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▪ Bundled operating system (OEM) whenever you purchased a personal computer (desktop or laptop).
▪ Familiarity
▪ Hardware compatibility
▪ Software compatibility
▪ Cheaper cost
▪ Illegal use of the software (Piracy)
Microsoft Windows has become a popular OS for the following reasons:
Computer Operating Systems
These usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change operating systems.
Apple Macintosh
It is a line of personal computers (PCs) designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc.
This was the first mass-market personal computer featuring a graphical user interface, built-in screen and a mouse.
Steve Jobs
Who introduced the Macintosh on January 24, 1984 during the Super Bowl event.
Apple Lisa
Prior to the Macintosh developer team, others had already tried to design a computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface – one year before Apple did, with its own business computer _____, which retailed for 10,000 dollars. However, It lacked the necessary programs to induce the business world to buy it in large numbers.
Jef Raskin (1970s)
The Macintosh project started in the late _____ with ______, an Apple employee, who envisioned an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer. He wanted to name the computer after his favorite type of apple, the McIntosh, but the name had to be changed for legal reasons.
April 1st, 1976
When was Apple Computer Company founded?
Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne
Who were the three founders of Apple Computer Company?
Where did Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne first met at a job?
Where did Steve Wozniak work before Apple?
Homestead High School in Cupertino, California.
What school did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak studied at?
Jobs’s automobile and Wozniak’s programmable calculator
What was Job’s and Wozniak’s initial capital came from?
Ronald Wayne
He provided the original venture capital and professional guidance that launched Apple.
Ronald Wayne
He also created the first illustrations of the Apple logo (known as Apple Newton).
Rob Janoff
He created the logo for Apple way back in 1977, when he was approached by Regis McKenna to be his art director, and was tasked to design the logo for Apple Computer.
Alan Turing
He is considered by many to be the father of modern computer science as the world knows it. He formed the concept of the algorithms and computations with one of his inventions, the Turing machine
Public Beta: "Kodiak"
Version 10.0: "Cheetah"
Version 10.1: "Puma"
Version 10.2: "Jaguar"
Version 10.3: "Panther"
Version 10.4: "Tiger"
Version 10.5: "Leopard"
Version 10.6: "Snow Leopard“
Version 10.7: "Lion"
Version 10.8: "Mountain Lion"
Version 10.9: "Mavericks"
Version 10.10: "Yosemite"
Version 10.11: "El Capitan"
Version 10.12: “Sierra”
Version 10.13: “High Sierra”
Version 10.14: “Mojave
Version 10.15: “Catalina“
What were the versions of MAC OS-X?
Apple shortened the name Macintosh to "OS-X" in..?
then changed it to "macOS" in ____, adopting the nomenclature that they were using for their other operating systems, such as iOS for mobile devices, watchOS for their Apple Watch, and tvOS for Apple TV.
November 12, 2020
In ______, macOS Big Sur was released. The major version number is changed, for the first time since "MacOSX" was released, making it macOS 11.
macOS Sequoia (ver 15)
This is the twenty-first and current major release of Apple's macOS operating system, the successor to macOS Sonoma. It was announced on June 10, 2024.
Microsoft Windows
It is a computer operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation to run on personal computers that features the first graphical user interface for IBM-compatible PCs.
Paul Allen and Bill Gates
Microsoft Corporation was founded by _________ on April 4, 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
November 10, 1983
Microsoft Windows began in Plaza Hotel, New York City on the _________ when two Microsoft founders Paul Allen and Bill Gates officially announced their corporation’s first and next-generation graphical user interface operating system – Microsoft Windows.
October 5, 2021
Microsoft launched Windows 11 on ___+__ as a free upgrade
Microsoft Teams integration
Xbox tech for better gaming
Better virtual desktop support
Easier and better multitasking
Microsoft Copilot
What are the 7 new Features of Microsoft Windows
It is one of the most reliable, secure and worry-free operating systems available. It is a family of open-source operating systems, which means they can be modified and distributed by anyone around the world.
Linus Benedict Torvalds
He is a Finnish computer programmer who coded/created Linux Operating System in 1991 at the age of 21.
It was written with the goal that people around the world could collaborate and create a stronger operating system for their own use.
What was Linus’ motivation to write or create Linux OS?
Distros (short for Distributions)
What are the names of the different versions of linux?
What are the most popular distributions of Linux OS?
What is the name of the penguin in Linux’ logo?
Solaris OS
It is a Unix-based operating system originally developed by SUN Microsystems.
known for its scalability and can handle a large workload and still keep operating smoothly across databases, systems and applications.
It has advanced, unique security capabilities. It can anticipate computer problems through what is known as automated self-healing. This is especially helpful for computer programmers
When did the first Sun’s OS was born which was named SunOS?
Andreas von Bechtolsheim
Vinod Khosla
Bill Joy
Scott McNealy
Who were the main founders of Solaris OS?
When did Oracle Corporation came to an arrangement to buy Sun Microsystems, owning Solaris and Sun’s Java with it?
January 2010
Oracle Solaris, as it is now known, has been owned by Oracle Corporation since Oracle's acquisition of SUN Microsystems in..?
CAD (computer aided design) applications
Stable system for databases and data centers
Intranet server as well as Internet or file server
What are the field of Applications of Oracle Solaris OS?
It is an open software created from the proprietary version of Solaris, as well as a community of users from the OpenSolaris technologies
Berkely Software Distribution
It is a discontinued operating system based on Research Unix, developed and distributed by the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) at the University of California, Berkeley.
Bill Joy
Who was the primary developer and project leader for BSD who ran the group util 1982?
DARPA (Defense Advance Research Projects Agency)
They funded the BSD project, a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.
UNIX (Uniplexed Information Computing System)
It is a multitasking, multiuser computer operating system that exists in many variants. This OS is widely used for Internet servers, workstations, and mainframe computers.
Ken Thompson
Dennis Ritchie
Who developed the original UNIX at AT&T’s Bell Labs research center?
MULTICS (Multiplexed Operating and Computing System).
They began the UNIX Project in the mid-1960s as a joint effort by General Electric (GE), Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) and Bell Laboratories. In 1969 Bell Laboratories pulled out of the project.
Brian Kernighan
He claimed that “Unics" is a term that no one can remember, and came up wit the final spelling as “UNIX”