germinal stage
The period from conception to implantation
embryonic stage
The prenatal period of development from implantation until abt the 8th week of development
XY or XX
determines the gender of the baby
amniotic sac
The environment that the baby lives in, gets nutrition from the placenta, permeable
umbilical cord
delivers nutrition to baby
examples of reflexes
-rooting (if you touch a baby’s check they will turn and suck on the air there)
-withdrawal (stick a pin in a baby’s foot and they should move away from the pain)
-moro (hold a baby and pretend to drop it, they want to see a big startle response from it)
-babinski (run a pen down a baby’s foot and its toes should spread and flatten (prep for walking)
Apgar test
test of reflexes on babies, it’s an innate reaction and if they don’t do it then they could figure out how to do early intervention on them
fixation time
- The amt of time spent looking at one stimulus instead of another
- 2-month old infants prefer stimuli that resemble a human face
visual cliff experiments
- 6-8 month old infants develop depth perception and avoid crawling off the “cliff”
- new baby will crawl over plexiglass but veteran crawler will stop at invisible cliff
Piaget, Freud, Kohlberg & Ericson
stage theorist (development is discontinuous)
Watson & Skinner
learning theorists/behaviorists (development is continuous)
Piaget’s Cognitive-Developmental Theory
children’s cognitive processes develop in an orderly sequence of stages (noticed kids were making the same mistakes at the same age)
responding to new stimuli through a reflex or existing habit
pattern of action/mental structure involved in acquiring or organizing knowledge
creation of new ways of responding to objects or looking at the world
Sensorimotor Stage
- Piaget’s theory stage 1
- sensory info, motor activity, exploration, modifying behavior through senses (frown, soothing voice)
- A newborn is capable of assimilation
- object permanence (by abt 8-12 months of age the infant realizes that objects that are removed from sight still exist)
Preoperational Stage
- Piaget’s theory stage 2
- the use of words and symbols to represent objects and relationships among them
- egocentrism (kid thinks world revolves around them)
- animism (attribute life and consciousness to physical objects like imaginary friends)
- artificialism (belief that environmental events like rain/thunder are human inventions)
- conservation (basic properties of substances remain the same hen you change superficial properties such as shape like water)
- objective responsibility (child judges ppl based on amt of harm done, not intent like child is tripped by someone and falls vs. falls on accident and skins knee)
Concrete Operational Stage
- Piaget’s theory stage 3
- kids ages 7-12 show the beginnings of the capacity for adult logic
- do better with tangible rather than abstract ideas
- become subjective in their moral judgements, less egocentric
- reversibility (recognition that processes can be reversed like ice melting and then freezing again)
Formal Operational Stage
- deductive logic, mental trial/error, abstract thought
- capable of hypothetical & deductive reasoning
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
- one must pay attention more to one’s own conscience than to law/authority in determining what is right and wrong
- sequence: preconventional, conventional, postconventional
- Heinz dilemma (poor man can’t afford treatment to cure wife so he stole it)
Kohlberg Preconventional level
Applies to most children through the age of 9
Stage 1- obedience & punishment
Stage 2 – Good behavior allows ppl to satisfy needs of self/others
Kohlberg Conventional level
Moral reasoning is judged by conformity to conventional standards of right and wrong
Stage 3 – moral behavior meets the expectations of others
Stage 4 – moral behavior is doing duty and showing respect for authority
Kohlberg Postconventional level
Moral reasoning is more complex and focuses on dilemmas in which individual needs are pitted against the need to maintain social order and on personal conscience
Stage 5 – moral judgments based on rules that maintain social order
Stage 6 – ppl must follow universal ethical principles & own conscience
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
- social and emotional development in childhood
- attachment
- 8 stages of human life
if one fails at the conflict in any stage, they wont properly develop the skill acquired in that stage
Stage 1: Trust vs Mistrust
- babies depend on their caretakers therefore their trust is based on the care they receive
Stage 2: Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt
- development of self-control
leads to independence (ex. potty training)
- if not completed can lead to dependence and self esteem issues
Stage 3: Initiative vs Guilt
- use their power and control as they interact socially with other kids in play situations
- leadership skills
if not, then leads to guilt & lack of initiative
Stage 4: Industry vs Inferiority
- getting involved in tasks and mastering basic technology
- gain confidence & pride in their actions/accomplishments (ex. participation trophies)
if not, then they will doubt themselves
Stage 5: Identity vs Role diffusion
- adolescence
- use social experiences to create career goals & sense of self
- strong in indentity and stay true to themselves
if not, then leads to “role confusion”
Stage 6: Intimacy vs Isolation
- young adult
- relationships develop & sexual love
- intimacy and strong relationships
if not, then leads to isolation
Stage 7: Generativity v Stagnation
- middle adult
- guiding others & being creative
- individuals trying to better society
- accomplishment OR no involvement with society/others
could lead to mid life crisis
Stage 8: Integrity vs Despair
- late adult
- accepting life’s cycle
- wisdom & dignity
if not, then leads to feeling as though they have wasted their life and will be despaired
patterns of attachment
- secure (mild protest mother’s departure, kids are happier, more sociable and cooperative)
- avoidant (least distressed by mother’s departure, play by themselves & ignore mother’s return)
- ambivalent/resistant (most emotional showing severe signs of distress by mother’s departure, alternate between clinging and pushing mother away)
3 Stages of Attachment
- Initial-Preattachment phase (indiscriminant attachment)
- Attachment-in-the-making phase (preference for familiar figures)
- Clear-cut-Attachment phase (intensified dependence on primary caregiver)
Theories of Attachment
- learned through experience
- skin contact
- it is an instinct
critical period in which animal is sensitive to stimuli (if it moves it must be mother)
also called imprinting
Rhesus monkey experiment
- research with the wire mesh and terrycloth mothers demonstrated that monkeys in danger prefer the terrycloth mother
inborn need for contact comfort
Aspects of parental behavior
demands for a child to achieve intellectual, emotional and social maturity
communication ability
warmth & involvement
Parenting styles
- Authoritative (strict but willing to listen, most competent kids)
- Authoritarian (strict and use force, poor communication, cold/rejecting)
- Permissive (easygoing, warm and supportive, poor communication)
- Uninvolved (leave kids on their own, little warmth/encouragement)
Adolescense (storm and stress)
- period of transition
Adolescence: Cognitive
- Piaget’s stage of Formal Operations
abstract thought
- Adolescent Egocentrism
press for acceptance
- imaginary audience
- personal fable
imaginary audience
belief that other ppl are as concerned with our thoughts/behavior as we are
personal fable
- belief that our feelings/ideas are special
- we are unique
- showing off & taking risks
Adolescence: Moral
- Kohlberg’s post-conventional level of moral reasoning
- conscience is the highest moral authority
Adolescence: Social and Emotional
- need to take into account individual differences and cultural variations
- deaths result from: crashes, homicide, suicide, other
- sociocultural influences have a greater impact on activity levels than hormonal changes
Adulthood: Cognitive
- height of creativity, memory functioning & intelligence
- everything declines with age
crystallized intelligence
represents a lifetime
Adulthood: Social and Emotional
- most fluid
- healthier as they advance
- more productive and have better relationships
Erikson Adulthood
- young (intimacy vs isolation)
- middle (generativity vs stagnation)
- late (ego integrity vs despair)
5 stages of dying