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Continental Drift
The theory that states that the continents have moved over time.
Alfred Wegener
A scientist who provided evidence for continental drift.
Permian-Triassic Fossils
Fossils found across southern continents that suggest they were once joined.
Glacial Deposits
Deposits left behind by glaciers that indicate past ice ages.
Divergent Boundary
A boundary where tectonic plates are pulling apart.
Transform Boundary
A boundary where tectonic plates slide past each other.
Convergent Boundary
A boundary where tectonic plates are pushed together.
The boundary between the crust and upper mantle.
The rigid layer formed by the crust and upper mantle.
The partially molten layer below the lithosphere.
Strike and Dip
Measurements used to describe the orientation of rock layers.
A fold in rock layers where the youngest rock is in the middle.
A fold in rock layers where the oldest rock is in the middle.
Overturned Folds
Folds where the axial plane is inclined.
Water Cycle
The continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth.
The process of water turning into water vapor and entering the atmosphere.
The process of water vapor being lost to the air by plants.
The drying up of an area due to the lack of plants.
Carbon Cycle
The movement of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, and land.
Volcanic Outgassing
The release of carbon dioxide and other gases from volcanoes.
Biological Carbon
The carbon that enters biological systems through photosynthesis.
Fossil Fuels
Ancient organic materials that can be burned for energy.
The excessive growth of algae in bodies of water due to excess nutrients.
Global Air Circulation
The movement of air around the Earth due to temperature differences.
Greenhouse Gases
Gases that absorb and re-radiate heat, contributing to the greenhouse effect.
The reflectiveness of a surface.
Proxy Data
Indirect evidence used to infer past climate conditions.
Radiometric Dating
The method of dating rocks and minerals using radioactive isotopes.
Blocking Temperature
The temperature below which a mineral can retain daughter isotopes.
The study of the ancient geography of the Earth.
The study of past climates and how they have influenced the deposition of rocks.
A type of rock that forms in arid climatic conditions.
A type of rock that forms in swampy areas with high precipitation.
Rocks that primarily form in warm water environments.
Our knowledge of the past geographic arrangement of continents and land masses.
Large, under-formed portions of continents that primarily formed during the Precambrian.
Precambrian Shield
The exposed portion of a craton, such as the Canadian Shield in northeastern Canada.
Oldest Region of Crust
The Canadian Shield, which is the oldest known region of crust on Earth.
Continental Accretion
The process by which deep water sediments are added to a continent.
A type of organism that is smaller and simpler than eukaryotes, lacking organelles.
A type of organism that is larger and more complex than prokaryotes, with organelles and a nucleus.
Origin of Life
The question of where and when life first originated on Earth.
Multicellular Algae
Algae that evolved multicellularity around 580 million years ago.
Ediacaran Biota
A group of organisms that lived during the Ediacaran Period, characterized by their lack of modern phyla characteristics.
Cambrian Explosion
The rapid appearance and diversification of many modern phyla with skeletons during the Cambrian Period.
The name for the North American continent during the Cambrian Period.
Sea Level in the Cambrian Period
Sea level started low and rose throughout the period, eventually drowning most of Laurentia.
Mineralized Skeletons
Structures made of minerals, such as calcite, apatite, and silica, that provide structure and protection to organisms.
Trace Fossils
Fossilized evidence of animal activity, such as burrows or tracks.
Ordovician Period
A period of geologic time characterized by tectonic changes to Laurentia and the presence of prominent fauna such as graptolites, corals, and cephalopods.