Public Relations UARK
1: Advancing the concept that business and industry should align themselves with the public interest
2: Dealing with top executives and carrying out no program without the active support of management
3: Maintain open communications with news media
4: Emphasizing the necessity of humanizing business and making PR community
Public interest
Employers self interest
Standards of the public relations profession
Personal values
Changing mindset of practitioners without formal education in PR
A standardized curriculum/ establishing PR as an academic discipline
Expanding body of knowledge
Professional accreditation
Preview course: readiness questionnaire; portfolio
2.5 hour exam 4-step (30%), ethics/law (15%) theory (15%), business literacy (10%), management (10%), crisis (10%), media relations (5%), IT (2%), history/current issues (2%), advanced communication skills (1%)
4,000 APR to date, 20% of membership