Funk and Kobayashi 2014
people in LATs want to maintain independence.
Parsons and Fletcher - Functionalism
The rising rates of marital breakdown are due to more pressure being put on marriage, especially the husband and the wife due to the family becoming more private.
Greer - Feminist
The rise in marital breakdown is a good trend. Women are filing most of the divorce therefore this is an indication that they are gaining financial independence as well as resisting the patriarchal system.
Goode and Gibson
Marriage has lost most of its religious power as marriage is being seen as a personal commitment. Our consumer lifestyle also invites us to make choices based on personal fulfillment.
Beck and Beck Gernsheim - Postmodernism
view the increase of marital breakdowns as a reflection of greater individualisation.
Giddens - Postmodernism
People stay in a relationship to satisfy their sexual and personal needs and will not continue staying if these needs are not met.
Smart and Neale - Postmodernism
Fragments of the family, study parenting after divorce. there’s a difference between expectations vs reality, therefore there was a constant need for revaluation. The parents also felt immense guilt and worry for the children. they still acted on a fragment of morality.
The concept of the gendered division of labour must be deconstructed and reconstructed so that men and women both may combine career life and family life.
Young and Wilmoth
The symmetrical family
There is a dissemblance between men and women due to economic differences, however, this doesn’t apply to relationships where the woman makes more than the man.
Marjorie Devault
Feeding the family
The difference between what men say and do
Gelles and Straus
Identify the family as the most violent group in society with the exception of the military and the police
Giddens 2021
Defined vdomestic violence as physical abuse directed by a family member against another, or others, or several others.
The violence towards men is usually self defence. Women also tend to become violent after suffering many attacks.
The isolation, secrecy and privacy of the family creates a barrier between them and the outside. When members of the family have no where else to turn, they take it out on each other. He also disagrees with the privatised nuclear family.
Durkheim - Functionalism
The organic analogy
Murdock - Functionalism
The nuclear family is universal. Talks about the 4 functions of the family (SRSE)
Talcott Parsons - Functionalism
idolises the family and says that without the family, society wouldn’t exist. He also talk about the 2 retained functions it has. He also talks about the warm bath theory. the gendered roles, the expressive and the instrumental. He also argues that the extended family got replaced by the isolated privatised nuclear family
Cooper, Laing and esterson - Marxists
The family hinders the development of individuality
Fletcher - Marxists
doesn’t agree that its being replaced and that the other institutions are supporting it. It also has economic function as a unit of consumption.
Wilmoth - Marxist
Modified Extended Family
Murray & Marsland - New right
Critical of government welfare as it makes people lazy to provide for their family. Criticise single mothers. Believe the government should assign policies to reduce dependency culture.
Engles - Marxists
The family serves capitalism as it keeps the wealth in the hands of the bourgeoisie
Zaretsky - Marxists
Family works in interest of capitalism. as it is not seperate from capitalism it cannot act as a refuge for it. Real seperation can only occur when people find fulfillment between the two.
Althrusser - Marxists
State apparatus
Oakley - Feminist
Says that the breadwinner housewife ethic got popularised during the industrialisation. disagrees with Wilmoth’s theory of the symmetrical family as women do most of the work.
Greer pt 2 - Radical fem
Women entering relationships with men is like sleeping with the enemy.
Delph Leonard and Feeley - Feminists
Women as the safety valve.
Germaine and greer - radical feminists
Women are exploited in the family, which is a patriarchal institution. Married men are happier than married women yet women continue to romanticise marriage
Greer pt 3 - radical feminist
Marriages were more stable not because values were stronger but because women kept their mouth shut. Women must be segregated from men and live in female only household.
Criticises feminists by saying that since women are filimg most divorce petitions they can indeed leave the marriage and are not as oppressed as said to be
Lyotard and Baudrillard
People are no longer constrained by religion, family, values and class. However, people care less about trad family patterns both outside marriage and in, proven by rising divorce rates, birht outside marriage, serial monogamy etc.
The transformation of Love and plastic sexuality. Confluent love replaced romantic love.
Beck and Beck Gernsheim
Normal chaos of love Theory
Liquid Love
Criticised giddens for looking only at pure love and not involving children
Criticised Bauman for not backing up his arguments sociologically , from arguing that individuals have set themselves free from social structures and metanarratives. He argues that personal life, social and emotional relationships are still very important such as factors of class and identity.
Even though traditional family values are lost this doesn’t mean that people can do whatever they want.