study of humans and their values through grammar, history, philosophy, rhetorics, poetry, politics
father of humanism, believed education makes people better, wrote Africannus
Giovanni Boccaccio
wrote the Decameron, spreads humanism to Europe, inspiring Shakespeare to start Renaissance
by Giovanni Boccaccio, marks beginning of literary Renaissance
artist of first true Renaissance painting
artist of the Academy, classic Roman design
greatest painter of Venice, and the first painter to have mainly international clientele
Florence, Venice, Milan
take over governments by owning merchants, production center, important to Renaissance bc provides alot of $$
support that kings give to artists such as musicians, painters, and sculptors. They do this to make them seem even more rich and powerful
Borgia family
heavily involved with the church and politics, Pope Borgia dad of Lucrezia
Lucrezia Borgia
sleeps around, doesnât need to elevate status (already has high one), doesnât stay married for long, was Pope when her dad left
Caterina Sforza isâŠ
represents humanistic and Renaissance ideals bc she wants power
Pope Alexander VI
head Pope, very rich, can marry and annuled Lucrezia marriage, elected to be Pope by College of Cardinals
religion rooted in nature and indigenous people practice it
Isabella of Castile
Queen at 23, married to King Ferdinand, unite their kingdoms=Spain, known as Catholic Monarch
Ferdinand of Aragon
unites their kingdom to make Spain, married to Queen Isabella, known as Catholic Monarch
how was Spain formed
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella combining their kingdoms
Spanish Inquisition
court that questioned religious belief, hires lawyers to question people, if being questioned you die, all in Europe
year war waged on kingdom of Granada
war lasts 10 years, Granada surrenders, on their way home they are stopped by Christopher Columbus
why did Christopher Columbus stop Granada
wants $ to sail to India to start Crusade= induce Raptor so the Messiah would return (say yes)
why did they fund Christopher Columbus
they wanted to convert more people to Christianity
Conquest of Granada in 1492
Isabella giving Christopher Columbus support and permission to explore overseas
why was Granada attacked
they were Muslim and they needed to further unify Spain
1492 Edict of expulsion against the Jews
Ferdinand and Isabella forced Jews to convert to Christianity and they would be kicked out of Spain
The Olmec civilization
Meso- American established, came from jungled along Gulf of Mexico
Olmec Colossal Heads
giant stone boulders with elite warriors buried with them
elite warriors
half man, half jaguar and attacks victims (all Mayans in high class are this)
Olmec religion
polytheistic, giving sacrifices to the earth, water, fire, and agricultural fertility gods.
YucatĂĄn Peninsula
where the Mayans are, technological and cultural backwater (backwards), separates Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea.
fields curated by controlled fire (takes a long time and not productive)
important Mayan city, unorganized, large city, no roads, or walls =easy to invade
greatest and most important city (85-100 thousand people), big trading place
Temple of the Sun God
sacred religious temple
Aztec founding myth
tribal leader, Huitzilopochtli,told that his people should settle where they saw an eagle on a cactus with a snake in its beak. The Aztecs arrived at a lake, saw the symbol and settled in Tenochtitlan.
created to make fertilizing easier, 6-7 harvests a year, got alot of food so could focus on warfare
Temple of Huitzilopochtli (sun god) and Tlaloc (rain god)
double temple, where they would sacrifice humans
(below temple) where heads were put on a stake, had games to decide who would be sacrificed Motecuhzoma
Motecuhzoma II
was more interested in religion than warfare, wants to reform gov, reduces court officials, manipulated by Hernan
Bernardino de SahagĂșn
monk, languist, goes to New Spain to covert indigenous people into Christianity, he is translator for them
why did Bernardino de SahagĂșn journal
to have data of Aztec life and culture before they were influenced by Spain
what is the Florentine Codex
journal of Aztecâs life, culture, and language
who tried to destroy the Florentine Codex
King Philip II
Hernån Cortés
from Spain, tries to take Aztec Empire, destroys Tenochtitlan by spreading small pox