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The Old Testament points to a _____________________ to come.
The Old Testament ends with people eagerly awaiting his arrival and then there’s silence for ________________ .
400 years
Know that Jesus came in the “_______” of time.
Know that we find the fulfillment of ______ in the New Testament.
Old Testament prophecy
Understand that the __________ and the __________ are equal in God’s word.
Old Testament (OT); New Testament (NT)
Know three reasons why we study the NT.
to avoid the tyranny of preformed personal opinion
to avoid presumptive reliance on the Holy Spirit
to enable historical-theological interpretation
Know the three catalysts leading to the development of the NT Canon of Scriptures.
the disappearance of the apostles
erring bishops
Know the heretic who came up with his own canon and excluded the Old Testament.
Know the century in which the New Testament books were finalized.
First century
Understand that we need to attempt to understand the __________ context of the Bible.
Know the three administrative districts on the West side of the Jordan River in Jesus’ time.
Know the district where Christ lived as a boy.
Know that the _________ were the most well-known religious group in Jesus’ time.
Know that the term “________” refers to the preached message of the Gospel
Know that ________ (AD 155) referred to the Gospes as “_______.”
Justin Martyr; memoirs
Know that the ________ include information that contributes to the main point they are trying to make.
Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John)
Know that 3 Gospels were written within the first 40 years after the resurrection.
Know that the term we use for the way the Holy Spirit worked with the human authors of the Bible is called the “______________________.”
plenary verbal inspiration theory
We need to remember these three things about the writing of the Gospels.
1. It took place while eyewitnesses were still alive.
2. Three out of the four Gospels are directly linked to the apostles.
3. God had his hand in the whole process.
In the Book of _______, Christ is in control at all times but never at the expense of his compassion and mercy.
There is no historical debate as to the authorship of the Book of ________.
Know that one of the themes in Matthew is that Jesus is the _________________.
fulfillment of God’s intention
Matthew shows us that Jesus is the _______________.
Savior of the world
Matthew shows Jesus as the ultimate: _____________________.
teacher, preacher, and healer
Matthew emphasizes that ______ is the final _________ to his people.
Jesus; Word of God
Know that the Gospel of Mark is the _______ Gospel.
Know that Mark is action paced and reads like a “_________.”
short story
Know that ____ was probably the _____ Gospel written.
Mark; first
Know that ____ was probably written in a concise way to get the message out _______.
Mark; quickly
Know that ____ received his information from ______.
Mark; Peter
Know that ____ was probably the figure known in the Book of Acts for disappointing ____ by leaving during his ___________________.
Mark; Paul; first missionary journey
Know that the Gospel of ____ is addressed to a man named ___________.
Luke; Theophilus
Know that ____ is written as a unit with the _____________.
Luke; Book of Acts
Know that ____ wants the recipient of his letter to know that his faith rests of _______________.
Luke; historical facts
All people are lived by ___ and prospective recipients of _________.
God; salvation
Know that the first three Gospels are referred to as the “_________” because they write from a similar perspective.
Know that the Gospel of ____ is written from a different prospective from the other Gospels.
Know that ____ makes clear that _____ is nothing less than God incarnate.
John; Jesus
John portrays Jesus as the fulfillment of humanity’s “_______________.”
Hopes and Needs
Know that the nature of faith in the Gospel of ____ is _____________.
John; action oriented
Know that _____ came primarily as a Preacher-teacher delivering his message in spoken fashion to his _________.
Jesus; hearers
Know that _____ was intent on rocking people out of their familiar ___________.
Jesus; complacency
Know that a _______ is an allegorical story and that Jesus sometimes used object lessons.
Know that _____ spoke on the basis of Scripture and his ___________.
Jesus; own authority
Know that _____ was offering himself to those he spoke to beyond just the ____ of what he was saying.
Jesus; facts
Know that _____ taught on his own relation to the ________________.
Jesus; Kingdom of God.
Know that Jesus taught about the ___________, his ____________, and the ___________.
end of the age; second coming; life to come