reduces
accessibility of transcription factors to the
promoter region of IFN-γ ® reduced IFN-γ
gene expression
Responses to stress: the good, bad and ugly
The physiological response to stress is a highly
complex process that is predetermined by
genetics and is also subject to epigenetic
regulation by environmental quos (i.e.
While the stress response is designed to
enhance survival of an organism by restoring
physiological homeostasis, excessive or chronic
activation of the stress response can lead to a
variety of disorders that increase susceptibility
to infectious and autoimmune diseases and
cancer. Risk of these disorders is predetermined
by genetics and may be influenced by epigenetic
cushing’ disease (important)
Overproduction of Glucocorticoids (GC)
In most cases, overproduction of GC is caused by a pituitary gland tumor that leads to excessive ACTH production.
Normal peak GC levels are detected in the morning, but they fail to decrease in the evening.
Symptoms in Humans:
Accumulation of central fat
Muscle weakness
Skin lesions
Bone fractures
Increased susceptibility to infection due to impaired immune function
Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular failure, and stroke
Genetic Risk Factors for Cushing’s Disease:
Polymorphisms in the USP8 gene (ubiquitin-specific protease 8) indirectly contribute to increased ACTH production and are a risk factor for Cushing’s disease.
Mutations in the ARMC5 gene (armadillo repeat-containing 5), a tumor suppressor gene, can cause adrenal hyperplasia associated with Cushing’s disease.