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How were Japanese Americans seen before and after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
Before: ant-japanese
culminating their immigration exclusion
denial of the right to natural
in the passage of alien land laws by different states
After: distinguish between different Asians
knows who is a good or bad asian
knows who is chinese, Japanese
Franklin Delano Roosevelt sign Executive Order 9066 on February 19 1942
authorizing the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans from the west coast
media was proflic in presenting characterizations of japanese and japanese americans
forced evacuation and incarceration of japanese americans were not merely the result of anti japanese fervor created by the attack by japanese imperical foces on peral harbor
removal and incarceration of japanese americans from the west coast
mass incarceration of japanese americans during wwii into concentration camps is recognized by most and even by the US government itself as gross violation of the civil liberties of over 110,000 indiiduas based on racial prejudice and animus
concentration camp
three main ways that Japanses americans were able to leave the camps as student, military draftee or enlistee or laborer
Minoru Yasui
was a lawyer in Oregon
broke curfew and travel restrictions in order to get arrested
case went up to US supreme court
Gordon Hirabayashi
conviction for curfew violation
Fred Korematus
tried to avoid the evacuation orders
the three ways to move out of the camps
students, military enlisters, laborers,
Heart Mountain fair play committe
was an organization of draft eligble men at the Heart Mountain Relocation center that fought for the restoration of civil rights as a precondition for complying with draft orders
BY June 1944 63 individuals from Heart Mountain had been arrested. More were arrested at other camps after this date
President Truman granted them a full pardon
Mitsuye Endo
a fundamental constitutional principle
persons not charged with offenses against the law of war could not be deprived of due process of law, nor could they be denied the benefits of a trail by jury in the absence of a valid declartion of martial law
How did the incarceration change the Japanese American community after WWII
more women working
from community based economy to employment in general economy
majority women and men no longer had their farms, businesses, and financial savings
ended JA concentration in agriculture and small businesses
What was the role of the CWRIC
they recongized that massive re education and public awareness was necessary becuase so many had either not know about the incarceration or didnt see it as an issue
they were established in 1980 to explore the questions of reparations and redress
they held hearing throughout the US and heard testimonies from more than 750 witnesses
what is the status today of the 1944 Korematsu US Supreme Court decision
filed in three different district court
remians as precdent the court has pointed to the value it has in terms of legal and histroical precedent
issuel a formal apolye
what was the basis for the overturning of korematsu covictions in 1983
use strategy that explain the mistakes was made
Korematus was gravely wrong the day it was decided has been overrules in the court of history