release of eggs and also growth and matuirty of eggs
prepares lower reproductive tract for breeding
affects behaviour as it makes her more attractive and receptive to males
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progesterone affect on behaviour
enhances the effect of oestrogen
reproductive symptoms ?
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testotrerones affect on behaviour
sex drive
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what are fixed action patterns
instinctive responses that are activated by a sign stimulus or releaser
example - red dot on the end of herring gull beak is a releaser - chicks see it and peck for food
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fixed action pattern is geese
sight of something round or egg shaped (releaser) causes them to start rolling it toward nest
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external influences of behaviour
other or same species
food availability
change in social group
changes in environment
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Darwins theory
the process of one species turning into another is called evolution
natural selection is survival of the fittest, they will go on to reproduced meaning a healthy and well adapted population
healthist and best suited to environment survive
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what are ultimate causes
are those concerned with the fitness consequences of a trait or behaviour and wether it is or is not selected
thye address evolutionary function - the why questions
longer term causes - evolutionary drive be
more lions hunting together ensures more lions within the pride survive and pass on their genes
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what are proximate causes
those concerned with mechanisms that underpin the trait or behaviour
the way in which functionality is achieved - the how question
short term causes - function, physiological that drives the behaviour
working together ensures that the lion uses less energy and can hunt larger prey
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what is nature vs nurture
the degree to which an individuals physical and behavioural characteristics are terminated by its genetic inheritance (nature) or its environment (nurture)
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nature (nature vs nurture)
provides an animal with instinctive behaviours
eg and animals is genetically predisposed to behave in a certain way
this behaviour is mainly fixed despite environment and parental influence
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nurture (nature vs nurture)
environment will shape this in the form of learning
behaviour that is learnt either from parents siblings family or environment
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instinctive / innate behaviour
an inborn pattern of behaviour, this is characteristic of a species and often in response to specific environmental stimuli
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learned behaviour
behaviour that must be directly taught or learned from experience. it will not be learned when first exposed to the stimuli
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what ways can behaviours be developed
trial and error
observational learning
cultural behaviour
parental and social teaching
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trial and error behaviour
behaviours associated with the consequence they produce
reinforces behaviour as behaviours with good consequences are repeated, but not the ones with pleasant consequences
dangerous form of learning
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observational learning
when animal watches actions of another aniaml and then learns and copies the behaviours
blue tits teaching eahcother how to open cream bottles
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cultural behaviour
cultural learning through socially transmitted behaviours
cultural learning is a process and involves novel behaviour and other behaviours shared between groups of animals but not always the whole species
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parent/social teaching
transfer of information from a a more experienced individual to a less experienced individual
most beneficial in stable environments in which other stimuli like food or predators are not likely to change rapidly
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what is the name of the process where one species turns into another
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what is natural selection
survival of the fittest
the healthier and best suited animals go one and survive and reproduce to produce stronger and fitter babies
the process by which random evolutionary changes are selected for in a consistent orderly and non random way