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What are the three aspects of the self system? Briefly explain each one.
Self conceptions: how we think about ourselves, how we present ourselves to others
Self esteem: how you feel about yourself
Identity: reconciling and putting all of these pieces together
How do self conceptions change from childhood to adolescence?
Self conceptions move from concrete facts to more trait focused, abstract traits, and personality
Cooley’s looking glass self theory
explains how our self-image is shaped by our perception of how others see us
Identity starts to solidify
This is all the social component
The ideal self: who you want to be
Feared self: what we don’t like about ourselves
We wanna get away from the person we don’t want to be and become the person we do
Who are adolescents most likely to exhibit their false self to?
Romantic partners, then our parents, lastly our close friends
Clinical, social, and developmental reasons to engage in false self behavior?
To fit in and get along
Clinical reason: low self esteem, disliking or devaluing oneself
Social: to impress others
Developmental: role experimentation
Harter, Marold, Whitesell, & Cobbs, 1996
The person who went through role experimentation actually knows themselves the best and is comfortable with who they are
Role experimentation have most knowledge of true self
Role experimentation have the most psychological adjustment composite
Devalue self was the lowest in all categories, please or impress others was in the middle for each, but closer to role experimentation in knowledge of self
What contributes most to global self-esteem?
During adolescence, physical appearance in the biggest influence on self esteem
Then scholastic competence, then social acceptance, then behavioral conduct, then athletic competence
Sex and ethnic differences in adolescent self-esteem
Puberty is when when we start to see the major gap between girls and boys esteem, lasts throughout the lifetime
African-american girls have higher self esteem than white girls
Social support is stronger in black women
Bushman & Baumeister (1998): Why we shouldn’t go about making everyone feel better, participation trophies
If you threaten (buzzer noise, saying they suck) after essay, narcissists aggression increases
If you praise after essay, narcissist aggression gradually decreases
If you threaten someone with an inflated view of themselves, the more aggression they express
Narcissism is unstable, unhealthy self-esteem
Marcia’s Identity Statuses
Searched and committed to something= identity achieved
Explorer but no commitment= moratorium
No exploration and no commitment= diffusion
No exploration but committed= foreclosed
Phinney’s Ethnic Identity Status
Assimilated: strong connection to majority group and weak connection with ethnic group
Marginal: weak connection with both groups
Separated: weak connection with majority and strong connection with ethnic group
Bicultural: strong connection with both groups (best for development)
Personality trait theories (Allport)
The big 5 or the 5 factor model (OCEAN)
Basically said personality is fixed at 18
Personality and identity go hand in hand
Can attach marcia's theories to different levels of OCEAN
Influence of Environment on Personality Study
Personality at the beginning of college > 2.5 years later
Life experiences positive or negative
If you had positive events, extraversion goes up
If you had negative events, neuroticism goes up
McCrae & Costa finding
Personality fixed by age 30
How does Robins et. al. differ from McCrae & Costa
Personality can continue to change
Biggest jump, adolescence and openness changes, but stabilizes in adulthood
Social vitality peaks in adolescence and then drops off and stabilizes